- RT @page_eco: It’s incredible that some in the West keep repeating Putin’s propaganda about “Nazis in Ukraine”.
Truth: the far-right is sm… ->
- RT @ReinaRiikka: Mulla palaa hermot autokauppoihin jo ensi askeleella. Koska tämä linnake ymmärtää, että naiset tekevät päätöksiä ja ostava… ->
- RT @kajakallas: Today 73 years ago my mother (only 6-months old at the time) was deported to Siberia with my grandmother and great-grandmot… ->
- RT @JimMFelton: When JK Rowling sat in that cafe all those years ago, there’s no way she could have known she’d one day be endorsed by Vlad… ->
- RT @carlogarganese: 🚨 LONG THREAD 🚨
Italian football has a HUGE crisis in youth development and the end result of that is failing to quali… ->
- RT @jojjeols: 🧵For obvious reasons, I have started to read up a bit on military history, and will occasionally sum up things I find interes… ->
- RT @Alldogsaredead: I love when Gandalf finds out the magic ring Bilbo has is the one ring and he's like oh fuck no way. It must be like fi… ->
- RT @WUTangKids: Linkin Park released their second album “Meteora” filled with their biggest hits 19 years ago today…their live mashup with… ->
- RT @Biz_Ukraine_Mag: Glorious 19-tweet thread of Ukrainian tractors towing away Putin’s hapless invasion force ->
- Nooooooo. Rest in Power Taylor. 😭 https://t.co/UNb6JRNyqN ->
- RT @RAMONRAYA23: Voy a desglosar la jugada de Reyna para q el q quiera aprender lo haga y no se desgarren las vestiduras.
Primer recorte. Q… -> - RT @sopitas: QEPD, Taylor Hawkins. Cuéntale a Kurt todas las aventuras que viviste con Dave. https://t.co/bIOc6qTWDB ->
- RT @dsaadia: RIP Taylor Hawkins. Last performance in Mexico City March 15 2022 💔 https://t.co/M1xaSvt3VH ->
- Olé sus huevos https://t.co/1t96ppdT5N ->
- RT @korno: Velas en el escenario donde se iba a presentar Foo Fighters en Bogotá.
Qué triste noche. https://t.co/OrAvMJeVHq -> - RT @natemook: Today, the Lviv Philharmonic performed for the first time since the invasion—with refugees from across Ukraine joining the or… ->
- RT @IlvesToomas: People ask why Estonian, Latvians Lithuanians and Poles are at the lead helping Ukrainians.
We get it. We’ve been there.… ->
- RT @jackeparrock: This really is quite something. Wait for the total admonishment of Hungary’s Viktor Orban. https://t.co/zVrkwNY1eL ->
- También pueden contactarme a mí. Estos “representantes populares” deben entender qué país realmente representan. https://t.co/N1dEXk5yz7 ->
- RT @CarolBoquin: #RIPTaylorHawkins 😭I loved when he sang this song. He was an amazing performer. Foo Fighters feet. Rufus Taylor on drums —… ->
- This model only works if your demographics support it. The Russian population pyramid does not have enough young pe… https://t.co/grui4BG7uC ->
- RT @RottenInDenmark: Fascinating analysis of Sweden's "herd immunity" strategy in March 2020. Basically the government was taken over by CO… ->
- RT @Sotherans: in the spirit of the age, and because I couldn't rest until I had done it, I present
Trapped In A Cabin With Lord Byron, th… ->
- RT @onejasonknight: Welcome to Product Twitter where you simultaneously do & don't need to worry about marketing, sales, distribution, wher… ->
- RT @davidgambarte: Tienen el segundo ejército más grande del mundo y el primer arsenal nuclear. Itimidan, desestabilizan o incluso invaden… ->
- RT @theMadridZone: Keylor Navas welcomed a group of 30 Ukrainians refugees to his home in Paris to live temporarily.
He bought 30 beds tha… ->
- RT @vpkivimaki: Seeing something I haven’t seen before in Finnish traffic: Ukrainian license plates. Ласкаво просимо. 🇺🇦🇫🇮 ->
- RT @alexstubb: In Europe we should not fall into the trap of thinking that the war in Ukraine is all about Russia v. the West.
It is as mu… ->
- The choreography was awesome but I couldn’t stop thinking about the knees 😅 https://t.co/7VCvGnbRg3 ->
- RT @MarkHertling: The objectives of Putin were fairly straightforward from the beginning: Subjugate Ukraine, Divide NATO, further divide th… ->
- RT @MonstersOfRock: Taylor Hawkins 💔 Somebody to Love https://t.co/guZyahvyLG ->
- RT @isosavi: Johtaminen on ilmeisesti NL-tyylistä. "Russians don’t empower their soldiers, they tell their soldiers to go from Point A to P… ->
- RT @lapatina_: https://t.co/QaPT7LDyrG ->
- RT @punk6529: 1/ On How Short Life Is
A few years ago, I was walking around in a blizzard in SoHo (New York). It was late, midnight, and… ->
- RT @kamilkazani: How sanctions are killing Russia?
Russia's falling. Old sanctions of 2014 sabotaged development of new innovative weaponr… ->
- RT @consequence: Dave Grohl introduces Taylor Hawkins during his final concert with Foo Fighters 🖤 https://t.co/bpGWO9iIj5 ->
- RT @Letterman: One of a few drummers our drummer Anton Fig would leave his kit to watch work when Foo Fighters appeared on Late Show. A tru… ->
- RT @JarnoLim: Ukrainan sodan 3 tärkeintä oppia Suomeen:
– Maanpuolustustahdon, yhtenäisyyden, puolustuskyvyn valtava merkitys
– Läntiset ku… -> - RT @US_Latino: 1/n
Mi enérgica protesta y reclamo a quienes nos llaman “héroes vivientes” cuando hablan de nuestras #Remesas, que están sa… ->
- RT @villecantell: Mikä on hienoa suomalaisten medialukutaito ja se miten täällä Twitterisäkin nopeasti reagoidaan ja huomataan kun joku lev… ->
- RT @alexstubb: When you are born and raised in country with 1340km of border with Russia, you quickly realise that your security cannot be… ->
- RT @timothyjgraham: I've been tracking accounts that 'liked' tweets from Russian government and embassy accounts. Sprayed a bit of sparklin… ->
- RT @DrJadeMcGlynn: Several people have put it to me that surely, once lots of young Russian men start coming back in body bags, Russians wi… ->
- RT @miblogestublog: Today is a good day to reminisce about our favorite @RealGDT #Oscar moment https://t.co/zQTi2bmOrt ->
- RT @shannonpareil: Meet Keenan Ramsey. Her LinkedIn profile says she sells software for RingCentral & has a business degree from NYU. She l… ->
- RT @maddiemcgarvey: My brother lived in Hawaii when this happened. His neighbor got into a bathtub with a mattress over his head, took a sh… ->