- Blog Post: Weekly tweets from 2013-09-23 to 2013-09-29: My Top 3 #lastfm Artists: Acerina Y Su Danzonera (11),… http://t.co/gVx3qVa8LG ->
- RT @TheAtlantic: The 10 hidden economic trends that rule the world—and will shape the future http://t.co/EUKFxONDAC ->
- Into town… #Cycling 8.6 km in 00:25:32 http://t.co/P71O0oPmRO tracked with #sportstracker ->
- Muutoksen pelko nähtävissä: Kuluttajan ääni hukkuu digimainonnan hypeen http://t.co/YREBJGXIOs ->
- Back… #Cycling 9.4 km in 00:27:27 http://t.co/ULnUZCiUrP tracked with #sportstracker ->
- RT @blackbeak: CPA is wrong. VPA (value per acquisition). In other words customer lifetime value. #gasummit ->
- RT @Huddersfield247: America was not shut down properly. Would you like to start America in safe mode, with free healthcare and without the… ->
- RT @NormaPensado: Pequeño Oliver, bienvenido como nuevo miembro de la comunidad mexicana en Helsinki! ->
- .@NormaPensado Acabamos de ver su tuit. ¡Muchas gracias Sra. Embajadora! in reply to NormaPensado ->
- RT @Digiday: Oreo envy has made real-time marketing go down the drain. http://t.co/TDRaWUlre5 ->
- I'm now ranked Dedicated (top 40%) in Grand Theft Auto IV on Raptr! http://t.co/P4JL1Su7Wo ->
- Nokia & Finland: when it was time to break up it hurt like hell, but it was still an affair to remember http://t.co/JqwMFcb8A0 ->
- RT @brainpicker: So great: If Shakespeare had written Star Wars http://t.co/d3hqo2tn9R ->
- RT @KinStockholm: Crucial analysis and advice for all leaders in the digital age. #ceo #finland #leadership @haydn1701 @forbes http://t.co/… ->