Tabasco relief in Finland

The Mexican Embassy in Finland has published the following data of a bank account to which people living in Finland can donate funds earmarked for helping our brothers and sisters suffering the aftermath of the horrible floods in Tabasco.

Bank:                           Nordea

Account Holder:         Embassy of Mexico

Name of account:      Aid Tabasco/Ayuda Tabasco 2007

Account number:       182030-17582

I will publish the SWIFT & IBAN codes of the account as soon as I get them.  Many thanks to the embassy personnel that set this up in coordination with Tlatelolco over the weekend (the funds will be sent directly to Mexico City.

Update: The Mexican Embassy in Belgium also has an account, and in that case they have the information needed for overseas deposits.  All deposits to the accounts provided by Mexican embassies will be consolidated in Mexico, so it doesn't really matter where you donate, but that you do if so you wish.  Your contribution is really appreciated.

Bank: Banco Bilbao Vizcaya BBVA

Account number:  642-0021207-62

Account name:  AYUDA TABASCO 2007

Address: Franklin Roosevelt 94. 1050 Brussels.

Branch: Main branch, Brussels, Belgium.

IBAN:  BE51 6420 0212 0762