- Blog Post: Weekly tweets from 2013-12-16 to 2013-12-22: Blog Post: Weekly tweets from 2013-12-09 to 2013-12-15… http://t.co/DQzNWitZre ->
- #NowPlaying la playlist Navidad en Español en #Spotify http://t.co/Z5woOFAu9V ->
- RT @DLin71: May all of your Christmas gifts be signals of high-quality relationships. #EconChristmas ->
- RT @mims: Christmas has become huge in Asia—never mind the whole birth of Christ thing http://t.co/E8NftQKdAs ->
- RT @mims: Mash-up of every available picture of a Google Glass user reveals mathematically average glasshole http://t.co/MwSrgDmSeK ->
- RT @HubbuchNYP: "Die Hard" holiday cookies, FTW. RT @kentbabb: http://t.co/uJbAz2OhRt ->
- RT @io9: Why good triumphs over evil in Middle Earth: Evil has a Vitamin D deficiency http://t.co/4tMCVuH5VM ->
- There is conflicting evidence about Santa Claus’s travel schedule this Christmas http://t.co/HNAgcR6YjZ via @qz ->
- RT @ipaananen: Yhteishenki on aina tiukan paikan tullen ollut suomalaisten vahvuus. Me olemme olleet se paras joukkue. @f_martela http://t.… ->
- 'Star Trek' Version of 'Let It Snow' Hits Warp Speed [VIDEO] http://t.co/ibRuswmceU via @mashable ->
- The history of drinking: Uncorking the past | The Economist http://t.co/rSFeeXQTpt ->
- RT @neiltyson: Born on this day, long ago, was a man who showed us all a way to know the Cosmos. Isaac Newton, Dec 25, 1642 Lincolnshire, UK ->
- RT @BrookingsInst: As we near the 100th anniversary of World War I, today's world looks very much like the one in 1914: http://t.co/HBElvjC… ->
- Ouch / 2013 was a lost year for tech: http://t.co/YlUpontUYr ->
- In-flight wi-fi. It rocks. ->
- Tactical review of 2013: Strike partners in crime is bad news for defenders | Jonathan Wilson http://t.co/yT7YivESd0 via @guardian ->
- The 24 Most Valuable Christmas Lessons From Calvin And Hobbes http://t.co/a9Cl9xaV2b ->
- No chance to ski 🙁 /Month of December unusually warm – temps above average for the whole year | Yle Uutiset | yle.fi http://t.co/YxXErYMhLq ->
- Asia: From baby boom to bust | The Economist http://t.co/Jcg9ExEwcz ->
- I'm at Dubai International Airport (DXB) مطار دبي الدولي (Dubai) w/ 58 others http://t.co/uXt6gLzU4A ->
- Why Christmas is an agonizing time for app developers http://t.co/PgLikyNUBX via @qz ->
- Onko Suomen työkulttuuri valmis tähän? – Suomi ei elä vain vientikysynnästä http://t.co/8TluDGJ7rH ->
- A veces las noticias mexicanas dicen puras…. / Mangas del Chaleco del 27 de diciembre de 2013: http://t.co/2rH0r3AXwR via @youtube ->
- Not bad 😉 #Pureview Dubai Marina at night http://t.co/eMY6aeaxCd ->
- The best article you will read about how the mobile industry was / The Day Google Had to 'Start Over' on Android http://t.co/mFBn5IMDOA ->
- RT @nokia: Ha! Commuting.. #BeforeAndAfter http://t.co/xBODQ0BhyU ->