- #Chespirito es inmortal https://t.co/xL6gM7iFVc de @LOS3TT ->
- RT @andreswhat: an orphan who hid in a barrel,a hero without superpowers,a doctor disgusted by blood,and a thief who couldn't rob anyone #R… ->
- RT @el_pais: Que no panda el cúnico: las expresiones que le debes a #Chespirito http://t.co/rsFUcjGeXK ->
- RT @EugenioDerbez: El talento de Chespirito no tiene caducidad. Q.E.P.D. http://t.co/I6kRmvzn4C http://t.co/fSTLd0unVS ->
- If you're interested in joining a leading marketing consultancy and are based in Finland, Marketing Clinic (my forme…http://t.co/qiMRO03fQP ->
- This video is awesome. As in seriously awesome. http://t.co/9WbrxF5V5O ->
- Hardline Australia, confused Scandinavia and tense Russia: the global immigration picture http://t.co/dGozIHXK0x via @guardian ->
- Japanese ads man, Japanese ads: http://t.co/Z4vTljZM6C ->
- Another analysis of the debacle / Bye Bye Nokia – A failure of management over leadership http://t.co/dkWu6fUvoo via @jonobean ->
- This is why you shouldn't take people's Facebook lives seriously http://t.co/4Hl5Gclwsr ->
- RT @juanburgos: Esta respuesta de @HouseofCards para @lopezdoriga es el más grande #WIN que he visto en Twitter. Cc @OphCourse http://t.co/… ->
- RT @STHoward: BIGGEST tech news of 2014: Software is eating the world is eating Thin Mints. The future is now @girlscouts @pmarca http://t.… ->
- RT @pmarca: UK: "Every single type of engineering in short supply, from mechanical to software, civil to electrical." http://t.co/tXbMN8F7F… ->
- RT @erikbryn: Plus photo RT @MasterMarquette: Moore's law just won't give up: https://t.co/r205weAwsj @pmarca http://t.co/T6UTuIf2E4 ->
- RT @elakdawalla: Guys. I've been doing leftover turkey wrong. My kids' nanny brought us turkey mole tamales and OM NOM NOM ->
- RT @MenosPeorDiario: RT @el_pais La popularidad de Peña Nieto cae a dos años de asumir presidencia http://t.co/a3L5NbP8pU – Lo que nunca ve… ->
- UAE National Day earworm #Narzif https://t.co/Bv1bndvfih ->
- RT @MenosPeorDiario: Cuídense, granaderos, que vamos con todo. http://t.co/X8muSoMCdD ->
- You Cannot Tell if Star Wars: Episode VII is Good or Bad From 90 Seconds of Footage | http://t.co/ksZoQ9rZAa http://t.co/PiYTxvEBL9 ->
- 5 of 5 stars to Don't They Know It's Friday by Jeremy Williams http://t.co/MNrV1VVtqJ ->
- Finland, Finland, Finland / Nordea sees zero-growth decade, urges tax cuts http://t.co/V7qUIItdqE ->
- If it works as a family car, I wouldn't mind getting this one 😉 http://t.co/SM7P1fToW4 ->
- RT @vicenews: "We're going to 'Ayotzinapa' you, and disappear you like they did to them." http://t.co/EQExxeEiqJ http://t.co/yOm8SwPR2Q ->
- Rich countries and the minorities they discriminate against, mapped http://t.co/IqaQg5v2BX via @qz ->
- Botnets para censurar una conversación en Twitter/ ¿Por qué ya no aparece #Yamecansé como TT en Twitter? http://t.co/3ebF1su15d via @sopitas ->
- RT @arturovaldemar: Censuran el TT #YaMeCanse pero la sociedad responde. Surge #YaMeCanse2 Tiempos difíciles para callar al pueblo. ->
- The 10 Best Ads of 2014 http://t.co/NR4H2P107F ->
- RT @conradhackett: Country flags with symbols of
Christianity 31
Islam 21
Buddhism &/or Hinduism 5
Judaism 1http://t.co/JNcuJS4IAB http:/… ->
- I know @viljux is really going to like this: Typeset in the Future http://t.co/KoUiY7kE7h ->
- Make friends with an astronaut! Say hello on http://t.co/I1NJWIAT03 #futura42 via @Friends_inSpace ->
- Scary. What happens when antibiotics don't work anymore? /‘Superbugs’ Kill India’s Babies and Pose an Overseas Threat http://t.co/F6CMVyoIIZ ->
- OMG / Star Wars Slip-On | Shop Classic Shoes at Vans http://t.co/oPkQM8PxOE via @sharethis ->
- Apparently Google Glass Addiction Is Now A Thing http://t.co/WFHc26vdFL ->
- A quienes dicen que el cambio está en uno mismo http://t.co/VMTBM1F1PM ->
- RT @bilbeny: Si Wes Anderson dirigiera Star Wars Episode VII http://t.co/gLl77gL7S7 ->
- RT @DerSPIEGEL: Racial Divide: The Tragedy of America's First Black President @BarackObama http://t.co/7DdinnQ2e6 via @SPIEGEL_English #Fer… ->
- Crisis in Mexico: Pena Nieto, and Mexico's Infrarrealistas http://t.co/wPc4GR2aGV ->
- Finnish Independence Day: Galas, protests and war memories | Yle Uutiset | yle.fi http://t.co/i5mrN3gwzn ->
- Finnish Independence Day remembrance: Documentary 2014 The Winter War of Finland and Russia http://t.co/68bUF9vMGS ->
- Dusk from the balcony #mydubai https://t.co/8UjA0uHxQB ->
- Beach lounge chair at JBR #myduba https://t.co/1h76zQckQI ->
- Cempasúchil de camino al trabajo #mydubai https://t.co/IunQW8jzX0 ->
- Bruce Oreckin vinkki suomalaisille: Lopettakaa ruikutus ja ottakaa nämä viisi askelta menestykseen http://t.co/alsQyZTHbc ->
- Inbound #mexpats? / Despite violence, Mexico still attracts young expats http://t.co/umcTZZkpnH ->
- My Top 3 #lastfm Artists: Jean Sibelius (17), Nortec Collective (10) & Los Tigres Del Norte (10) #music http://t.co/veIGuoVbgt ->