Weekly tweets from 2022-02-21 to 2022-02-27

  • RT @JohnQuiggin: @SHamiltonian Attempted wars of conquest have been very rare in the era of central banking. Putin appeared to think he cou… ->
  • RT @visegrad24: Today Poland does for Ukraine what nobody did for Poland in 1939. ->
  • RT @pardoguerra: In this thread, an RT reporter uses RT reports to blame the EU, US, and pro-European Ukrainians for the conflict. He also… ->
  • RT @JarnoLim: ”Turvallisuusympäristömme ei ole oleellisesti muuttunut”, on pitkään hoettu mantra.

    – sota Ukrainassa ja Euroopassa
    – h… ->

  • RT @cesarbelipe: En Rusia desafían la prohibición de protestar en su país contra la guerra tuneando ropa, accesorios y complementos. Este e… ->
  • RT @akihheikkinen: Foreign and parts of Russian credit/debit cards are not working in St.Petersburg. ->
  • Monday is going to be tough. It feels like we’re watching history in fast forward. https://t.co/qFQPFNikHi ->
  • RT @kristofer_a: Astrid Lindgrens dagbok 7/12/39: ”Finland har vädjat till Nationernas Förbund men Molotov vägrar att delta i någon konfere… ->
  • RT @AndrewPRLevi: Does anyone still think “NATO enlargement” has been “the problem”?

    Does anyone still labour under the illusion our gover… ->

  • RT @therriaultphd: I see a lot of tech people asking what they can do to help right now. Having spent most of my career in politics and gov… ->
  • ¿Especialmente cuando lo comparas con este? https://t.co/s7UWx68pSz in reply to chivacongelado ->
  • RT @agusantonetti: Actualidad RT, como se le conoce al medio propagandístico en América Latina, ha generado mucho daño en nuestra región. D… ->
  • RT @jmkorhonen: Ihan vaan muistutus: venäläisten pitäminen tasaisesti vastuullisena itsevaltiaan toimista on paitsi väärin, myös strategise… ->
  • RT @InspectorBaboon: @maxseddon War = "special military operation" to denazify yada yada yada

    Bank run = "special bank operation" to try t… ->

  • RT @KofmanMichael: One aspect of this war is that Moscow has generally been trying to keep it hidden from the Russian public. They not only… ->
  • RT @RoryStewartUK: The way democracies conduct themselves in the months ahead will decide not only the future of Putin and Ukraine but also… ->
  • RT @BNONews: BREAKING: Finland closes one of the last remaining gateways to Europe for Russian planes https://t.co/Rg80DRCFHo ->
  • I have very close Russian friends. They are devastated since the war started. They didn’t want this. https://t.co/OqPYJo2cE0 ->
  • RT @mustapipa: Perussuomalaisten ajama EU:n yhtenäisyyden rapauttaminen on muuten aivan täsmälleen sitä toimintaa, jota Venäjän johto on ha… ->
  • RT @JeremyCliffe: Olaf Scholz is addressing the Bundestag. He starts: “The 24th February marks a turning-point [literally: Zeitenwende or t… ->
  • RT @snadinadi: Muistatteko, kun eräs puolue halusi lopettaa humanitäärisen maahanmuuton kokonaan. Ei kiintiöpakolaisia. Ei naisia tai lapsi… ->
  • RT @stephhegarty: Hearing from another student in Lviv this morning who says Africans are not being allowed to board trains to the border a… ->
  • RT @ramiaaltonen: Hei kaikki Yangon halvoista taksimatkoista innostuneet! 🚖 Yangon omistaa Venäjän valtion hallinnassa oleva IT-yhtiö Yande… ->
  • RT @davidmacdougall: There's quite a few Finnish Conservatives rushing to stick up for this sort of Timo Haapala nonsense. He writes a lot… ->
  • RT @vpkivimaki: A reminder. ->
  • I hate our timeline. This is going from “a country hates gays” to “our enemies are nazis” to “let’s invade and we’l… https://t.co/41YYp8tOmH ->
  • RT @charlyjsp: Olen kuullut, että yksi puolue vastustaa aseellista apua Ukrainalle.

    Puolue on voinut olla huolissaan tulevista 2023 ja 202… ->

  • RT @Martha_Barcena: En estos momentos de crisis es una garantía tener diplomáticos de carrera y experimentados al frente de las embajadas e… ->
  • Leer https://t.co/wjspqLm78X ->
  • RT @Angry_Staffer: Listen, Apple screen time report — nobody wants to hear your shit this week. ->
  • RT @carmen_pacheco: No sé vosotros, pero yo no dejo de pensar en Merkel. Me la imagino podando unas hortensias de su jardín y pensando: «es… ->
  • RT @madrid_mike: All of Trumps attempts to undermine NATO were for this moment. ->
  • RT @biryaniforone: @fatimazsaid @BBC The blatant racism in the media coverage of the invasion of Ukraine does not shift my solidarity with… ->
  • RT @gabegarf: In 2022, Ukrainian President @ZelenskyyUa became the leader the world needs and Putin can’t stand it. But its Zelensky’s rise… ->
  • RT @JaaJanne: Jos Ukrainan tilanne ahdistaa, voit parantaa omaa tilannettasi keskittymällä toimintaan, koska se torjuu ahdistusta. Seuraa k… ->
  • RT @DougJBalloon: I’m a columnist turned epidemiologist by trade, but I’ve spent the past 36 hours watching YouTube videos about successful… ->
  • RT @michaeldweiss: Just spoke to a high-ranking European intelligence official who tells me Russia has "deployed several mobile cremation t… ->
  • RT @jukkalindstrom: Vuonna 2020 näimme, miten vihreiden sisäministeri laittoi Suomen rajat kiinni. Vuonna 2022 saatamme nähdä, miten Jussi… ->
  • RT @SarahAndCo3: As many of my tweeps know, I inherited a house last year & let it to a family of Afghan refugees for a nominal sum.

    This… ->

  • RT @tier10k: Putin going through the binance KYC rn https://t.co/zrvoj9Fi90 ->
  • RT @shaneharris: Worth taking a deep breath re: Putin putting his nuclear forces on alert. Current and former officials I'm talking to are… ->
  • RT @pburtsoff: We’re still grateful for that help from 🇸🇪 It helped us turn the tide in the war, which, among many other things, ultimately… ->
  • RT @Chi_con_carnage: Berlin and Helsinki right now https://t.co/OfOKewKLiU ->
  • RT @TheRealHoarse: Russian media published a pre-planned piece gaslighting Russians on what happened in Ukraine.

    Okay he problem: it reve… ->

  • RT @lapatina_: I am utterly appalled at some individuals who dare to call themselves reporters referring to refugees from the Middle East a… ->
  • RT @alexstubb: I admit that I am an EU nerd. Been doing the EU as an academic, civil servant and politician since 1989. Have never seen the… ->
  • RT @eperea: https://t.co/5JwoWz32IK ->
  • RT @APHClarkson: Ukraine's current predicament feeds into the national survival narratives of most Central, East European and Scandinavian… ->