- RT @HYHussein7: Iron Man 3 has the most accurate depiction of a panic attack in media I’ve seen— this is EXACTLY how it feels. You can’t th… ->
- RT @StarWars0nly: STAR WARS..
The Phantom Menace ep 1
The Rise Of Skywalker ep 9 https://t.co/gWeZk0wG4H -> - RT @TrungTPhan: It is almost grilling season. So, shoutout to the greatest Craigslist ad ever: “Generic father figure needed for BBQ”. http… ->
- That was my dad's move way back when. https://t.co/bLMJFZwJm4 ->
- RT @EmbaMexFin: El 1° de mayo se conmemora el #DíadelTrabajo en muchos países, incluido 🇫🇮, aunque aquí el día se asocia también con la cel… ->
- RT @aguilarcamin: En 2007 México estaba en el momento de menor violencia documentada de su historia. Desde 1990, la tasa de homicidios regi… ->
- RT @carlosbravoreg: El capitalismo de cuates no se crea ni se destruye, solo se… TRANSFORMA. ->
- RT @Katerinaabu: Zelenskyy has a presser in Helsinki atm. Finnish journalist: "This is the fifth European country and the first Nordic coun… ->
- RT @aasiain: Esto lo escribió nuestra admirada Ikram Antaki en 1999 y si ustedes no lo leyeron porque no habían nacido o estaban distraídos… ->
- RT @juhani: Helsingin Sanomat has built a secret room inside Counter-Strike in which Russians who play the game will hear the truth about t… ->
- RT @DarthPutinKGB: Zelensky is in Finland and I am in my bunker.
I remain a master strategist. ->
- RT @bilbeny: Ya lo dije antes pero es sumamente tierno ver banda más o menos seria que tenía bios mencionando "crypto"y "web3" hace unos me… ->
- RT @minna_alander: Zelenskyy in Helsinki today about the Russian drone attack accusations: we don’t attack Putin in the Kremlin, we are bus… ->
- RT @kareem_carr: I woke up to this.
Whenever I tweet about IQ, no matter how technical my critique, I’m attacked for my race.
People ass… ->
- RT @niinisto: An honour to host the Nordic-Ukrainian Summit today in Helsinki.
Our joint message is the strong, continued and unwavering… ->
- RT @DaveBlass: https://t.co/SXkWGiKWBq ->
- RT @PicturesFoIder: https://t.co/6UlApz6u4a ->
- RT @scienceisstrat1: It looks like we’ve turned the corner on inflation 📉 https://t.co/dkB0KBOtjN ->
- RT @MichaelWarbur17: “One last thing. While you may be mistaking this for your monthly meeting of the ignorant tight-ass club, in this buil… ->
- RT @PatThePM: The biggest struggle of product management in a nutshell: figuring out what to do in the unknown phase. https://t.co/sIwsT7OO… ->
- RT @ahsokasgoggles: in honor of may the 4th, here’s some star wars images that you can hear
a thread 🧵 https://t.co/WAFcoq3Zv0 -> - RT @ASonNamedBort: https://t.co/k9Vo49j0HZ ->
- Don't be that hiring manager, don't be that applicant either. https://t.co/oDH11OLIlE ->
- RT @DaveBlass: Just remember. Kirk shot first. #May4thBeWithYou https://t.co/rJaxtPYOll ->
- RT @Mikareport: I report the news, so I rarely take a stand. Here is an exception. This is a very personal account of my relationship with… ->
- RT @veronicalderon: Al fin… https://t.co/OX8fILmgBE ->
- RT @clairevo: There are two things CPO/CTOs are brought into do, on the product side
1. Product -> Platform
2. Product -> Multi Product1… ->
- RT @lamonse: Gracias a todos los que ayudaron a reducir los contagios de Covid19 —durante estos 3 años de pandemia– usando cubrebocas, teni… ->
- RT @jbrowder1: It finally happened! Our DoNotPay GPT-4 bot was negotiating against a company using GPT-4 to handle their own chat.
The two… ->
- RT @AndorianSoup: "He's holding a thermal detonator!!" https://t.co/DLBmNAZH32 ->
- RT @nachomdeo: La arquitectura de historias falsas y mentiras sobre las que se monta la invasión rusa a Ucrania, creó un mundo de fantasías… ->
- RT @kaimyrberg1: Radio Jerevan
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