- RT @CorporalFrisk: We have taken these steps in close cooperation with Sweden. The president paraphrased the old WWII motto of the Swedish… ->
- RT @CorporalFrisk: Notable is that today is remembrance day in Finland, as the country remembers the fallen of the wars of last century. Pr… ->
- RT @minna_alander: Press conference by President @niinisto & PM @MarinSanna:
Niinistö says “a new era begins” – Finland will seek NATO mem… ->
- RT @PesuMatti: .@niinisto is ready to have a new conversation with his Turkish counterpart Erdogan about Ankara’s stand on Finnish NATO mem… ->
- RT @minna_alander: Another q on Russia’s rather mild reactions so far: Niinistö says it seems like Russia has already accepted Finland join… ->
- The Ukrainian media handling of the war has been an absolute masterclass. This is some seriously powerful stuff.… https://t.co/jjNLsvMRMz ->
- RT @emmanuelfelton: Like the El Paso shooter who targeted a Walmart in a Latino neighborhood, the Buffalo shooter, who went after a store i… ->
- RT @vpkivimaki: Notable in the comments by the Finnish President and Prime Minister was the unity sounded by both in the deliberations, tog… ->
- RT @Ulkoministerio: 🔷 Finland's 🇫🇮 security environment has changed fundamentally.
🔷This warrants a reaction from Finland.
🔷NATO member… ->
- This year’s video was released a day *after* their victory to avoid accusations of politicizing the contest. When y… https://t.co/m7Q7WjJph1 in reply to chivacongelado ->
- RT @niinisto: Uusi aikakausi aukeaa – syntyy suojattu Suomi osana vakaata, vahvaa ja vastuunsa tuntevaa Pohjolaa. https://t.co/XP7Ncbsrt6 ->
- RT @idreesali114: HELSINKI, May 15 (Reuters) – Finland's President Sauli Niinisto confirmed on Sunday that his country would apply for memb… ->
- RT @jmkorhonen: Greetings again from a Finnish leftist, especially to everyone identifying as progressive or leftist but living far away fr… ->
- RT @MarkkuMantila: Presidentti Niinistö on kyllä johtanut Suomen Nato-prosessin komeasti. Suomesta lähtee vahva viesti liittoutumalle. Tyyl… ->
- RT @charlyjsp: Toivottavasti Suomen #turpo historiankirjoittajat antavat Suomen kansalle sille kuuluvan roolin NATO jäsenyys asiassa.
Fak… ->
- RT @mar15sa: Reminder: If you WFH, please make sure to regularly get your blood levels checked.
WFH leads to changes in how you eat, move,… ->
- RT @FinGovernment: The President and the Ministerial Committee agreed that Finland would apply for membership in NATO after Parliament has… ->
- PS3: La decisión está hecha. Finlandia va a solicitar su adhesión a la OTAN. El Parlamento lo debatirá mañana https://t.co/JkCkjiXUTK in reply to chivacongelado ->
- RT @pmpohjanheimo: Finlandia 🇫🇮 nunca querrá ser atacada o invadida de nuevo. El entorno de la seguridad de 🇫🇮 ha cambiado fundamentalmente… ->
- Samaa kuulemma tapahtuu Itä-Helsingissä. ”Mä lupaan veli” on suora käännös arabista. https://t.co/tkn06z6YAf ->
- RT @minna_alander: Some important things to know about Finnish defence capabilities and why Finland now wants to join NATO:
Finland does N… ->
- Los titulares de los tabloides de la tarde en #Finlandia (mal traducidos por Google) https://t.co/TvyUQhAZva ->
- RT @inkerikoskinen: Tabloid: 1) Live broadcast: Finland is applying for Nato membership. 2) A man ate a bottle return receipt in Forssa. ht… ->
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Bienvenidos n… https://t.co/mig3g1kDa2 -> - https://t.co/US92jlQOWV in reply to chivacongelado ->
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- RT @POhukainen: Kuten on nyt hyvin tiedossa, Venäjän suunnalta on odotettavissa kiukuttelua. Yksi näkökulma on mahdollinen #informaatiovaik… ->
- RT @RonanBrownen: “I would not doubt the Finnish spirit, nor their military capability, if it comes to the test”
Old Cold War fears have r… ->
- RT @alexstubb: Sequence of Finnish and Swedish @NATO membership:
1. Putin attacks Ukraine.
2. Finnish public opinion.
3. Swedish public op… ->