- RT @PetteriOrpo: Oikea päätös poliisilta takavarikoida natsiliput. Veteraanit eivät taistelleet siksi, että natsiliput saisivat liehua. Its… ->
- RT @tomb8man: It’s #IndependenceDay in Finland – I’ve been out following the far-right and anti-fascist marches that have become a part of… ->
- RT @RoyEriksson1: Hoy hemos celebrado la independencia de Finlandia en la residencia. Fue un gusto platicar con tantos amigos de mi pais. V… ->
- RT @christogrozev: and you think @bellingcat are good at tracking down Russians? This Russian woman was dumped, 3 kids and all, by her husb… ->
- RT @brigitakrasniqi: Olipa ristiriitaisia tunteita eilen.
Ylpeä suomalaisuudestani ja Suomesta. Samaan aikaan oksetti hakaristiliput ja s… ->
- RT @TheEconomist: Angola’s go-to app for delivering live goats to your door https://t.co/gJcyABqlrr ->
- RT @miseleccionmxEN: A
that shook
up.. (literally)!
__| |__
… ->
- RT @ianbremmer: And so it begins. https://t.co/eBYuqLO8KX ->
- RT @veronicalderon: Latinoamérica es esa región del mundo que habla español y que nadie entiende. Aquí no hay "izquierda" o "derecha". Solo… ->
- Just watched @ROMACuaron. Holy shit. The reviews are on the money. Wow. https://t.co/HrlI1F96dq ->
- RT @katelinthicum: Mexico, where your pilot interrupts the flight to give you the score of the América/Pumas game.
- RT @PandaFeroce: Todo muy bien explicado, sólo falta el principal punto de esta crisis y que no es precisamente sólo de ecología. La princi… ->
- RT @WWIIpix: This day in 1939, begin of the Battle of Suomussalmi, ending in a major, important Finnish victory against superior Soviet for… ->
- RT @Red_2_1: @WWIIpix Suomussalmi-Raate part starts around 5min 13 sec.
Video is Finnish defence forces newsreel from Winter war
https://t.… -> - RT @Channel4News: "I think you would mess it all up for us, the way you have messed it all up for yourselves."
Heidi Nordby Lunde, preside… ->
- RT @benedictevans: Apple has now shipped the EKG heart monitor app for the new Watch. We get blasé about this stuff so quickly, but it’s st… ->
- RT @amandadeibert: It’s December 7th which means I will once again tell my familiy’s #PearlHarbor story. Mostly it is a story about the tot… ->
- RT @vpkivimaki: Award for 'Most gorgeous rocket artillery photo of the week' goes to… https://t.co/st34vtIFTT ->
- Pedradota, jajajajajajajaja https://t.co/YRuCKAT13f ->
- RT @ErsteGroup: What would Christmas be without love? #believeinlove #believeinchristmas #believeinyourself https://t.co/QGTNB2rQWt https:/… ->
- RT @EileenTruax: Y tú que no puedes decirle adiós a tu novio el inútil. https://t.co/oZzQQ3QGpJ ->
- Didn’t think about it when I was doing it, but today’s run looks a little bit like a map of #Finland #Suomi101 en A… https://t.co/MEqEGYqibT ->
- RT @JorgeDiazHenry1: Meteorito esta madrugada en Xochimilco. #CDMX #meteorito #nomames @NTelevisa_com @Televisa @postandfly @elivanmacias #… ->
- RT @a7_FIN_SWE: You knever knew this about the Baltic Sea
https://t.co/RHLffLkXgl ->
- RT @HydroRayz: “Part of the journey is the end.”
It’s the perfect time to do this again before #AvengersEndgame https://t.co/tkAQz3Vq0H ->
- RT @ali__zs: When you want that insurance money #Paris #GiletsJaunes https://t.co/6FQ0iDuVzW ->
- RT @jorgesuarezv: Está es la mejor explicación que encontrarán sobre el desastre que se detona con la cancelación del nuevo aeropuerto(y ap… ->
- RT @mikko: Happy 25th birthday to DOOM! https://t.co/kBGZetMKYo ->
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Weekly tweets from 2018-12-03 to 2018-12-09
- RT @PetteriOrpo: Oikea päätös poliisilta takavarikoida natsiliput. Veteraanit eivät taistelleet siksi, että natsiliput saisivat liehua. Its… ->
- RT @tomb8man: It’s #IndependenceDay in Finland – I’ve been out following the far-right and anti-fascist marches that have become a part of… ->
- RT @RoyEriksson1: Hoy hemos celebrado la independencia de Finlandia en la residencia. Fue un gusto platicar con tantos amigos de mi pais. V… ->
- RT @christogrozev: and you think @bellingcat are good at tracking down Russians? This Russian woman was dumped, 3 kids and all, by her husb… ->
- RT @brigitakrasniqi: Olipa ristiriitaisia tunteita eilen.
Ylpeä suomalaisuudestani ja Suomesta. Samaan aikaan oksetti hakaristiliput ja s… ->
- RT @TheEconomist: Angola’s go-to app for delivering live goats to your door https://t.co/gJcyABqlrr ->
- RT @miseleccionmxEN: A
that shook
up.. (literally)!
__| |__
… ->
- RT @ianbremmer: And so it begins. https://t.co/eBYuqLO8KX ->
- RT @veronicalderon: Latinoamérica es esa región del mundo que habla español y que nadie entiende. Aquí no hay "izquierda" o "derecha". Solo… ->
- Just watched @ROMACuaron. Holy shit. The reviews are on the money. Wow. https://t.co/HrlI1F96dq ->
- RT @katelinthicum: Mexico, where your pilot interrupts the flight to give you the score of the América/Pumas game.
- RT @PandaFeroce: Todo muy bien explicado, sólo falta el principal punto de esta crisis y que no es precisamente sólo de ecología. La princi… ->
- RT @WWIIpix: This day in 1939, begin of the Battle of Suomussalmi, ending in a major, important Finnish victory against superior Soviet for… ->
- RT @Red_2_1: @WWIIpix Suomussalmi-Raate part starts around 5min 13 sec.
Video is Finnish defence forces newsreel from Winter war
https://t.… -> - RT @Channel4News: "I think you would mess it all up for us, the way you have messed it all up for yourselves."
Heidi Nordby Lunde, preside… ->
- RT @benedictevans: Apple has now shipped the EKG heart monitor app for the new Watch. We get blasé about this stuff so quickly, but it’s st… ->
- RT @amandadeibert: It’s December 7th which means I will once again tell my familiy’s #PearlHarbor story. Mostly it is a story about the tot… ->
- RT @vpkivimaki: Award for 'Most gorgeous rocket artillery photo of the week' goes to… https://t.co/st34vtIFTT ->
- Pedradota, jajajajajajajaja https://t.co/YRuCKAT13f ->
- RT @ErsteGroup: What would Christmas be without love? #believeinlove #believeinchristmas #believeinyourself https://t.co/QGTNB2rQWt https:/… ->
- RT @EileenTruax: Y tú que no puedes decirle adiós a tu novio el inútil. https://t.co/oZzQQ3QGpJ ->
- Didn’t think about it when I was doing it, but today’s run looks a little bit like a map of #Finland #Suomi101 en A… https://t.co/MEqEGYqibT ->
- RT @JorgeDiazHenry1: Meteorito esta madrugada en Xochimilco. #CDMX #meteorito #nomames @NTelevisa_com @Televisa @postandfly @elivanmacias #… ->
- RT @a7_FIN_SWE: You knever knew this about the Baltic Sea
https://t.co/RHLffLkXgl ->
- RT @HydroRayz: “Part of the journey is the end.”
It’s the perfect time to do this again before #AvengersEndgame https://t.co/tkAQz3Vq0H ->
- RT @ali__zs: When you want that insurance money #Paris #GiletsJaunes https://t.co/6FQ0iDuVzW ->
- RT @jorgesuarezv: Está es la mejor explicación que encontrarán sobre el desastre que se detona con la cancelación del nuevo aeropuerto(y ap… ->
- RT @mikko: Happy 25th birthday to DOOM! https://t.co/kBGZetMKYo ->
I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy new year, hoping next year will be a happy, cheerful year.