After the huge media coverage surrounding the A H1N1 situation in Mexico in April, it was a relief to see how calm everything on that front was when we were there in June & July.
The only signs I saw during our trip that anything like that had happened were info posters like the one above in some stores and the availability of hand disinfectant in many public places. The only people wearing handmasks I saw in my whole trip were Asian tourists arriving to Mexico City airport. Needless to say, neither I nor anybody I know was affected.
Since it’s summer, the situation in Mexico has calmed down, unlike what is happening in the South American winter season. I find it funny that hasn’t made the news as much.
One of my friends was working at the National Institute for Respiratory Diseases in Mexico City in the middle of the crisis. Funnily enough, he says he was not busiest during the outbreak but afterwards, to return the hospital back to normal.