- Blog Post: Weekly tweets from 2013-10-14 to 2013-10-20: Mulle ei käynyt niin huonosti kuin näillä tyypeillä, m… http://t.co/VY5Tl8LKpI ->
- RT @JussiPullinen: NSA murtautui Meksikon presidentin sähköpostiin, kertoo Spiegel. http://t.co/EdTdzNntrc ->
- RT @ArabianGazette: Years of spying on Mexico govt gave US investment benefits http://t.co/n4CyGv7cNT ->
- RT @jeglobalcitizen: If you missed it: A new teaching method unlocking students potential: http://t.co/aJPK4bgJtf – cc @mariaacaso @redmatr… ->
- RT @SPIEGEL_English: NSA hacked into Mexican president's email, document leaked by Edward Snowden shows: http://t.co/EuB9UZpeNa ->
- RT @SinEmbargoMX: Der Spiegel revela que Obama autorizó hackear a FCH y la respuesta de México es apenas un breve boletín http://t.co/wLr4x… ->
- RT @SRE_mx: Posición del @gobrep sobre informes adicionales de presuntas actividades de la Agencia de Seguridad Nacional de EUA http://t.co… ->
- The future is here: Finland needs an official policy on robotics (in Finnish) http://t.co/i1nW7udp2y ->
- RT @El_Universal_Mx: En el abandono, escuela de niña genio: funciona en condiciones lastimosas y mantiene sin comida a alumnos http://t.co… ->
- RT @PandoDaily: A “Grand Theft Auto V” actor reveals what it’s like to act in history's best-selling video game: http://t.co/NfRcgGPJbZ by … ->
- Finnish words for snow – http://t.co/JLrp6gJaz4 / yes, some of these sound ridiculous to me too 😉 ->
- The highly unusual company behind Sriracha, the world’s coolest hot sauce http://t.co/i7OALx42qi / love your product ->
- En México no hay racismo pero no nos gustan los morenos O_o / Nexos – Quién no es quién http://t.co/y7pAxQDm5w ->
- RT @jeglobalcitizen: From New York to Atlacomulco: In which cities should you be investing in the American Continent and why? – http://t.co… ->
- RT @jeglobalcitizen: Un artículo corto y amigable sobre la idea de circulación de cerebros que vengo defendiendo desde hace varios años: ht… ->
- RT @SanCadilla: Pues será el sereno pero se está cumpliendo aquel viejo adagio que dice que cuando @Chivas anda mal también la Selección ->
- RT @SanCadilla: Brutalmente honesto el análisis futbolístico de lo que pasa en @Chivas #Imperdible http://t.co/Y2XXx9HSlI ->
- I could so have a Monte Xanic red… / The Mexican Wine Revolution – Wine Enthusiast Magazine – October 2012 http://t.co/ALp7n0JUY6 ->
- If you are not white, even if you are educated you might bump into this in Finland http://t.co/JFOLNZvfc3 ->
- RT @yousifabdullah: @seetu Very much true. E.g. if I go solo, it's almost impossible to get into clubs. Always need to go with “white frien… ->
- RT @yousifabdullah: @seetu If I'm out alone at night, the likelihood of cops asking for my ID on the street is 2000% higher than if I was w… ->
- .@yousifabdullah @seetu Sadly you have to be more Catholic than the pope 😉 within my circle of acquaintances it is great, outside varies. in reply to yousifabdullah ->
- RT @AnttiTimonen: FT on Finnish start-ups: Nokia says it has helped set up 1,000 new companies http://t.co/ZU89IMtMal Happy to see @TiinaZi… ->
- El crimen no paga / Gatopardo – Reportaje: – Un narco sin suerte http://t.co/QLDsKGAEwD ->
- RT @juanllaneza: Many people ask what is the ROI of investing on UX?
Answer: What is the cost of not having a good UX?
Then keep silenc… ->
- RT @elpais_america: Tribuna: Cumbres iberoamericanas… ¿para qué? http://t.co/ugFyUDppyJ España y México tienen que redefinir los intereses,… ->
- Now I have a name… / Thanks to the “mancession,” metrosexuals have become “manfluencers™” http://t.co/WAYO2eNAYG via @qz ->
- RT @timoreilly: Why the Government Never Gets Tech Right http://t.co/PYHHctYGw1 @harper and @cjoh put healthcare. gov problems in a broader… ->
- RT @FT: Baltic scramble? Helsinki's attempt to attract more overseas investors & entrepreneurs http://t.co/4mqWZ5n55L – @FT_HouseandHome ->
- Suomi on kuningas ei 😉 http://t.co/y0XDgtyUss ->
- RT @jeglobalcitizen: Football as the ultimate metaphor: “Every World Cup team reflects its country’s social model” reflects @JuanVilloro56 … ->
- Shirin Namiq: Työnantajille kotoutumiskoulutusta nyky-Suomeen | Nelonen.fi http://t.co/SoGkr6ScF0 ->