- Blog Post: Weekly tweets from 2014-09-22 to 2014-09-28: Blog Post: Weekly tweets from 2014-09-15 to 2014-09-21… http://t.co/mBWc30giK4 ->
- RT @juuuso: "How to Save Finland". I wrote a little blog post. https://t.co/kH6alrirRQ ->
- RT @WillardJed: #Finland world's largest beneficiary of #globalization per capita – @BertelsmannFdn http://t.co/E19DNLx1ib @AnnetteHeuser @… ->
- RT @FMR_Brussels: Contains Friday-tastic Nokia meme link, @alexstubb twitter jibe, and a GIANT UNDERSEA INTERNET CABLE http://t.co/wn5RsC1f… ->
- RT @Leon_Krauze: Y tú, vives en una burbuja? Agradezco lectura y RT. http://t.co/YOFHD357hy ->
- RT @jorgesuarezv: Mi columna sobre el viaje de EPN a NY y las oportunidades perdidas: México no tiene política exterior | El Financiero htt… ->
- RT @Leon_Krauze: Buena polémica ha generado mi artículo sobre la nueva embajadora de Estados Unidos en México. AGradezco RT. http://t.co/9Q… ->
- RT @MeredithFrost: Japanese construction firm says it will have an elevator to space by 2050: http://t.co/8j5p3bML3F http://t.co/PbgzDnP7U0 ->
- RT @Miremara: The outrageous new metric for online attention that will completely change the Internet forever via @FortuneMagazine http://t… ->
- RT @cowbs: Engineers don't let engineers design user interfaces. http://t.co/XKSDUOxKHe ->
- On The Future of Apple and Google | steve cheney – technology, business & strategy http://t.co/8H3V088koV ->
- Firechat was sparking interest in India, even before it became a mainstay of the Hong Kong protests http://t.co/s0sqqFS3Ru via @qz ->
- Elon Musk puts his case for a multi-planet civilisation http://t.co/GY2ssYAiez via @aeonmag ->
- RT @TheAtlantic: "On the other side of the Shenzhen River": A man born in Kunming reflects on Hong Kong, and cries http://t.co/lj49FN1SLM ->
- RT @Finnfield: Angry Birds maker Rovio lays off 130 staff and tries to 'reignite growth' http://t.co/M2657g4HhY via @guardian ->
- Finlandia, el país que ama los libros | Babelia | EL PAÍS http://t.co/HkgZ4oP0id ->