- I felt really sad and, frankly, violated that someone would feel so superior to me due to my ethnicity that they wo… https://t.co/Lhpm7V4nhP in reply to chivacongelado ->
- So, yeah, while I do not approve of cancel culture, I can empathize with anyone having a strong reaction to the wor… https://t.co/opEKnN9sf4 in reply to chivacongelado ->
- And yes, the fact that the most visible reaction in Finnish twitter seems to be trolling is very, very sad. in reply to chivacongelado ->
- RT @yuribirjulin: Iso ongelma kv-osaajien saamisessa Suomeen on se, että työperäistä ja muuta maahanmuuttoa pidetään toisistaan erillisinä… ->
- RT @TuomasAysto: I had slight difficulties in explaining my friends abroad that after a retired Finnish astronomer used the n-word twice on… ->
- RT @ItalianComments: “if my grandma had wheels she would have been a bike” ->
- RT @Edbarzanallana: Si un militar tomando partido no enciende TODAS las luces de alarma, no se que lo hará! ->
- RT @aasiain: Mucha gente de izquierda, aun ilustrada, tacha de facha a gente de derecha, aun moderada, con la misma ligereza con que gente… ->
- Given that crabs have evolved independently in multiple occasions we were not that clueless with our idiom. https://t.co/O2I7xxmpbg ->
- There's so much wrong with this continuing trend right now that I don't even know where to start. Background: it's… https://t.co/6dpqbohNeu ->
- Good luck attracting international talent when this attitude appears so widespread. Good luck maintaining the welfa… https://t.co/k9RL9ENGx9 ->
- RT @aasiain: Bertha has already danced,
The clown carried her away. -> - RT @XiranJayZhao: accidentally fell down a linguistics rabbit hole at 5am and this is how i imagine linguists reconstructing language famil… ->
- Trapper Keeper was THE thing when going to school in the 80s and 90s. I felt so mature when my parents finally allo… https://t.co/dO7yVrv8r5 ->
- RT @RonanBrownen: Anyone complaining about these dark winter evenings might do well to spare a thought for the good people of the village o… ->
- RT @PurolaVirpi: In #Finland we have this thing called #pentulive (puppylive) where we can follow 9 puppies from birth to 8 weeks old and w… ->
- RT @PoorlyAgedStuff: https://t.co/Keq9vNqkJp ->
- RT @CoryLaflin: I will never not repost this. https://t.co/XcLpbWy56x ->
- Sin comentarios https://t.co/xTRDcYu1op ->
- Happy Turkey Day if you celebrate it! I don't but love me some with cranberry sauce, which is quite difficult to find in Finland. 😅 ->
- RT @debbiebere: Why am I tweeting the pictures of a public train’s bathroom? Because in Finland they tend to be clean, have a baby bottle w… ->
- RT @miblogestublog: Just say “Gracias” and have a Happy #Thanksgiving y'all! https://t.co/OuWhQbckHq https://t.co/vXa32wfq1T ->
- 3 of 5 stars to Move by Parag Khanna https://t.co/PtAJhirZZU ->
- RT @kclemson: OMG this may the most glorious geek meme I’ve ever seen https://t.co/Dz31FZKFjk ->
- RT @NoContextTrek: #Thanksgiving https://t.co/FVzuMMP4Es ->
- RT @sovietvisuals: Post-Soviet visual. After the breakup of the USSR, the Lithuanian basketball team couldn't afford to participate in the… ->
- https://t.co/qFKeLsBMvA https://t.co/o44E3FwFeB ->
- A mi papá lo asaltaron por primera vez en el 95, y recuerdo que para el 97 había rumores en la prepa de gente cuyos… https://t.co/hIRCA00XI0 ->
- pegadas una sobre otra en el súper porque subían cada semana. Íbamos de compras a la tienda del Poli porque era la… https://t.co/cySZgWE90v in reply to chivacongelado ->
- cadenas de suministro y la alta demanda que se traduce en inflación. Lo que está pasando en México es agravado por… https://t.co/WVto50IpHb in reply to chivacongelado ->
- RT @greedisgood70: @EricTopol @WHO "WHO says there's a new covid variant — Nu."
"Who says there is?"
"There's a new covid varian… ->
- RT @TheMexLondoner: Financial Times – Mexico’s president spooks markets with central bank nominee https://t.co/LW0KIRO6ER ->
- I'm not a scholar and this is still perfection https://t.co/TzHOgHVShb ->
- RT @veronicalderon: En el nuevo especial de @SouthPark hay una imagen de uno de los primeros actos de la humanidad #postcovid.
Perdón, me… ->
- Long story short: it could be concerning but in reality but we don’t know enough so to worry too much is counterpro… https://t.co/BRRQ8TdJND ->
- RT @martindelp: Clávense en ésta: Italia corre peligro de perderse su segundo Mundial consecutivo. No califican a segunda ronda desde Alema… ->
- Por esto y muchas cosas más es importante acceder a terapia, especialmente en tu idioma. Como dice @Odin_Dupeyron n… https://t.co/xv4Z80tB4z ->
- RT @TrungTPhan: No one:
The COVID movie franchise:
◻️2 CO 2 VID
◻️COVID: Viral Drift
◻️The CO and The VID
◻️COVID 5: Delta
◻️C6:… -> - RT @mustapipa: According to stock photos, ancient astronomers were far cooler than modern ones. https://t.co/a9t9i6nQ06 ->