- Blog Post: Weekly tweets from 2015-01-12 to 2015-01-18: Blog Post: Weekly tweets from 2015-01-05 to 2015-01-11… http://t.co/WpBOdOkw7c ->
- A little bit of rain in #MyDubai and everybody loses their cool. It's just water habibis. 😉 http://t.co/NFV22OQxhc ->
- RT @BBC_DelosReyes: Shocking news from Argentina. Prosecutor Alberto #Nisman found dead hours before appearing in Congress re 1994 #AMIA bo… ->
- RT @RAEinforma: #RAEconsultas El verbo «nevar» es irregular y diptonga en las formas que tienen el acento prosódico en la raíz: «nieva», p… ->
- Floods and hail in the UAE http://t.co/em6Zdfsb0V ->
- Marine Le Pen, she who hates all non-white people, gets an op-Ed published in the @nytimes in MLK day, no less… WTF?!?!? ->
- RT @danigranatta: Gran chart sobre lo que más clickbait genera en Buzzfeed
vía @sincretic http://t.co/QSgYy0XGtB -> - RT @Mikmo: “By the way, TMI is such an outdated concept. There’s no such thing as too much information, this is the information age!” // GI… ->
- RT @MerielMyers: The phantom wine labeller is at it again!! http://t.co/9O0DdSR1Es ->
- RT @BenedictEvans: The world is getting better. Pretty much everywhere. Capitalism (& tech) do work, mostly. via http://t.co/rEQXhxFkSB htt… ->
- Ai kukaan ei osannut edes arvata missä tilanteessa oltaisiin nyt?: http://t.co/I5Pfsorc8D via @saarikko ->
- RT @DavidHasselhoff: Finland…freezing?? Not for the Hoff. http://t.co/9atwT9aRHz ->
- Economistas de Harvard al rescate de tienditas mexicanas http://t.co/xecmM7Oq9o ->
- Dawn over #MyDubai http://t.co/xsXyURfxyZ ->
- A Muslim's Response to the 25,000 Anti-Islam Protesters in Germany http://t.co/wDhbuV0Z0e ->
- RT @dubizzle: #Dubai is the best city in the world to live and work. Well, how do you like that? 🙂 #MyDubai http://t.co/mvn177fgac http://… ->
- Digital Photographer Middle East http://t.co/GVKXrK41Gh via @arabiaenquirer ->
- No sé por qué estoy super cumbianchero esta mañana, pero el ritmo ayuda con la concentración… http://t.co/S3dUn2jB2F #NowPlaying ->
- RT @TheTweetOfGod: President Maduro of Venezuela just said I would provide for his country's citizens. That's what I put the oil there for … ->
- RT @SeleeAndrew: The meth-toting drone that crashed in Tijuana via @washingtonpost @shirktwit @MexicoInstitute http://t.co/lqHzxbeVZZ ->
- RT @Kymppipaikka: Huuhkajat jäi maalittomaan tasapeliin http://t.co/Qs9vmi5JTP #Huuhkajat ->
- Oli parempi nukkua kotona kuin maksaa torkkuista stadionilla #Huuhkajat ->
- Shisha o'clock (at @Arabiska Restaurant & Cafe in Dubai) https://t.co/lBMIqHGv4D ->
- Interactive currency-comparison tool: The Big Mac índex / Because PPP http://t.co/rTQsdIgIfP ->
- Escenarios para México en 2015 http://t.co/q9JjgVQFOa ->
- What one finds when skating further than before… Yay! (@ Nordic Crown Bakery) https://t.co/xkFkZowUnd ->
- 23.01.2015 12:29… #RollerSkating 9.9 km in 00:48:27 http://t.co/bbnj5Yavv8 tracked with #sportstracker ->
- RT @J_Lappalainen: Yksi kuva kertoo, miksi #eläkeikä ei voi junnata paikoillaan. Pidempään eläminen vaatii pidempää työskentelyä. http://t.… ->
- In case you're interested, I'm selling baby stuff / 'Pingu activity gym playmat' on http://t.co/h7mNY9prdT #dubizzle http://t.co/2Ntv3xKCiJ ->
- RT @BenedictEvans: Idea: retro hipster taxi app that randomises availability, plays crappy music, takes the longest route, trolls you with … ->
- This Industry Is Still Completely Ridiculous http://t.co/RxOkPICb72 ->
- Hmmm, to the read list #longreads / “How the CIA made Google” by @NafeezAhmed https://t.co/Z1XCpjLKDw ->
- My Top 3 #lastfm Artists: Los Ángeles Azules (17), Mexican Institute of Sound (13) & Tycho (10) #music http://t.co/veIGuoVbgt ->