- Just missing some #ewoks on a rainy day in the forest. #yubnub #orienteering #orientering #orientación #nuuksio… https://t.co/UVnqBrTmjN ->
- RT @RVAwonk: The Venn Diagram of “people who became experts in epidemiology in 2020” and “people who became experts in Afghanistan this mon… ->
- RT @starwars: Reimagine the galaxy with #StarWarsVisions, an Original Series featuring stories from seven visionary Japanese anime studios,… ->
- RT @MiraHuusko: 7-vuotias: ”On hyvä osata kaikenlaisia kieliä, sillä ei koskaan tiedä, mihin maahan pääsee isona pelaamaan jalkapalloa.” Jo… ->
- One of the things I really, really like about Finland is that Finns generally aren’t mean to others (especially str… https://t.co/YzGtxeIFiW ->
- RT @Okonomiyakiguy: When Japanese people say they don’t speak English, it means they don’t speak English. When Finns say they don’t speak E… ->
- Mexico City metro stations have their own icons. This is what the icons are based on. I still remember the names of… https://t.co/8HYQNQKNaI ->
- RT @KuperSimon: https://t.co/ntQ9W7G2gO An extract from my new book about FC Barcelona, about how Messi actually plays, lives and thinks ->
- On one hand I am quite impressed by the capability to synthethise and make accessible for a wider audience. On the… https://t.co/KLpayPuEog ->
- 😅 https://t.co/C7x2o0Caq2 ->
- https://t.co/jIqjyjcddn https://t.co/rZ5oNoHJ8g ->
- Very interesting thread. https://t.co/ehubfNhADg ->
- RT @KalobGossett: MORE BIG NEWS: This week, Moderna will start human trials for its HIV vaccine. It will be the first of its kind to use mR… ->
- Este hilo está de la chingada. Especialmente porque no son los únicos a los que occidente ha dejado varados. https://t.co/HwqMJLyAyK ->
- Ns. länsimaat saarnaavat lain säännöstä, arvoista ja järjestelystä mutta eivät voi edes pitää lupauksiaan. Katsotaa… https://t.co/dAp3Gh9N99 ->
- Nationalism in Mexico serves the same purpose. https://t.co/SFD4iGBEmJ ->
- RT @danigranatta: Me queda claro que toda esta gente que cree en las conspiraciones no ha trabajado nunca en su vida como project manager d… ->
- RT @sotaveteraanit: Tiesitkö tätä helsinkiläisestä Konstan Möljä-ravintolasta 🤩 ? Nyt tiedät, kiitos oivan @SakariNupponen– jutun ❤️🇫🇮
"Fi… ->
- Independientemente de que Anaya haya sido o no el mejor candidato, sabemos que @lopezobrador_ como presidente ha si… https://t.co/A213JtNUBu ->
- RT @ITeeriaho: https://t.co/67i6Umwa4T ->
- https://t.co/AV1Vdxxii4 https://t.co/awRS9DffHx ->
- RT @naim_panahi: Perheenyhdistämishakemuksessa olen todistanut suomen kielen taitoni, Suomessa suoritetun lähihoitajan tutkinnon, vakituise… ->
- RT @rthur_013: ¿Alguien sabe dónde vive la senadora @kenialopezr ?
Le quiero mandar un Cartón de Caguamas🙌🏽🙌🏽👏🏽👏🏽
https://t.co/ickGC0MspC -> - The history of the Singing Revolution is something we are not particularly aware of on the other side of the Atlant… https://t.co/1IBecxffgN ->
- RT @EmmiHelle: The Finnish sisu (grit) is not only in the genes. We are also trained well! 💪🇫🇮 #rainyday https://t.co/87YLNDwBPb ->
- RT @MaryRobinette: To do it, she had to teach herself French and move to Paris because the US wouldn't let her get a license. ->
- Por un lado está fregonsisisimo que el @ITESMCEM tenga esto. Por el otro me pongo a pensar en las escuelas que ni a… https://t.co/24i0U3z7Jr ->
- RT @sbasijrasikh: In March 2002, after the fall of Taliban, thousands of Afghan girls were invited to go to the nearest public school to pa… ->
- RT @iyad_elbaghdadi: Populism is not a political project, it's a political strategy. Telling people a simple story that hacks their identit… ->
- RT @WholesomeMeme: https://t.co/qJ6RjTFODp ->
- Yleensä hurrikaanit käyvät rannikoilla ja sitten hajoavat kun ne koskee maata. Tällä kerta #GraceHurricane meni suo… https://t.co/cTjJ0ASIwf ->
- RT @tomaspueyo: This year Europe's population will peak.
It's down from here on.
What is Europe doing about it? https://t.co/zlqB6XEh5v -> - RT @WholesomeMeme: KISS band with their parents https://t.co/trQI5Lo2EB ->