Weekly tweets from 2022-09-12 to 2022-09-18

  • RT @AndrewChesnut1: Pedo a la Mexicana https://t.co/X6n9uDn0kh ->
  • RT @PatThePM: Context switching whiplash as a PM is real.

    Meeting at 9am:

    – 2-year product strategy discussion with leadership

    Meeting… ->

  • Europeans do not realize that when they call the USA "America" they end up dismissing over 687 million people livin… https://t.co/InEXJbaLNZ ->
  • And don't get me started with calling Mexico "South America" that's just dismissive, ignorant and profoundly stupid… https://t.co/zxIkXsyiGz in reply to chivacongelado ->
  • RT @SpencerAlthouse: the Emmys are tonight, so let’s never forget the time Amy Poehler convinced her other nominees to pretend they were in… ->
  • RT @BettingOddsUK: Prime Ronaldinho was football in its purest form. 🔥

    https://t.co/0G6Q6fUXBs ->

  • RT @KoponenPetteri: Thank u basketball❤️ Forever grateful for everything this game gave me https://t.co/xQpcmHOQIj ->
  • Remember kids, do not trust everything you read on the internet. This is the weirdest kind of bullshit I've read in… https://t.co/GA6WV14kg6 ->
  • RT @JuliaDavisNews: "Are We The Baddies?" moment on Russian TV: one pundit—responding to his genocidal colleagues, who assert that Ukrainia… ->
  • RT @minna_alander: Going forward, the West hopefully has learned the lesson of not focusing on the Russian perspective of its neighbourhood… ->
  • RT @YudinGreg: Since there is a lot of interest in what is the reaction to the recent military setbacks in Russia, a🧵with an update.
    There… ->
  • RT @curiousiguana: Right, everyone. I need to be serious for a moment. Because the greatest thing that ever happened is happening right now… ->
  • RT @JofArnold: If you’re British, this is the queue you’ve been training for all your life. The final boss of queues. https://t.co/5auXopBf… ->
  • RT @lauralohi: Missä kaikki on? Pulaa on metronkuljettajista, sairaanhoitajista, myyjistä, turvatarkastajista jne. Alaa vaihtaneita on varm… ->
  • We all have unique skills, you need to be in the right place to shine. https://t.co/dTgelj1tsq ->
  • RT @veronicalderon: Quizá mi ánimo patrio este año es nivel “Alta Traición” de Pacheco, pero felicidades pues a diez lugares suyos, cierta… ->
  • Hoy me tocó compartirlo con mi hijo mayor (el otro está enfermito)
    #IndependenciaDeMéxico #Finlandia https://t.co/H11wB7GYcv ->
  • Y el momento del acto cívico a cargo del Sr. Embajador @EmbCespedes. Muchas gracias a la @EmbaMexFin por recibirnos… https://t.co/Hqbyv7L7UT in reply to chivacongelado ->
  • Lo que hace a México somos los mexicanos. Después de haberme perdido la ceremonia del Grito por tres años seguidos… https://t.co/jFYOqHXJdE in reply to chivacongelado ->
  • Mexicanos veteranos, mexicanos nuevos, chefs, tatuadores, doctorados, taqueros, puericultores, ejecutivos, carteros… https://t.co/U7a76YopLT in reply to chivacongelado ->
  • que hemos hecho un pedacito de Finlandia nuestro hogar a 10,000 km de nuestro origen, y que contribuimos a ambos. S… https://t.co/WRD8RFDgHb in reply to chivacongelado ->
  • En koskaan tule ymmärtämään miten jotkut ihmiset jotka aktiivisesti tekevat politiikkaa maahanmuuttajia vastaan ova… https://t.co/r9WWxH0utq ->
  • RT @EmbCespedes: Tuve el honor de dirigirme en #Helsinki a #Mexicanos en #Finlandia en el acto cívico conmemorativo del CCXII aniversario d… ->
  • RT @VillalobosJPe: Tengo pruebas (dos hijos adolescentes) y cero dudas de que puedes fabricar un mexicano, incluso si no ha nacido ni vivid… ->
  • RT @VillalobosJPe: No amo mi patria.
    Su fulgor abstracto
    es inasible.
    Pero (aunque suene mal)
    daría la vida
    por tres tacos al pastor,
    dos d… ->
  • RT @fdelatg: Doy Fe!! Eso si, a esta extraordinaria receta yo le agregaría dos pizcas de la bandera de México y el himno… ->
  • RT @JavierBlas: How much is going to cost the German energy crisis to the tax-payer of [wait for it] Finland? ->
  • RT @bara: With all the DragonBall in Mexico Twitter activity this is a good time for the reminder that the difference between localization… ->
  • RT @DelphineHouba: Manneken-Pis porte aujourd’hui son costume d’ « Homme jaguar » à l’occasion de la fête nationale du Mexique 🇲🇽 @EmbMexBe->
  • RT @JasminMuj: If reports from Izyum accurate, namely the discovery of a mass grave w/ hundreds of bodies (& there is no reason to doubt th… ->
  • RT @hugama777: "Traigan ropa mexicana"

    Las morras // Los vatos https://t.co/Pz2oI8ywRy ->

  • RT @allenholub: When you're interviewing, there's only one question you need to ask to see if the organization is agile: Is everybody using… ->
  • RT @VesaHeikkila: Turun kauppahallissa.
    Myyjä: Mitä saisi olla?
    Minä: Ottaisin kuusi piispanmunkkia.
    Myyjä: Syötkö täällä vai tuleeko mukaa… ->
  • RT @fourfingerpod: Every Troy McClure "You May Remember Me" Moment ❤️ RIP Phil Hartman, The Simpsons was never quite the same without you.… ->
  • Una felicitación de los taqueros de Dallas 🤪 https://t.co/eJ4hOQw3vt ->
  • RT @discordspies: https://t.co/TEoD1BaizG ->
  • RT @Podolyak_M: "Peacemakers" who use war as a topic for their own PR are causing only surprise. @lopezobrador_, is your plan to keep milli… ->
  • RT @avestruzeterea: Qué bonito es cuando las diferentes culturas se van enriqueciendo.

    En muchos lugares de México hay pizzerías que son… ->

  • RT @TBaktemir: In the past 4 days two wars broke out in the ex-USSR. Azerbaijan invaded Armenia and Tajikistan attacked Kyrgyzstan. There a… ->
  • RT @s3rioussam: There’s a lot of good stuff in this article about how “fans” react to announcements or changes around popular franchises bu… ->
  • RT @korhonen_klaus: Kilpisjärvi, Finnish Lapland right now (these are the real colours). https://t.co/4qfFU22h0v ->
  • Food knowledge and taste is a form of social capital, absolutely true. My parents (who came from humble households)… https://t.co/uEJzeLzzE2 ->
  • RT @biannagolodryga: What a montage. Putin, who has a history of power trips in the form of making foreign leaders wait for him (including… ->
  • RT @ADoolotkeldieva: I am not a military or 'border conflict' expert. I am a political analyst with years of fieldwork research in Kyrgyzst… ->
  • Que visite Bucha o Izium a ver si dice lo mismo. Lo llamaría idiota, pero se la dejaría muy, muy barata y ya sabemo… https://t.co/3OK7dCNDzo ->