- . @seetu My ideal pundit would be a mix of @Zonal_Marking and @proyectopanenka : tactical analysis and game history and culture. in reply to seetu ->
- .@seetu With a dose of humour á la @sancadilla: "Kagawa should be taken off, he looks as out of place as Ricky Martin in a Playboy party" . ->
- How to turn living cells into computers http://t.co/twbAsmdZ ->
- <evil grin> I can haz Nokia Lumia 920! </evil grin> just in time to take photos of #babychiva & #babystarwars 😉 ->
- You know it's going to be a good day when you're on your morning commute to Punavuori and the song on the radio is "I like hipster girls" 😛 ->
- Will my Xbox get banished from the living room eventually? Sad panda: http://t.co/LvUle8zr ->
- “@jowyang: Your Country's defense is pivoted on ability to Harlem Shake https://t.co/o2GY5KHq” cc @eallin in reply to jowyang ->
- Estoy viendo #DePanzazo y está para ponerse a llorar: http://t.co/BMikbDpE ->
- Indocumentados mexicanos en Finlandia: http://t.co/3ixLCU0U WTF?!?!? Acá, por como funciona el sistema, es casi imposible no tener papeles ->