- My Top 3 #lastfm Artists: Paco de Lucía (93), Bersuit Vergarabat (13) & Ricardo Modrego (12) #music http://t.co/R0Z20XEv0Z ->
- RT @CNNMex: "He visto que se pelean mi nacionalidad, pero yo soy keniana y mexicana al mismo tiempo", aseguró @Lupita_Nyongo http://t.co/c… ->
- First Lupita, then Lubezki, now we're just missing Cuarón for a Mexican night at the Oscars 😉 ->
- RT @NASA: And another win for #Gravity for film editing…here's the #RealGravity w/ real space — no edits needed: http://t.co/HEs5qvMRj8 ->
- RT @ClorofilaNortec: … and I'd like to thank Alfonso Cuaron and Emmanuel Lubezki for saying the word "Cabron", Mexico's equivalent of "Moth… ->
- RT @WIRED: Congrats to Gravity's Alfonso Cuarón for winning Best Director! Here's our interview w/him from the October issue: http://t.co/N… ->
- RT @Leon_Krauze: A universal Mexican. #Cuaron ->
- RT @PatiJinich: Alfonso Cuaron just made his wife (and so many Mexicans) so very happy and proud: and in Spanish. ->
- RT @Mileniohey: "Esto es gracias a ti mamá. Si yo estoy aquí es por ti, te amo", agradece Cuarón en español a su madre. http://t.co/elAx8tW… ->
- RT @ajcorchado: Ayyy wey, gano #Cuarón #Mexico y Mama en #Oscar. Mexico needed that! ->
- RT @damiencave: Just to linger a bit on Cuaron, he's another example of a detail many Americans forget: Hollywood is more international beh… ->
- RT @earcos: .@BostonGlobe “Latino”. Are you fucking kidding me? People outside the US also have nationalities. Not joking. He’s Mexican. ->
- RT @tonomoreno_w: POR MI RAZA HABLARA….CUARON http://t.co/XQGLXQ4JsH ->
- RT @arturovaldemar: Felicidades #AlfonsoCuarón Ahora dame chamba. Te cobro bara bara. ->
- RT @MsTaraDowdell: The original @nytimes article that inspired '12 Years a Slave,' Feb. 12, 1853 http://t.co/IcuYDvfo48 h/t @taneshia ->
- RT @NASA: Space exploration isn't fictional. It's real. Follow & see #RealGravity as we work towards an asteroid & Mars. http://t.co/PwJBop… ->
- Todella liikkuttava tarina: Arman Alizadin perhe pakeni islamisteja Suomeen http://t.co/rJ2RBcfQYp ->
- Product placement a million miles away / Ellen's preplanned Oscar selfie: a Samsung product placement http://t.co/u94LVwDFbN ->
- Some Isaac Asimov almost totally unrelated to Ash Wednesday: http://t.co/4ocku7S86s 😉 ->
- RT @AdFreak: If you've ever wondered how a Porsche would handle a ski slope, watch this. http://t.co/pFZNdKMHPI http://t.co/rB6a6zHD66 ->
- RT @mims: Weaponized capitalism made Putin blink. http://t.co/R5gLUe9ZmV ->
- RT @io9: "Save the Children" Makes a Dystopian Short Film http://t.co/mITsQ0uXzr ->
- RT @Huuhkajat: Ottelu on päättynyt. Suomi voitti maalein 2-1. Pohjanpalo ja Eremenko maalintekijät. #Huuhkajat ->
- Stereotypes & all, not only has she got the ear, but her mouth can reproduce the sounds / What Languages Sound Like http://t.co/cIrSu9kVZ2 ->
- ¡Muchas felicidades @CuaronAlfonso @emmanuellubezki ! Estábamos siguiendo el play by play de los Óscar desde Dubái. Sigan haciendo lo suyo. ->
- Ese uniforme de Charlie Brown nomás no. ¿Qué les costaba dejar la playera negra? ->
- RT @charliebhoy72: This clip of Neymar and David Luiz with the little South African kid who went on the pitch tonight is a heart-warmer htt… ->
- The way it's going Russia Today will soon have nobody left to broadcast the news in English… ->
- Not your standard science fair project / BBC News – Young scientist Jamie Edwards in atomic fusion record ->
- RT @AcademicsSay: Shit just got real. via @SciencePorn http://t.co/uLvfWcXAtX ->
- RT @Leon_Krauze: Cómo he disfrutado los comentarios al texto de ayer sobre el humor. Complemento perfecto a mi argumento. http://t.co/iKFbJ… ->
- RT @juhaf: "If you're a publisher and not thinking of #mobile, you probably should get out of the business." #atlsxsw #sxsw #media #publish… ->
- RT @SanCadilla: Y en #LaDominguera de hoy: "Por la sangre de Abdón" http://t.co/PqS8TcKxGl ->