- Do Brands Understand What Motivates Sharing? http://t.co/fPl2ozZpKS ->
- Obvious, but still nice: SOSTAC – how to write the perfect plan (in 4 minutes): http://t.co/waT1SmZtpk via @youtube ->
- Word / The wrong kind of Caucasian http://t.co/J4EnT7LRcO ->
- Tälläiset jutut saavat minut ajattelemaan että asun barbaarien maassa 😉 /Suomalaiset ovat kosketuskammoista kansaa: http://t.co/nWzyMZuQgS ->
- A little heavy on stereotyping, but interesting: 5 Tricks for Working With Millennials http://t.co/jGXUn8CyJg via @Inc ->
- To sit at the board table, marketers need to own P&L #MoMaMa / Introducing the Modern Marketing Manifesto http://t.co/MLFhSxlnsT ->
- I don't have time for it now, but I certainly plan to read "The sucking manifesto" http://t.co/MUGIfPqLYA via @banton ->
- Samaa etsintää täällä. Hyvät yhteydet Käpylään ja Punavuoreeen iso plussa / Asuinalue lapsiperheelle pk-seudulla? http://t.co/arYnkd0pMr ->
- Took me 10 minutes to read a tweet with a book excerpt to buy the book and start reading it… On the bus ride home 😉 ->
- Anonyymisen vihan reportaasi YLE:llä http://t.co/rill9XZTYr ->
- .@Nokia outsourcing firings (again) Ex-Nokians on chopping block as Tata Consulting sheds jobs | Yle Uutiset | yle.fi http://t.co/ElpnV3lq47 ->
- Ouch! / "Tthere's no such thing as Big Data since big companies can't handle the cultural shifts required": http://t.co/XZE4RhU70D ->
- I see my friends at @AngryBirds licensing have kept busy: http://t.co/nb2xEuQt6F 😉 ->
- 3 of 5 stars to Dying for the Truth by Blog del Narco http://t.co/IUUvcu1obs ->
- I still get annoyed when Europeans say America referring to the United States. It's a whole continent, you know? ->
- How To Think Like An Engineer By @gabestein http://t.co/C1T4C0TFJg via @FastCoLabs ->
- Hello, my name is the Czech Republic!: http://t.co/62MuG0RAu9 ->
- I am so going to read this book. If it is as interesting as I hope, I wish the rest of the world would read it: http://t.co/U1j4w8zipI ->
- Oh that refuge of tolerance that is Soini: Homot ja avioliitto eivät kuulu samaan lauseeseen | Yle Uutiset | yle.fi http://t.co/zaCUYtFtPe ->
- Blog Post: Digital shift news, April 26, 2013: Cross-posting from the Marketing Clinic blog.
For the past few … http://t.co/TpOIKxWTAu -> - My Top 3 #lastfm Artists: Daft Punk (9), Jamiroquai (2) & Rodrigo González (2) #music http://t.co/yQxooFcHlz ->