- RT @trekonomics: I am not proud that a not-insignificant part of my life has been wasted navigating various immigration bureaucracies ->
- RT @johncutlefish: "I'm consistently in awe of what the product teams are able to do. It makes my life easy as a salesperson to sell such a… ->
- RT @gogolized: Love songs by language
English: I need you baby
Russian: I love you and only you
Hindi: You are home for my heart. My ni… ->
- RT @oneunderscore__: A quick thread:
A lot of people have asked me this week: Where did this ivermectin obsession come from? Who could po… ->
- RT @veronicalderon: El gobierno de México. https://t.co/QGpDTQAEh4 ->
- RT @amartino: No quiero escribir más de Argentina, pero quiero que entiendan el porque en 3 tweets:
– Hace unos dias una profesora de secu… -> - RT @Zepeda_filosofo: Chula forma de explicarlo:
#DataScience https://t.co/qkKAAaIN0f -> - RT @frasalazar: Tengo más de un año recomendado a la banda que estudie programación. Sé de un par que le entraron a partir de que vieron lo… ->
- This sounds like something that would totally happen in Finland. https://t.co/L0B8KL17cb ->
- Sports traditions #finland #mexico #suomex #football #soccer #icehockey #leijonat #eltri @miseleccionmx… https://t.co/2QgbdiYsJZ ->
- RT @oneunderscore__: This is how people started eating horse goo. https://t.co/0hpoaoKXjM ->
- RT @vpkivimaki: Finland evacuated 330 persons during last week's operation, including 42 U.S. citizens, 11 Icelandic and 17 Irish citizens.… ->
- RT @soy_abelardo: Mi primo @BigBird me dijo que en su país venden los mejores tacos…pero…estos no son tacos, ¡son tostadas! 😅 https://t… ->
- Monelle on varmasti yllätys että elintasoni itseasiassa laski kun muutin Suomeen ensimmäistä kertaa. Tiukan budjeti… https://t.co/d4P5MnWctM ->
- En ollut silloin oikeutettu saamaan opintotukea, työttömyysturvaa tai kotouttumiskoulutusta. Maahanmuutto Suomeen e… https://t.co/2USEPsToZ2 in reply to chivacongelado ->
- RT @joni_jaakkola: Pakko arvostaa respasedän eläytymistä rooliin. Tultiin vaimon kanssa staycationille entiseen vankilaan tehtyyn hotelliin… ->
- RT @obiwormkenobi: i am never leaving this website https://t.co/5OnGj6bqhF ->
- I’m tempted to appear at work like this. Used my stormtrooper helmet once before. What say you @davidgillar @jlysti… https://t.co/s1pEIXBdsw ->
- Ottelu kotistadionilla ennen lapseni treenit. 😁 https://t.co/bA0J3wJeot ->
- RT @ThatDarnSteve: Does anyone even understand how much coffee it takes to keep a fully-staffed Finnish indie game studio running?
It is s… ->
- Mis abuelos eran meseros, mineros telegrafistas, dueñas de fonda, amas de casa. El que más estudió no terminó la se… https://t.co/FUObqSXosJ ->
- RT @RonanBrownen: This week's episode of All Points North looks into the disconnect between Finland wanting to attract more foreign workers… ->
- RT @chivacongelado: @RonanBrownen I’ve had a good career in Finland but I have a number of advantages that I built over many years here:
-… -> - The stupidity, the lack of empathy, the privilege… OMG, I knew I disliked these folks but this is just banality of… https://t.co/JHXQ7uuvUH ->
- RT @ScanlanWithAnA: The White Man’s Burden energy from this tweet is so strong, approx 5.8 megakiplings, that my phone is now owned by the… ->
- RT @CM_Storch: 1. Va un hilo 🧵 con los datos más relevantes de este interesante artículo de @ScienceMagazine que explica los orígenes más… ->
- RT @HagelinHeidi: Kannattaa lukea. Oikein ajatuksella.
Kuka surffaa ja miksi? https://t.co/tutm30HSZ6 ->
- RT @ultrabrilliant: Ancient Roman graffiti is just Twitter, but on a wall. https://t.co/BTwpBejfsv ->
- RT @EganRichardson: Immigrants without higher education qualifications are more likely to have a job in Finland than Finns without higher e… ->
- RT @swardley: It's far better to adapt your organisation to the future than to try and force everyone back into the past. This "return to t… ->
- RT @_Will_Brown: A mind-blowing graphic in today's Times on what $85bn worth of lost equipment means in practice for the Taliban: https://t… ->
- RT @hdemauleon: Es hora de comenzar a pensar en la reconstrucción.
👇 https://t.co/z4ldoL9HDU ->