- Blog Post: Weekly tweets from 2015-07-27 to 2015-08-02: RT @martindelp: Me informan que los narradores jamaica… http://t.co/ZjTaDqElwR ->
- Monikielinen ja monikulttuurillinen Helsinki http://t.co/vzSM46s42A ->
- Minä olen tavallinen ihminen, joka buuasi http://t.co/lhIsfJ5pKD ->
- Obvious if there's no jobs / Over 15,000 Finnish citizens moved abroad in 2014 http://t.co/OCINQcfldi ->
- RT @BBCNewsbeat: A robot that hitch-hiked around Europe & Canada has been destroyed in America #hitchBOT http://t.co/o0BYmxIRSb http://t.co… ->
- Tule Dubaihin sitten! / Kaksi tutkintoa Suomessa saanut yhdysvaltalainen ei kelpaa työntekijäksi http://t.co/USKqidrMpM ->
- Override: A story about the future of work http://t.co/hYaXsQxcKX via @qz ->
- KSML: Liikematkustajia varoitetaan uusnatseista Suomessa | Uusi Suomi http://t.co/Xv0HLbAFQD via @uusisuomi ->
- The Mixed-Up Brothers of Bogotá – http://t.co/S0ilUYLhG4 http://t.co/vtDqThzuxB ->
- Et kai puhu perheestäni, Olli? | Mangostania http://t.co/XuWTWAifpr ->
- Immoselle vastannut bloggaaja: "Selittäkää lapsille, mistä rasismi johtuu" – Koko Hubara HSTV:n Arka paikkassa http://t.co/IQZ6EFfAkd ->
- RT @paul1kirby: "Why do all the asylum seekers come to the UK & why do we let them all stay?" They don't. We don't.
Via @DrTimLawes http:/… -> - Dispatches From The Future | Popular Science http://t.co/WPByJtdM08 ->
- Climate futures — Matter — Medium https://t.co/ot0O7BUZgJ ->
- RT @veronicalderon: Me gustaría ver el dato de la baja del paro en España contrastado con la cantidad de jóvenes que se han mudado del país… ->
- Post Microsoft, Nokia’s Transformation Looks Very Smart http://t.co/Qlxv1bs5F1 ->
- We’re Making Life Too Hard for Millennials – http://t.co/S0ilUYtGOw http://t.co/HJqYcq0pnY ->
- RT @veronicalderon: Lupita la Ajolota en Xochimilco. Gracias, @TheToriParadox. Necesitaba ver algo así ahora 🙂 http://t.co/RMOhMMhVFw ->
- RT @mareoflores: No mamen, hay que votar y apoyar y amar para siempre a @LupitaXochimilK http://t.co/5tLVcs86YG http://t.co/Wkme2zLaj5 ->
- RT @LupitaXochimilK: LUPITA, nuestra ajolotita rosa
competirá en el Yurukyara Grand Prix 2015
¡famoso concurso de mascotas en botarga de Ja… -> - RT @pictoline: A propósito del comentario de Kelly Osbourne, 8 latinos que definitivamente NO están limpiando baños en E.U. http://t.co/vK6… ->
- RT @REMEZCLA: An artist made 60 Mexican emojis we want right now http://t.co/FBuFDsrlGz http://t.co/OqBlLXP1Nu ->
- RT @Rakennusvirasto: Yksi virka-auto vähemmän. #virasto #pyöräily #Helsinki http://t.co/epxPSrOxYk ->
- Mä väistelen Suomi-leijona ja sodanajan t-paitoja / Moni maahanmuuttaja pelkää kantasuomalaisia http://t.co/1WClXjIO1x ->
- Washing dirty dishes to serving dazzling plates: Madrid chef's journey to the top http://t.co/2RFRgcNDqm ->
- RT @spongefile: Woah. Finnish schools won't teach cursive anymore: http://t.co/4hFalrd7NG ->
- RT @spongefile: Finland: People worried about immigrants taking over vs people worried about those immigrant-worried guys giving neonazis t… ->
- I didn't grow up in Finland but recognize most of these / 23 Things Everyone Who Grew Up In Finland Will Remember http://t.co/F0oGC58GiX ->
- No, Kelly Osbourne, here's what Latinos are actually doing in the American workforce http://t.co/bfivtn6RKG via @qz ->
- How Minions Destroyed the Internet @awl http://t.co/Dvi8ljGaOo ->
- Sad / Anti-Muslim Europe: Finns Would Rather Live Next To Alcoholic Rehab Center Than A Mosque, Poll Shows http://t.co/cQdmARRK6z ->
- La revolución de los rancheros http://t.co/Ff6BshyyUX via @juanfutbol ->
- RT @DepressedDarth: The evolution of the trooper http://t.co/vG8PWOj7m7 ->
- Wanted: Culturally Diverse professionals in Finland / http://t.co/O1ryU9SsPD ->
- RT @qz: #ILookLikeAnEngineer challenges sexism and showcases real women in tech http://t.co/GTSy0aGJrI ->
- Ouch / Tutkija: Suomella edessä suurtyöttömyys | Kauppalehti http://t.co/SeywRaY9dZ ->
- RT @veronicalderon: #TacoAlert #Trump https://t.co/WD9iopavDt ->
- RT @mcgregor_ewan: BURRO. There now you know Spanish is real. X. https://t.co/ohjgMphEuD ->
- The Point of No Return: Climate Change Nightmares Are Already Here | Rolling Stone http://t.co/rLtTJF8kKH ->
- RT @mediotiempo: ¡Y con ustedes, el 'Club Súper Subcampeones de la @CBrLibertadore'! Así lo dibuja @Qucho http://t.co/tVrAZr709n http://t.c… ->
- RT @TheEconomist: A UAE construction firm benefits from the “Dubaisation” of the Middle East http://t.co/DB43X83V6C http://t.co/N6bQvFV6Jy ->
- Mielenkiintoinen / Kahden kerroksen kotimaa – Mielipide – Turun Sanomat http://t.co/HWUmIL42VC ->
- Turha syyttää euroa | Talouden tulkki http://t.co/LOyaVS9CAe ->
- RT @pmarca: OH: "Trump is like an Internet comments section decided to run for President." ->
- 🙁 / Pahan miehen pako – huumeparoni El Chapo murhaa, lahjoo, salakuljettaa ja on monien meksikolaisten sankari
- Liian iso annos Suomea tuo kamalan krapulan http://t.co/53NaqZUWyO ->
- Entire airBaltic crew caught over alcohol limit http://t.co/8BUFoUrnNE ->
- Doesn't sound good for the Republicans / Piñatas de Trump, vendidas, agotadas y en "espera" http://t.co/0BKzIoHZRq ->
- RT @LaTascaLore: Migración a ciegas, historias de venezolanos que llegan a trabajar en lo que sea y sin papeles a Chile http://t.co/IDd32MG… ->