- RT @mictlan: Alcancé a ver la página de #MiVacuna que fiasco y tristeza. Les digo porque. https://t.co/lhtuBBGvMH ->
- RT @suviturtiainen: Suomi: Milloin normaali elämä alkaa? Ihmiset eivät jaksa näitä tiukkoja rajoituksia.
Saksa: Millä strategialla saatais… ->
- RT @shanselman: My Teams meetings always end SO awkwardly and it's not clear when to leave.
So I made live end credits.
(no post credit… ->
- Tuve que usar una VPN para tratar de registrar a mis papás para la vacuna (el sitio muestra un error 403 si uso mi… https://t.co/vgenF8UGIj ->
- RT @pashulman: Dune is an allegory of global worming ->
- RT @alplicable: Vision Eurovision https://t.co/xx355aa05j ->
- Summer vs winter: 40 cm snow cover and 30-something degrees C difference. #helsinki #oulunkylä #finland #seasons… https://t.co/SZm8PYWZLs ->
- RT @hjkhelsinki: 🔵⚪️ Kohti kevättä!
HJK ja Palloliitto tyhjentävät Bolt Arenaa lumesta.
Ville Nylund: ”Vaikka kuinka oot pelannut Champi… ->
- RT @jesus_jimz: Pandemic Twitter is really just a bunch of people who wear masks telling other people, who already wear masks, to wear mask… ->
- RT @MsEntropy: Sometimes, I like to share emails I get (with permission).
If you're feeling alone with All Of The This, I hope this helps… ->
- RT @WholesomeMeme: https://t.co/6lkGCbXisG ->
- This 👇🏽 https://t.co/xx2ES9Y1NU ->
- If it looks like Hoth it’s time to play the famous Empire Strikes Back scenes #geek #starwars #winter #helsinki… https://t.co/hibYMsWmgo ->
- We don’t call it “sisu”, we call it “ínguesu”. https://t.co/kJWg19jd3U ->
- https://t.co/ByJMAhNfdf https://t.co/QqPD1yyM76 ->
- RT @JussiPullinen: Miettikää, miten paljon valoa koronatunnelin päässä on.
Keväällä pelättiin viruksen leviämistä hoivakoteihin, nyt iso o… ->
- RT @peterrojas: I love how quantum computers look like they asked someone from a hundred years ago what they thought a computer would look… ->
- RT @DiegoCastaneda: Extraordinario artículo en el @FT más argumentos sobre como si no nos metemos a fondo en la transición energética vamos… ->
- RT @RogueChieftan: Tamales de México por México Desconocido https://t.co/a4QYKfEtlw ->
- RT @TommSciortino: An English speaker confronted with something they don't understand might say "It's all Greek to me" but a Greek speaker… ->
- RT @miblogestublog: Sources tell me Mr. Dobbs is looking forward to his retirement in the Mexican city of Wuahoolaah https://t.co/9BfyU5bmTZ ->
- RT @melizeche: https://t.co/mDK2Pta4F3 ->
- RT @MaevriPlays: good morning https://t.co/F8QndQpzxw ->
- RT @profannieoakley: I turned my art history students loose with a make-your-own-Bayeux Tapestry app. https://t.co/SV1S7O0T6K ->
- RT @jyri: A wearable patch that does protein synthesis on the fly. Vaccinating everyone would just mean pushing out a software update. ->
- Olen asunut maissa joissa ei ole samanlaista yhteiskunnalista solidaarisuutta ja en haluaa sellaisia ongelmia Suome… https://t.co/fioSBetEvZ ->
- RT @MaartenvSmeden: Statistical terms: what they really mean
Multicolinearity— they all look the same
Heteroscedasticity— the variation va… -> - RT @ChaparroOrtega: Llevo media hora riéndome 😂 https://t.co/NOn9kcU0PZ ->
- RT @Ed_Valesi: @ChaparroOrtega @MENA_Conflict brazilian learning english. https://t.co/5EyLxcQvZw ->
- RT @wasimovski: @ChaparroOrtega Comparto otro obra de arte 😂😂😂 https://t.co/C8irNJ0Hty ->
- RT @luisrha: Ni vamos a salir al Ángel si ganan ni vamos a cortarnos las venas si pierden.
Pero al ser una oportunidad histórica para el c… ->