- Sólo añadiendo el tamaño de México para que tengan contexto. Finlandia es uno de los países más grandes de Europa e… https://t.co/ooGifA8jWy ->
- RT @VFinnishProbs: Meet Sweden's bravest man https://t.co/A60lUmWIud ->
- RT @beltrandelrio: Estamos hablando en @imagen con Luis Orozco @chivacongelado sobre la adhesión de Finlandia a la OTAN ->
- RT @Imagen_Mx: 🇫🇮 ¿Cómo ha sido la solicitud de #Finlandia para adherirse a la #OTAN?
Luis Orozco (@chivacongelado), mexicano en Finlandi… ->
- RT @ImagenTVMex: 🇫🇮 ¿Cómo ha sido la solicitud de #Finlandia para adherirse a la #OTAN?
Luis Orozco (@chivacongelado), mexicano en Finlan… ->
- RT @PleaseBeGneiss: front facing eyes are a key indicator of a predator https://t.co/hsykpoUVKm ->
- Acabo de dar una entrevista sobre el tema https://t.co/MTmcUHJgyk in reply to chivacongelado ->
- RT @CBSNews: Finland and Sweden "meet every NATO requirement and then some," Pres. Biden says.
The two countries "will enhance the securit… ->
- RT @Antonio_Cano_: He escrito esto sobre México y López Obrador en @LANACION de Argentina https://t.co/PJPx2NL6Ud vía @LANACION ->
- RT @MAM_Rytv: 90.5 FM – Grupo Imagen/ Imagen Informativa 1ra emisión/ @chivacongelado, mexicano que vive en Finlandia, comenta que Turquía… ->
- RT @eperea: Some Angry Cosmic God: How fare the humans?
His Dark Angel: They survive still, my Lord.
God: How interesting. Send them a monk… -> - RT @Ohra_aho: Struggling under the weight of Western sanctions, many Moscow movie theaters located inside shopping malls are now closing do… ->
- https://t.co/D8QsEbgxRB https://t.co/j7oNbXm7ii ->
- RT @HenriVanhanen: History does not repeat itself, but it often rhymes. For Finland, this harmony has often referred to the pivotal role of… ->
- RT @HenriVanhanen: 4. This "Russia dilemma" has been best described perhaps by the late President Mauno Koivisto (1982-1994). During a visi… ->
- RT @ben_mckenzie: Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but the real crypto crash probably hasn’t happened yet. Good luck to players involved. ->
- Finnish humor sample #3454320 https://t.co/6XWyPyfYJc ->
- RT @THUotila: Erdogan didn't reveal who he is going to call tomorrow in Finland so remember to keep your phones at least on vibrate. ->
- RT @schrep: Nobody can predict what is going to happen over the next 12 months but we haven't had a real bad tech downturn since 2000 (2008… ->
- RT @olga_chyzh: It’s natural to be worried about the threat of a nuclear war, especially with all the rhetoric coming out of Russia. Here i… ->
- RT @saranormous: When people build internet products without assuming there will be adversarial actors I just send them this photo https://… ->
- RT @COdendahl: What I find most striking about the German debate on the #Ukraine war: how ignorantly it glosses over the fact that Germany… ->
- RT @minna_alander: There’s also always the automatic assumption that Finland must be totally dependent on Russian energy and also s***ting… ->
- RT @rmmckenny: 8yo: I have some advice.
Me: oh yeah?
8: Don’t waste your diamonds on a hoe.
Me: what do you mean?
8: well you can’t e… -> - Do not give leadership positions to people like these. We want more women in tech, not less. Misogyny should have n… https://t.co/Se4JUHj5GX ->
- RT @minna_alander: Although many people have learned a lot about Finland, its defence capacity and motivation to join NATO in the past week… ->
- RT @ISMOcomedy: FIN to EN dictionary:
Palais = I wish would burn
Perse = Ass
I have no idea what this means in French though. https://t.co/… -> - RT @ECedercreutz: El fútbol es a Colombia lo que la política exterior Rusa es a Finlandia: el gran unificador del pueblo. ->
- RT @IlvesToomas: Dearlove is no crank. Whatever the truth in his claim it’s not to be dismissed outright.
Putin’s irrational behavior in t… ->
- The was in Ukraine is making me lose respect for a lot of institutions: the governments of Germany, Italy & France,… https://t.co/keUssmSRKD ->
- This is the guy the German, Italian & French governments think you can negotiate with. We’ve seen migration-as-a-we… https://t.co/o9VDP3ufVy ->