- 4 of 5 stars to Reign of Terror by Spencer Ackerman https://t.co/XvC8eIWfwZ ->
- RT @saintjavelin: Turkey now supports Sweden and Finland joining NATO.
Ukraine is an EU candidate country.
Meanwhile, Russia has lost 800… ->
- RT @Ulkoministerio: Finland lends its strong support to the important Mexican🇲🇽 initiative to prevent discrimination against women and girl… ->
- RT @niinisto: One step forward. https://t.co/fEP88uSQtq ->
- Otra entrevista sobre el tema que di hace unos días https://t.co/RW5qhOm1bl in reply to chivacongelado ->
- Y como les decía antes, este arroz prácticamente ya se coció: Finlandia entrará a la OTAN una vez se haya pasado po… https://t.co/cNWqFZ5vAY in reply to chivacongelado ->
- RT @PhilRosenthal: From our #Helsinki episode, this is the Prime Minister of Finland, @MarinSanna. It was a joy to listen and learn from t… ->
- RT @isosavi: Turkki+Suomi+Ruotsi -MoMin voi jokainen lukea haluamallaan tavalla, vaikka mitään konkreettista ei luvattu? Paitsi jonkinlaine… ->
- RT @jensstoltenberg: We now have an agreement that paves the way for #Finland & #Sweden to join #NATO. I thank Presidents @RTErdogan & @Nii… ->
- Esto es horrible https://t.co/qACEABRXhb ->
- Me volví a acordar de este viejísimo tema. Ojalá y pueda explicarles a mis hijos lo privilegiados que son y las res… https://t.co/mQqkUSpj6b ->
- 🤣😂🤣😂 Työpaikka on Keskuskadulla joten tämä osui ja upposi https://t.co/guvFyyfObD ->
- RT @minna_alander: This was actually a really good deal for everyone: Erdogan can definitely present it as having forced 🇫🇮&🇸🇪 on their kne… ->
- Best worst dad joke I’ve heard today: the MoU between Sweden, Finland & Turkey declares 28.6, to be known from now on as National Kebab Day. ->
- RT @maxfras: This thread has done more for European integration than Maastricht and Lisbon Treaty together https://t.co/eCRHXGDBGd ->
- RT @BeijingPalmer: that dumb 'why don't Americans just move to Europe' thread is a reminder that most people who haven't done it wildly und… ->
- Y lo tengo tatuado en el brazo izquierdo https://t.co/xtsAECfGGZ ->
- RT @ncrmalpeople: always thinking about ryan gosling and guillermo del toro skipping the oscars in 2015 to go to disneyland instead https:/… ->
- RT @minna_alander: Quite fascinating, according to AFP Putin said yesterday that 🇫🇮🇸🇪 NATO membership is not a problem and a domestic issue… ->
- RT @HusaJaakko: I have seen tweets saying that Finland was pressured into NATO.
That is absolutely true. Russia did all the pressuring. ->
- Acaba de publicar una foto en Finland, Europe https://t.co/8QggP2GoGa ->
- RT @Tuukka97: @tervoniida @SuperNynny https://t.co/fj3wDFb2NV ->
- RT @davidmacdougall: There was a discussion about abortion on Yle TV in #Finland this morning… *facepalm* https://t.co/lp1o3zkVGO ->
- For All Mankind is the best series nobody I know is watching. The first season was nice, the second season was inte… https://t.co/KTfyjF6QT6 ->
- How do you know someone skips leg day 👇🏽 https://t.co/YnQ8dlR1W2 ->
- I’ve met neighbors I didn’t know existed because of the ice-cream van. https://t.co/PBYL5gxmGy ->
- RT @ahope71: Un aeropuerto sin vuelos, una refinería sin gasolina. Sigue un tren sin pasajeros. ->
- RT @muminprogress: Been watching this on repeat this weekend – definitely have the sound on https://t.co/VgU6Z4gsUp ->
- RT @minna_alander: Again a reminder: Putin seems to have missed that the 🇫🇮🇸🇪-🇷🇺 relations are already tense, not because Finland and Swede… ->
- RT @lijukic: Interesting map showing how many years regions were a part of the Roman Empire (east & west). https://t.co/iS1xzyYRhL ->
- RT @BielGrimalt: Un dia de este curso me dijo mi hija: tenemos que hacer una foto de un cuadro para el cole pero conmigo. Me emocioné. Reco… ->
- RT @solobasssteve: For those uninclined to click the link, TL;DR is I have cancer. Probably lymphoma. Waiting for biopsy results to confirm… ->
- RT @eperea: Strong opinions, loosely held
Ignorant opinions, strongly held ->