- Erinomainen kirjoitus! / Aina vain paranee http://t.co/iNZV5QvUai ->
- Ulkomaalainen osaaja, haluasitko työskenellä Suomessa? / EK: Suomalaiset havahtuvat eläkeongelmaan vuoden päästä http://t.co/PeKuRE50Qu ->
- RT @pippuri: Official end of an era. Thanks everyone! // RT @SymbianSigned That was it; we are officially closed. Thank you all for the pa… ->
- Another one bytes the dust / BBC News – Nokia gives deadline for Symbian apps http://t.co/ZyYZ4topEZ ->
- Ya van varios medios mexicanos que con lo de Letonia se confunden entre la Unión Europea y la zona euro… re güeyes. ->
- RT @spongefile: The countries you need a visa to visit, on a nice interactive world map. Try how changing citizenship affects things. http:… ->
- 2014: Advertising industry to see massive disruptions by Bob Greenberg of @rga http://t.co/xPPB3fBLnJ ->
- For Data junkies, this is wow 😉 / How Netflix Reverse Engineered Hollywood – Atlantic Mobile http://t.co/8jE7ecy22i ->
- The first astronauts from Finland (sort of) 😉 / Near Space Tuusula – max altitude 28.9km: http://t.co/AEETXuD4Me ->
- RT @asymco: There are two types of people in the world. http://t.co/OmhBqFXEgU ->
- The other day I tried to explain to my mom what I do for a living… I failed miserably, had to leave it as "marketing in the internet"… ->
- RT @NormaPensado: El proyecto mexicano-finlandés del EcoHostal en Calakmul, Campeche logró el fondeo necesario. Enhorabuena! ->
- RT @wonderhelm: @chivacongelado Here the picture you should have painted: http://t.co/cmrPHKga1z ->
- RT @AlArabiya_Eng: While #Dubai thrives, religious extremists destroy other #Arab nations. @FaisalJAbbas writes: http://t.co/foQgutBlzJ htt… ->
- RT @varundhanwantri: Instead of 140 characters, tweets should be limited to your IQ. ->
- I'm at Embajada Mexicana http://t.co/lRqd2A5aQj ->
- Rosca de Reyes en la Embajada de México en Abu Dabi http://t.co/cO7qzrmzyB ->
- RT @Digiday: If you can't be a startup, help grow them: Inside R/GA's Drive to Play the Startup Game http://t.co/7zXTPfmG38 ->
- RT @alexstubb: Kiitos @hsfi pääkirjoitukselle, joka puolustaa ihmisten vapaata liikkumista ja maahanmuuttoa. Toimivan yhteiskunnan peruspil… ->