- RT @alanferrier: “Surely *this* must mean the end for Boris Johnson.”
—Ancient British proverb ->
- RT @tclarkmedia: $202,000,000
8,200,000,000 views on TikTok
Minions: The Rise of Gru has taken over the box office by taking over social… ->
- RT @noclador: The sound of russian ammo blowing up in Donetsk.
What does this mean for russian logistics?
A thread 🧵:Since 2014-15 russ… ->
- RT @TuomoHammarberg: Tämäkin päivä piti nähdä. @hsfi lehti on tullut postilaatikkoon 36 vuotta ja tämän päivän printissä 18 sivua @Helm… ->
- RT @DrChavezDiaz: Con la homeopatía nunca tendríamos desabasto de medicamentos, literalmente solo se necesita agua y azúcar. ->
- RT @babycosette: @stephamiceli @svershbow Gen Z has appropriated Elder Millennials teenage wardrobe, and want to act like these styles are… ->
- RT @eperea: BREAKING
Previously unseen footage of Boris trying to hold on to his job https://t.co/xRDdGlRMUI ->
- RT @therapistlauren: If you were called “mature for your age” as a kid, you’re in therapy now. ->
- RT @ECedercreutz: Si "westsplainer" es un occidental que le "explica" la historia del este de europa a la gente de allá sin conocimiento de… ->
- RT @MetalClassicist: I’m in a British supermarket for the first time. There is literally an aisle of Indian food made for white people next… ->
- RT @steefenstein: @sambutlerphoto @Kyatic @MetalClassicist I don't understand how mexican food can get so fucked up. I know it does, becaus… ->
- I HATE Old El Paso. Those jerks deserve to burn in eternal damnation with habanero forever irritating their mucous… https://t.co/ajlI47J10S ->
- RT @TomHourigan: In case you missed it, #Newsnight replaced its end credits tonight with a list of all the ministerial resignations so far… ->
- RT @laraisuncool: I just wish people who work in tech would read more books about philosophy of technology and less books about productivity ->
- RT @Nouriel: The forces that inflated the crypto bubble: “80 per cent greed, 20 per cent ideology and zero per cent technology”.
Will the… ->
- RT @shashj: Heads of MI5 and FBI gave their first ever joint speech at Thames House in London this afternoon to audience of business & acad… ->
- RT @davidgambarte: Esta entrevista es interesantísima. https://t.co/ujuDJ7JdjW ->
- RT @Ky1eKatarn: "I was always here, Obi-Wan. You just were not ready to see me." https://t.co/XclzzZdsxb ->
- RT @onejasonknight: Boris Johnson this morning https://t.co/ntOjQTE4mH ->
- RT @davidmacdougall: Right now in #Finland 😂 https://t.co/sf3dvLMxNu ->
- RT @kimbojorque: I am a victim of this 🥵 https://t.co/9gamEsdyEQ ->
- RT @KarlreMarks: It's great that the British are discovering how difficult it is to get rid of British rule ->
- RT @RTGameCrowd: Larry the Cat, the appointed Chief Mouser of Downing Street, has now outlasted 3 UK Prime Ministers. He holds the true pow… ->
- RT @Illustrious_Cee: I note the resignation of the British tribal leader Boris Johnson. The United Kingdom's political stability is of utmo… ->
- RT @sonate_bleu: Everyday is a new *musiquita de peligro de Mario Bros* https://t.co/946rRUkVjL ->
- RT @perros_shidoris: Cansadito en su primer día. 🥹 https://t.co/osrEbbyIC3 ->
- RT @BrankoMilan: (long thread on global inequality).
Selected slides from my yesterday's presentation at Luxembourg Income Study (LIS) 30th… -> - RT @isosavi: Was it you @chivacongelado there? ->
- RT @veronicalderon: La represión de 1968 y 1971, la inflación más alta en décadas, la primera devaluación del peso en 20 años, la persecuci… ->
- RT @davidmacdougall: Don't even try to pretend that your prime minister is anywhere near as effortlessly cool as Sanna Marin at Ruisrock Fe… ->
- RT @mcgregorhehe: obi-wan as pictures of puss in boots
a thread 🧵 https://t.co/dkmE77rXk8 ->
- RT @SarahCAndersen: https://t.co/WQGT2FITUr ->
- RT @veronicalderon: No entiendo por qué hay quien se empeña en negar los orígenes de AMLO en el PRI de #Echeverría. El presidente nunca lo… ->
- RT @edubayon_: 🇱🇰 La multitud ha asaltado el palacio presidencial en Sri Lanka en medio de las protestas por la grave situación económica q… ->
- RT @JonnyGabriel: Instead of mocking people for finding out about Kate Bush and Metallica through Stranger Things we should teach them the… ->
- RT @Gerashchenko_en: TV host Bruno Vespa exposed Russian propagandist Vladimir Solovyev on Italian TV.
#StandWithUkriane #UkraineWar https… -> - RT @chabeloviviomas: Chabelo vivió más que Luis Echeverría Álvarez, político mexicano que pasará a la historia por fraguar la matanza de Tl… ->
- RT @FieraIngenieria: Escaneo para hacer empaque a la medida https://t.co/CxBJmcUFaU ->
- RT @giselefetterman: I make him do this at every rest stop. https://t.co/KWgoXxKV75 ->
- RT @audicion: https://t.co/1p8yiIndEz ->
- RT @desimonemartin: Antes de la pandemia, el 50% de los chicos de 10 años en América Latina no podían leer y entender una historia simple.… ->
- RT @Ikeruga: The international press keeps alive the lovely tradition of labeling presidents of Mexico as "leftwing" who are about as leftw… ->