- Blog Post: Weekly tweets from 2016-03-28 to 2016-04-03: Blog Post: Weekly tweets from 2016-03-21 to 2016-03-27… https://t.co/b3lXtd1v50 ->
- Waiting for the first session at #STEP2016 to start. Looking forward to meeting interesting people. https://t.co/bRLHoHsHd0 ->
- #STEP2016 (@ Step Conference 2016 in Dubai) https://t.co/Swie52oLCn ->
- Bassem Youssef at #step2016 @ Dubai International Marine Club in Mina Seyahi https://t.co/KaVmZvl9XR ->
- Chris from @uber explaining that rides in Dubai are also generated by tourists. #STEP2016 https://t.co/qsUh30933v ->
- The problem with being a full-stack employee is that companies might not know how to use your abilities. https://t.co/8FyUIe9JaR ->
- RT @edgarvedder: 6 de Abril de 1915. Tiene lugar la madre de todas las batallas en la historia militar de México. Obregón vs Villa https://… ->
- Certainly not only a British, but a European problem / Oh, So Now I’m Bangladeshi? https://t.co/Cvbk9YA0He ->