- Blog Post: Weekly tweets from 2015-03-30 to 2015-04-05: Blog Post: Weekly tweets from 2015-03-23 to 2015-03-29… http://t.co/SSUTcMY8Hz ->
- RT @ChilangoCom: A ver chilangas y chilangos: que levante la mano a quien ya le esté dando la depre #devueltaalGodinato ->
- Oldies behaving badly: Sex and drugs and getting old | The Economist http://t.co/8TPlVaeg6m ->
- RT @CharlesCMann: Tickled that the 2nd arc of Cimarronin, graphic novel I co-wrote, is out tom'w: http://t.co/FS6LfK1zwq #shamelessplug htt… ->
- Supermancito protects Dubai https://t.co/ENrPXpBnXI ->
- Supermancito always exploring https://t.co/UgQpmxReBz ->
- Dubai Marina dusk https://t.co/pYCPA36Meu ->
- Dubai Marina dusk https://t.co/5Z1FqsK2Gw ->
- RT @DeniseDresserG: Comparto mi columna sobre mirreyes, helicópteros y la ostentación/frivolidad/mediocridad de la élite que nos gobierna h… ->
- Technology was absent from the leaders' debate – but it is key to the UK's success http://t.co/fHjmgBzJPJ ->
- Lies, damn lies and statistics /Perussuomalaisten maahanmuuttoraportin loppusummat perustuvat silmänkääntötemppuun http://t.co/lehw15ScuB ->
- RT @koko_hubara: Fascinating read about India's complex relationship w/ the English language http://t.co/s9iJNZn1WL ->
- RT @qz: By sea, by air, by rail: How India is pulling off one of its biggest rescue missions abroad http://t.co/QDIDgZDjTE http://t.co/rAMT… ->
- Sarcasm mode on / Panu Raatikainen: Tutkimus: Paljonko persut maksavat yhteiskunnalle? http://t.co/AXIGcidHWC ->
- .@persut :n vaalivideo muistuttaa nyrkkeilyottelumainokset… pelon lietsontaa parhaimmillaan https://t.co/sZzOqgQWOX ->
- RT @TheNextWeb: John Oliver’s interview with Edward Snowden will make you care about government surveillance http://t.co/k2U973O9yR http://… ->
- RT @jyrkikasvi: Jokaisen ehdokkaan pitäisi lukea tämä… ja äänestäjän | Finland's got a lot of problems http://t.co/aW2ZAZFzes via @bi_con… ->
- RT @arabiaenquirer: Starbucks unveils new ‘Burj’ size coffee cup for Middle East http://t.co/IsxWo8Kon2 http://t.co/XtR8Q6iQie ->
- Outi Lehtonen haluaa auttaa Suomeen palaajia, jotka ovat vaarassa jäädä paitsioon http://t.co/iMr0Adb6OJ ->
- Momentum of xenophobic right in Finland – Al Jazeera English http://t.co/8Mvu2F7IZW ->
- RT @Bucks: The Bucks have signed guard Jorge Gutierrez to a multi-year contract » http://t.co/9EV4qNzLN1 #OwnTheFuture http://t.co/5GCitdty… ->
- 08.04.2015 18:37… # 5.2 km in 00:40:05 http://t.co/QPqT8bzbms tracked with #sportstracker ->
- Keskusta panee Suomi kuntoon… XD https://t.co/XVP6H7UzTN ->
- BTW, ennakkoäänestys eduskuntavaaleihin alkaa tänään Dubaissa klo 12 Media One hotelissa täällä Media Cityssä. http://t.co/dEvh7frxLm ->
- Suomi on maa jossa eduskuntavaaliehdokas vastaa henkilökohtaisesti asialliset feissariviestit cc @SariMultala http://t.co/yWDRmbE6NM ->
- RT @shannonkoneil: What Mexico's Korenfeld case says about new dynamics of outing corruption and why it's just the start: http://t.co/FtTXS… ->
- The feels… / Hark, the empty highways calling — What if, when Petunia Dursley found a little boy… http://t.co/FNi64pfcwQ ->
- Why I taught myself 20 languages — and what I learned about myself | http://t.co/hGGpGksObB http://t.co/NNNJwtVqiC ->
- Breaking the language barrier | Tim Doner | TEDxTeen 2014 http://t.co/0OdapDQMr0 ->
- RT @quintanapaz: Garabatos de un alumno ruso de 7 años del siglo XIII: incluye batallas en que se dibuja a sí mismo y su profesor. http://t… ->
- RT @filsdeproust: Anders Borg: Suomen tehostettava maahanmuuttoa, jos halutaan menestyviä yrityksiä http://t.co/lkeiVsm3cH ->
- RT @PatrickStrud: It's so profoundly weird to even reduce people to the label 'immigrant'. As if country of birth is the most salient fact … ->
- RT @filsdeproust: Onko Suomessakin kevätjäiden lähdön aika? http://t.co/sBQJqZ6xNl ->