- RT @tuuliel: Suomen pandemianarratiivi kiteytyy tähän.
Kaiken lisäksi osa suojatoimia ja rajoituksia vastustaneista yrittää nyt ottaa kun… ->
- RT @hugorifkind: It’s Holocaust Memorial Day. This year, I’m thinking of a woman called Sulamita Szapiro. Here she is as a student. We were… ->
- One of my most important jobs as a product lead is to take care of my people’s well-being. PMs self-select for high… https://t.co/ak01CN55LW ->
- I know what poor mental health caused by a toxic work environment looks and feels like and I actively steer my beha… https://t.co/hnGjeWfGS5 in reply to chivacongelado ->
- Your people’s well-being, in turn, impacts the company’s bottom line and the sustainability of the business. There’… https://t.co/ZWzf23CfMl in reply to chivacongelado ->
- Radical candor, yes, but psychological safety as table stakes and in my specific case a very Mexican cultural urge… https://t.co/up84a8MEgw in reply to chivacongelado ->
- Of course there are many factors (competitive position, people’s previous experience, financial crises, pandemics f… https://t.co/07bJSLlEwW in reply to chivacongelado ->
- Product management is about innovation, innovation is about uncertainty, and handling of uncertainty can short circ… https://t.co/758V5pD7MY in reply to chivacongelado ->
- That school board would have gone apopleptic with me watching Schindler's List as school homework when it came out.… https://t.co/p1NuPyxTOA ->
- ¿Qué película viste más de 7 veces? Contesta (o cita) con un gif. https://t.co/PRw4KnUDzS https://t.co/4OeJWM3aUI ->
- https://t.co/Xy2Bp3Nr5H in reply to chivacongelado ->
- https://t.co/gLCX1UmWcZ in reply to chivacongelado ->
- https://t.co/DUzmM6mqQX in reply to chivacongelado ->
- https://t.co/1JArXlwFwe in reply to chivacongelado ->
- RT @EmbaMexFin: 🎬Te presentamos la tercera de 6 microhistorias documentales del proyecto "Desenmascarando la Lucha libre", “El rudo y el té… ->
- RT @ItamarGilad: Managing up: 1) Understand what your managers are optimizing for 2) try to articulate it as a goal (eg in OKR format), eve… ->
- El típico que no entiende que no es sólo que pique, sino también que sepa. Diferentes chiles con diferentes cosas,… https://t.co/yIokTL7qAQ ->
- RT @08181: México para extranjeros:
Sin chile = No pica
No pica = Pica
Pica un poco = Pica mucho
Pica un chingo = Vida en riesgo
Puta cómo… -> - Me hacia falta reírme así. https://t.co/zcu2cwZjNR ->
- RT @forssto: Any top seat job with any product development craft right now is 80% a talent acquisition job—and it’s a brutal one too. ->
- RT @jd_geeky: Naboo star fighter fun fact: designers were worried that it was too sleek to fit Star Wars’ rugged dystopian aesthetic.
They… ->
- RT @stephenkinsella: A little personal news. As of today I'm Professor of Economics at the University of Limerick. I'm not here to humblebr… ->
- RT @ErkkaRailo: Jos venäläiselle kertois, että suomalaisen korruption järkyttävin esimerkki on että virkamies pelaa Finnair-pisteillä, se n… ->
- RT @BeataWojna: “Hace mucho Kiev fue capital de Rusia”, hay que entender a Rusia, dicen por aquí. Respuesta: Kiev fue capital de Rusia hace… ->
- Marked as to-read: Empireland by Sathnam Sanghera https://t.co/V4c7BeeJ8x ->
- We’re being blasted by a snowstorm called #Valtteri in Helsinki and obviously my solution was to enjoy it outside c… https://t.co/QNjr80QcOj ->
- At least when I finally got to #Paloheinä park it looks properly like Narnia. #xcskiing https://t.co/VI9zFtMiBW in reply to chivacongelado ->
- RT @HelsinkiKymp: Varoitellaan mekin. Lunta tulossa viikonloppuna paljon. Kaikki kaupungin aurat valmiudessa auraamaan. Sinun kotikatusi au… ->
- The best part of it all? I was not the only certified insane person doing the same thing. Saw a few fellow cross-co… https://t.co/8W7rk22TiT in reply to chivacongelado ->
- There are a couple of consultancies that are our partners on building product culture and know how but they’re not… https://t.co/m4BssgYDta ->