- Blog Post: Weekly tweets from 2014-09-15 to 2014-09-21: Blog Post: Weekly tweets from 2014-09-08 to 2014-09-14… http://t.co/xOZD1UIgqO ->
- RT @Brilliant_Ads: Norlis bookstore: Unplug with a book http://t.co/lxoY6JQr59 ->
- RT @notch: We've got quantum teleportation, self-driving cars and bendable phones. We're officially in the future now! ->
- RT @jussisolja: This is how we do it in the #UAE http://t.co/FD42XgRDee #ISIS ->
- 3 of 5 stars to The Ringworld Engineers by Larry Niven http://t.co/80gmh4Mj2g ->
- Occupational Hazards of Working on Wall Street http://t.co/BPwyA944jV via @BV ->
- How Facebook and Google are taking over your online identity http://t.co/6wB7zkyaJD via @qz ->
- These numbers capture India’s historic and incredibly frugal Mars mission http://t.co/06wyWooVb0 ->
- RT @viaSimonRomero: How will this go down in Mexico? Brazil cabinet minister warns against "Mexicanization" of economy http://t.co/c0v6lqJK… ->
- RT @nunezcla: Y México cuántos migrantes deporta? http://t.co/JAg4y6E31m ->
- RT @husu78: Suomalainen tuo Tallinnasta halpaa viinaa, Afrikalainen halpaa Fantaa 😀 http://t.co/tPnUYej4LG ->
- RT @rauldsm: En Japón presentan la consulta catalana como si fuera la intro del Street Fighter http://t.co/wH2Wl2uPOl ->
- My Top 3 #lastfm Artists: Tycho (34), Lost Acapulco (17) & Los Tigres Del Norte (8) #music http://t.co/U7rYlGUjO7 ->