- Blog Post: Weekly tweets from 2016-02-08 to 2016-02-14: Blog Post: Weekly tweets from 2016-02-01 to 2016-02-07… https://t.co/U7MmOmx9Pi ->
- Would you bet against sex robots? AI 'could leave half of world unemployed' https://t.co/RnFCJzekgW ->
- The future of Moore's Law https://t.co/jAY3m30Pze ->
- RT @mims: In which case perhaps, as @fmanjoo articulated, Twitter's goals should be something other than growing its user base. ->
- RT @earcos: Si eres hombre, eres blanco, hablas inglés o naciste en el país en que vives eres un privilegiado.
Es vital que pienses mucho … ->
- Not a fan of when Big Data is used to kill people, especially potentially innocent people https://t.co/3WDFvk6E5n ->
- RT @ahope71: Columna | El infiltrado; por Juan Villoro https://t.co/fjKZgsglKV via @el_pais ->
- RT @fdelatg: Republicans and Hispanics: The Extent of the Damage Done @nytimes https://t.co/9VRG2R4Zxb ->
- I wish I had known this when I graduated / The same behaviors that spell academic success can backfire at work https://t.co/vxok7sFohN ->
- Albures a la española, jajajaja https://t.co/z1X6cTl95M ->
- LOL / Si las portadas de las revistas masculinas fuesen como las femeninas https://t.co/7GlihallP5 ->
- Björn Wahlroos: Muutoksen konteksti, markkinatalouden lyhyt oppimäärä https://t.co/jv4xfMNW7I via @YouTube ->
- I don't know how @Linkis_com got installed as my URL shortener. Revoked it, effin' useless. ->
- This is long, but so, so good / Star Wars Force Awakens ALL Easter Eggs & References ( FULL MOVIE ) https://t.co/gp7MSUCNaZ ->
- #Filiprimos / 10 Reasons Why Latinos and Filipinos Are Primos https://t.co/iO1ND9dgCa ->
- RT @sanmarinopasion: El Manchester United da mas vergüenza que nosotros. ->
- RT @AlArabiya_Eng: BLOG: Taste testing fish tacos and guacamole at a Mexican eatery in #Dubai https://t.co/YKEviufo6Q https://t.co/ajX9aZN… ->
- RT @albertomontt: El mexicano y su adicción al gel. Tesis de doctorado. ->
- RT @TheAtlantic: Inside the video-game universe that creates itself https://t.co/nuRE6X082a https://t.co/R9egHGrYqn ->
- Hail oh gladiators braving the waters of #MWC16. Have some fideguá and jabugo on my behalf. Nostalgic for the olden @Nokia times. ->