- RT @teppo_pel: Voiko NATO tallentaa Suomen? ->
- ROTFL https://t.co/EOFlc1skkl ->
- RT @RonanBrownen: Finnish Grammar 1
Pro-Russia Trolls 0 - RT @ome_gar: Se cumplen 3 años de esta infamia. https://t.co/TjXPypPCAs ->
- RT @60Minutes: “We are a small country. We have aggressive neighbor. There's no other choice and possibilities for us but to stay in Europe… ->
- RT @60Minutes: “They are attacking another country. They are demolishing infrastructure. They are killing civilians.”
Prime Minister of Fi… ->
- RT @60Minutes: In August 2022, a series of private videos depicting Finnish Prime Minister Sanna Marin dancing with friends were leaked to… ->
- RT @60Minutes: Shortly after she took office, Finnish Prime Minister Sanna Marin and her new cabinet were tested by the COVID-19 pandemic.… ->
- RT @60Minutes: “If somebody else can do it, why not me?”
Following the resignation of her predecessor, Sanna Marin was named Prime Ministe… ->
- RT @crustpunked: i learned about las patronas today. they’re a group of mexican women who help feed central american migrants crossing the… ->
- RT @iamireneyu: Tech debt is inevitable–it comes with the territory of building software. But if not managed well, tech debt can sink a pro… ->
- Translation: We want to bully everyone but are too afraid of the consequences. https://t.co/Er01klX5Iz ->
- RT @boychenko_sasha: If you have a Ukrainian coworker i beg you to please reconsider scheduling a meeting with us on the 24th ->
- RT @bad_histories: Yeah so that wasn't why the Spanish conquered the Aztecs. The Aztecs had a writing system, though the vast majority of b… ->
- RT @GergelyOrosz: I never believed crypto would be anything meaningful innovation-wise because it was a unregulated finance pretending to b… ->
- RT @somemuija: Jos Suomi pääsee Natoon ennen Ruotsia, silloin myös meidän tulee ratifioida Ruotsin liittyminen. Mitä kaikkia ehtoja voisimm… ->
- RT @yesimhotinthis: Matrix but make it Muslim https://t.co/dbqm5naZig ->
- RT @kaarnanen: Viha ja syyllistäminen ei paranna maahanmuuttajalasten integroitumista yhteiskuntaamme. Se ei edistä heidän hyvinvointia eik… ->
- We're looking for someone who is ethnically Danish to do this job. Is that even legal? https://t.co/C2Di9rDBFU ->
- For that to be true you also need something more basic: safety and a working justice system for accountability. https://t.co/3ziOHEIoF4 ->
- RT @harrivaarala: This is Metsokangas Comprehensive School in #Oulu Finland on Wed 22.Feb.2023 at 2pm when kids on grades 1-9 are leaving t… ->
- Any high-flying product director/CPO meeting where you can get work done and still say "I'm armed with memes and am… https://t.co/Wl3ThqhfJb ->
- RT @JamesL1927: This is 🔥🔥🔥
MICHAEL WINSLOW, the human sound effect machine from POLICE ACADEMY, goes on a Norwegian chat show…
…and does… ->
- RT @niinisto: https://t.co/uBfEYAixQe ->
- RT @ECedercreutz: No son pocos los que no hablan ningún idioma de nuestra región, que conoce poca historia y todo desde la perspectiva del… ->
- And this is for the IC track, there are a level of people complexities that are not even implied in this model. https://t.co/HHJEIePYmM ->
- RT @avieu: Sr. López la Presidenta de Perú, Dina Boluarte le manda un mensajito. https://t.co/hblLTR1KoJ ->
- Hace 4 años me volví viral por ser el primer mexicano en participar en @finlandiahiihto (32km). Este año le bajé 10… https://t.co/ZwVwjppehj ->
- RT @consultingcmdy: How would you write "I changed a light bulb" on a resume?
Consultant: “Single-handedly
managed the successful upgrade… -> - Longer skiing season is good news in my book 😅 https://t.co/f8fePMGRVe ->
- I understand the rationale (even if I don’t agree) but the execution is terrible. Another gibberish logo that looks… https://t.co/RVR3m4YjFg ->