- Blog Post: Weekly tweets from 2016-03-14 to 2016-03-20: Blog Post: Weekly tweets from 2016-03-07 to 2016-03-13… https://t.co/QPVCv6ztQZ ->
- RT @tnyCloseRead: Smart piece by @adamdavidson on Trump's rentier world view. (The madness of Manhattan real estate explains a lot.) https:… ->
- RT @SarcasticRover: If people could see how small and fragile the world is, I think they’d stop trying to blow it up. https://t.co/E25PGtCS… ->
- RT @pictoline: 😔 #JeSuisBruxelles #PrayForBelgium https://t.co/vD67l90vU5 ->
- First Istanbul, now Brussels. What's wrong with these people? #JeSuisBruxelles #IstanbulBombing https://t.co/GY0aV8OgBF ->
- RT @neiltyson: Not that anybody asked, but Gregorian calendar rules unintentionally prevent eclipses from ever occurring on Easter Sunday ->
- 27.03.2016 20:10… #Running 7.2 km in 00:40:45 https://t.co/aqTbteCWBJ tracked with #sportstracker ->