- I’ve read World War Z like 3 times since the pandemic started. I find it oddly comforting (and too accurate for our… https://t.co/sUeFALMyrH ->
- RT @JuhaItkonen: Tein netissä omaa tutkimusta ja paljastui totuus, etteivät F-35 -hävittäjät estä vihollista hyökkäämästä Suomeen. Ja ties… ->
- RT @jmkorhonen: Paras lukemani arvostelu Don’t look up-elokuvasta. Juuri kuten tässä sanotaan: oikea ongelma on valta, ja sen epätasainen j… ->
- RT @EmbaMexFin: https://t.co/0j4Phj54Mw ->
- RT @DudespostingWs: https://t.co/ekqON2Ookl ->
- Acaba de publicar una foto en Messilä https://t.co/W9VzctnQOv ->
- ¡Feliz 2022! Ya llegó acá. #hyvääuuttavuotta #FelizAñoNuvo #HappyNewYear ->
- RT @FactsUpsetting: Sharks have existed for about 250 million years longer than Saturn’s rings have. ->
- RT @Arturo_Sarukhan: A closing 🧵on #Mexico-US relations during 2021. From the outset of the Lopez Obrador Administration, the gravest dange… ->
- RT @Carnage4Life: This is one of my favorite machine learning jokes because it’s also a reminder about the importance of inputs. https://t.… ->
- RT @diana_aceves_: Filmografía completa de la familia del meme de la celebración. 🤣🤣
A ver qué hacen mañana. https://t.co/bxLO9Rnevm -> - RT @EhBeeFamily: Happy New Year!!! https://t.co/LfQjcvuxJT ->
- I’ll never get completely used to Mars-style salmon pink skies. First day of the year sunny and frosty.
#newyear… https://t.co/jULbI8G7kw -> - RT @TopographicMaps: The topography of Mexico https://t.co/SD0kQ0P3au ->
- RT @TheSpaceshipper: Happy New Year! https://t.co/TKoKJJ7dp6 ->
- RT @johncutlefish: What actual, specific, behaviors would we observe if someone was good at product thinking?
Specific enough that someone… ->
- RT @haveigotnews: World begins unprecedented third attempt at 2020. ->
- RT @soyoulikeart: Happy new year https://t.co/IbVsAGN1hF ->
- Two years ago. This tweet especially aged tremendously well. https://t.co/8FbNuyMF4y ->
- When you hear somebody in a Hollywood movie speaking Finnish: https://t.co/ORc7MwLQQX ->
- RT @guardian: ‘Sauna patrons just sit on the icy street’: Manuel Vazquez’s best phone picture https://t.co/3gBW94FpNY ->
- RT @miemo: Retweeting this so I find this easier later in the year when certain parties start again switching their communication towards t… ->
- RT @EtzkaK: Opin tänään, että Modena ja Bologna olivat keskiajalla sodassa, jonka päätteeksi pienempi Modena varasti Bolognalta sotasaaliik… ->
- Reminds me of more than a few incidents with the Finnish extreme right over the years. https://t.co/mgYnbtRLRd ->
- RT @DailyQuino: #DailyQuino https://t.co/ODuJjnsoxX ->
- RT @alexstubb: Dear #triathlon friends. This is the scene for the 2023 @IRONMANtri 70.3 World Championships. Why not come and test the cour… ->
- RT @TamminenJuha: Finnish version of Jorge Campos – Asko Ristimäki of TP-Seinäjoki in 1997 #AskoRistimäki #TPSeinäjoki #Veikkausliiga #Jorg… ->
- RT @osma: Muistatteko, kun Maikkarin ja Makuunin toimitusjohtajat osasivat luottavaisesti kertoa, että Netflix ei tule heidän bisnekselleen… ->
- RT @EerikNKross: A Baltic viewpoint on the new phase of Russian aggression. Not sure I like my own conclusion, but well, here it goes: http… ->
- Doesn’t look great https://t.co/Hn9YzKIlJz ->
- RT @mikebutcher: In Lisbon I went out for a meal. I had to have proof of a Covid test *that day*, but didn’t. So the restaurant sold me a L… ->
- Also, my grandfather worked in that business and my mom has many stories of him during/after work. It’s tough stuff! https://t.co/Ei1Jb3lfqh ->
- RT @sanjanacurtis: this, this is why I’m on twitter 😌 https://t.co/QB59w8InKc ->