Public Service Announcement

To all my dear readers:

This blog has moved over to Vox at Why? For a number of reasons.

  1. The interface is more user-friendly to post certain things such as video.
  2. It does look funkier (genkier a good friend would say).
  3. I am able to post straight from my N93. No small matter given that most of the ideas that come here I write down to my mobile device anyway, as I don’t always carry my PC.

Please update your bookmarks and RSS feeds.

I’ll leave all the previous posts in this blog, but it will no longer be updated. Thanks for the ride so far, I hope you come along to the next adventure!

5 thoughts on “Public Service Announcement”

  1. ya el nuevo en mis feeds.

    vox no es el una de las nuevas aventuras de Loic Le Meur?

    Se pasaron todos los posts de blogger?

  2. Es de los de Six Apart.

    Todos los posts de blogger han sido transplantados a su nueva casa.

    Lo único que no me gusta es que actualmente te tienes que registrar para hacer comentarios, pero están trabajando para poner OpenID.

  3. Dear Mr. Lehto,

    I wholeheartedly agree with everybody’s freedom to express themselves however they see fit, but frankly, I don’t agree with your opinions. I am actually quite disgusted by them and by your absolute lack of tact, even though I’m neither a Muslim nor an African.

    Take your bigoted opinions somewhere else where they belong.

  4. Hi I’m writing this on behalf of Anna at the Guardian-

    Just to let you know that, sadly, due to corporate reshuffling the Guardian Abroad website has been closed down. The blogs listings are no longer live, which means that if you had a ‘Review my blog on Guardian Abroad’ button or any links, these are now directed to the Guardian Weekly website.
    We’re very sorry for any inconvenience caused and would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your creative and much appreciated contribution to Guardian Abroad. Please come and have a look at the new site, and feel free to submit any ideas you have, either about the site or to do with ideas for articles.

    Thanks and best wishes,
    Anna Bruce-Lockhart
    Site editor

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