- Blog Post: Weekly tweets from 2015-11-30 to 2015-12-06: Blog Post: Weekly tweets from 2015-11-23 to 2015-11-29… https://t.co/NKwbdzzkuY ->
- Teille ei ehkä tarkoittaa paljoakaan, mutta tää liikutti kyyneliin #kaksimaalainen #joulurauhaa https://t.co/7bdDyUPFru ->
- Listening to @_DaveWalters talk about digital trends with @Silverpop ->
- #suomimainittu Developed in Finland / There is now an app to block anything related to Donald Trump https://t.co/8zeMqVVtBo ->
- I find it hilarious that marketing is now IT. Back in the day, people thought I was nuts for studying both. ->
- RT @Silverpop: What can marketers expect in 2016? Check out these 10 trends: https://t.co/LiV6mbdGIf #NewWayToEngage https://t.co/cC4sqSRUpW ->
- 09.12.2015 21:13… #Running 8.6 km in 00:44:47 https://t.co/oOVRIl1PTa tracked with #sportstracker ->
- RT @stressfree: I just published “Why I’m giving away my Trump blocker app for free” https://t.co/iW1sq3Kewd ->
- RT @eperea: ¡Bravo! El @senadomexicano aprobó la ley propuesta por @ASEM_Socios y @SE_mx para abrir
#empresasen1diaycosto0 https://t.co/mJD… -> - Yes, please. Haven't seen snow in three years / Good chance of a white Christmas! https://t.co/omEHQqtG1Z ->
- Ouch / Nordea forecasts continued slump for Finnish economy https://t.co/DOgJla9iKL ->
- Boom! / Diversity Makes You Brighter https://t.co/TWOXqv5WJJ ->
- Stephen Colbert Uses His Extensive Tolkien Knowledge in the Name of Justice | https://t.co/LD0kWUrRo9 https://t.co/tQcAMl8cAw ->
- What the world will be like in 30 years, according to the US government's top scientists https://t.co/PU89DXoXvi via @ ->
- Voi v… / Ulkomaalaistaustaisen perheen arkea Suomessa: Lapsia haukutaan apinoiksi, päälle syljetään: https://t.co/FplDCfQ8DK ->
- 13.12.2015 18:04… # 0.9 km in 00:05:04 https://t.co/yoGFpx84rj tracked with #sportstracker ->
- 13.12.2015 20:11… #Running 7.6 km in 00:42:21 https://t.co/0RPIgdpsbX tracked with #sportstracker ->