- RT @apchavira: O de una sociedad que vive en una ciudad y como «no está de acuerdo con pagar la tenencia» mejor registra sus autos en Morel… ->
- RT @Snowden: #FaceID
Good: Design looks surprisingly robust, already has a panic disable.
Bad: Normalizes facial scanning, a tech certain… -> - RT @ComicPrintingUK: Is… Apple threatening me? https://t.co/3fPExTqJ4f ->
- RT @EylerWerve: New Atlassian logo is nice, but I always felt their human figure being crushed by burdens they cannot escape really told th… ->
- RT @kaliouby: Wow. Unconscious bias: People who thought the baby was a girl thought she was afraid; angry if they thought it's a baby boy #… ->
- RT @fjord: "More than half of school kids will be employed in jobs that don't exist yet. It's time to rethink how we think about work." @za… ->
- RT @fjord: What is #ServiceDesign? Here's a short video by #FjordLondon to explain, using an example we all know & love: coffee https://t.c… ->
- RT @fjord: "Bots are not a solve-all. You need to ask if it's the right tool." @paigemaguire14 on why (and why not) to create a #chatbot #F… ->
- RT @pictoline: Entendiendo las costumbres mexicanas:
Una guía básica para turistas, extranjeros y perdidos 🙃 https://t.co/ZYYh417Lfc ->
- RT @TheEconomist: The world’s most valuable resource is no longer oil, but data https://t.co/A0n0wxG1Bm ->
- RT @rajsivaraman: DO NOT HELP GOOGLE FIND SARAH CONNER. https://t.co/Iz3ruqbGGs ->
- RT @TheMexLondoner: BBC Mundo – El secreto de los mexicanos para sobrevivir a huracanes de categoría 5 y a otros desastres – https://t.co/Q… ->
- RT @JussiPullinen: Ison uutistilanteen aikana (nyt Lontoo): https://t.co/rDw0boRMaO ->
- RT @TerribleMaps: Antarctica, the confusing continent. https://t.co/wzif7YBtWn ->
- RT @pictoline: Desde la torta hasta el taco: pocas cosas enorgullecen tanto a los mexicanos como su comida 🇲🇽 ❤️ 🌮
- RT @veronicalderon: Viva la Independencia de México. 207 años de éxitos. *ironía* ->
- RT @chrissiemurray: Appropriate New York City send off from Fifth Av. #VivaMéxico. https://t.co/i1j9Ukd2Nx ->
- RT @EmbaMexFin: ¡El Embajador @EmbCespedes dio el #Grito en Helsinki, #Finlandia! 🇲🇽 #VivaMéxico https://t.co/GE66VL9xvK ->
- RT @veronicalderon: Solo una cosa. Los gobiernos de México confunden que criticar a sus gobiernos es "criticar a México". Eso no es así. El… ->
- RT @lauralaa: Tärkein onnistumisen mittari on asiakaskokemus sanoo @ReijoKarhinen #polku2020 -tapahtumassa. Niin totta ja siksi #lovethisjo… ->
- RT @antti_maatta: @ReijoKarhinen : "finanssialalle on käymässä kuten valokuvaukselle" sopii myös moneen muuhun toimialaan #polku2020 https:… ->
- RT @ReijoKarhinen: .@masapeura @OP_Ryhma Masa,yllätit jopa minut. Olet tiimisi kanssa luonut valtavasti uutta. Tosi hieno fiilis #polku2020… ->
- RT @masapeura: @ReijoKarhinen @OP_Ryhma Kiitos kuuluu supertähdille OP-Labissa, UL:ssä ja osaajille laajasti @OP_Ryhma :ssä ->
- To boldly go where no sane person has gone before https://t.co/7yXKEIarIK ->
- RT @ChrisAlders: Harari: 'We're the most advanced animals due to our ability to work together in large numbers'. So, why do want single pre… ->
- RT @ChrisAlders: Our world is ruled by (mainly male) narcissistic individuals. Why not diverse teams without personal agendas? ->
- RT @EmpireStateBldg: We’re recreating the Mexican flag in lights tonight as we shine for #MexicanIndependenceDay and The Mexican Cultural I… ->
- RT @LeonKrauze: Viva el México que todavía puede ser. ->
- RT @LeonKrauze: Un país que agrede, explota y mata a sus mujeres; un país que no sabe proteger a sus mujeres es un país suicida. #MaraCasti… ->
- RT @ChrisKempshall: In many ways #Cassini died a true #academic's death. Crushed by overwhelming pressure after 20 years on the same projec… ->
- RT @pictoline: “Alta traición”
por José Emilio Pacheco https://t.co/Wq422fS3A6 ->
- RT @EmbaMexFin: Happy Independence Day of #Mexico! 🇲🇽 Watch this video to see how the Mexican flag has changed over the years! 👇 #VivaMéxic… ->
- RT @Chivas: #DaleRebaño ¡Grítalo ChivaHermano! Así la puso Godínez en el ángulo para estrenarse como goleador en Primera División. #Cantera… ->
- RT @AndriErlingsson: Yesterday, Iceland's government convened for the first time after the summer break.
At midnight the next day, the gov… ->
- 5 of 5 stars to Beginning Operations by James White https://t.co/VJVkdljKff ->