- RT @aukia: At a startup, but you unsure, if you're currently generating more interest at enterprises or in the SME-sector?
Use both "Free… -> - RT @Robert_E_Kelly: Whenever there's a mass shooting in the US, I point out, as an American whose lived abroad for 20 years, that the rest… ->
- RT @TimoStewart: "Finland’s ascension to NATO adds one of Western Europe’s most potent wartime militaries to the alliance as well as intell… ->
- RT @carlvellotti: I've always liked this model of situational leadership.
direction vs. support
At different times, PMs can find themselv… ->
- RT @NATO: ❝Finland will formally join our Alliance in the coming days. Their membership will make Finland safer and NATO stronger. I look f… ->
- RT @a7_FIN_SWE: Please extend your congratulations to the recruiter of the year! https://t.co/CFtBMOXlof ->
- RT @PhillipsPOBrien: Finnish membership of NATO is being celebrated, and Finland, Europe and all NATO states are now more secure. The great… ->
- RT @minna_alander: Something to remember in the midst of excitement re: NATO accession:
Finland’s security situation is only so calm thank… ->
- Tenemos elecciones parlamentaria en Finlandia el domingo, así que ahí viene #hilofinlandés 🧵🇫🇮 #vaait:
Finlandia e… https://t.co/eNrwtv8FVj ->
- Para formar gobierno necesita conseguir 50%+1 de los miembros del parlamento, entonces normalmente se crean coalici… https://t.co/keW3orIGkJ in reply to chivacongelado ->
- Puede ser que Sanna Marin ya no sea primera ministra si los socialdemócratas no son el partido más votado, pero par… https://t.co/GgYwaoXltY in reply to chivacongelado ->
- Los verdes, la alianza de izquierda y los socialdemócratas ya dijeron que no van a participar en un gobierno donde… https://t.co/yiCfqg4j5p in reply to chivacongelado ->
- y tendría que buscar opciones para crear gobierno, ya sea con la centroizquierda-izquierda (verdes, socialdemócrata… https://t.co/KU2T18HM5c in reply to chivacongelado ->
- Lo interesante es que no sabemos cómo se va a mover Keskusta (el viejo partido agrario, con poder de convocatoria e… https://t.co/X6CvuYUKuh in reply to chivacongelado ->
- RKP/SPD (los suecohablantes) pueden hacer alianza con los de Kokoomus pero no pueden ver a los Persut ni en pintura… https://t.co/IdzA6jO1rv in reply to chivacongelado ->
- Algo para ver sobre las elecciones parlamentarias del domingo en inglés, producido por la radiotelevisión pública f… https://t.co/7cbo6kOhIj in reply to chivacongelado ->
- Y era #vaalit, error de dedo in reply to chivacongelado ->
- RT @jburnmurdoch: NEW: I’m not sure people fully appreciate how dire the US life expectancy / mortality situation has got.
My column: http… ->
- RT @HenriVanhanen: Friday morning at work for Finland’s Minister of Defence @anttikaikkonen after Türkiye’s ratification and reaching 30/30… ->
- RT @eperea: …and proud of it! https://t.co/SbZriA3Hx2 ->
- This is an interesting, if not particularly popular in my bubble, perspective. https://t.co/AcTs7Wc9TR ->
- RT @eperea: Soy de esa generación que lleva toda su vida en México con una crisis tras otra. Devaluaciones, masacres, magnicidios, inflacio… ->
- RT @LeChouNews: Finland Sends First Battalion Of Moomin Commandos To NATO Training Camp https://t.co/ihUNV1ePo4 ->
- RT @carlvellotti: PM Stakeholder Guide https://t.co/DVJ7BsxmB8 ->
- RT @lennysan: Casey on zero interest rate phenomenon product managers https://t.co/Qq1SzG9PDB ->
- RT @ritaparada: Everyone already seems to have "AI Anxiety". Those making it – fear not being the first, most powerful. Those critiquing it… ->
- #vaalit #vaalit2023 Suomalaisille on ehkä vaikea käsittää, että minulle äänestäminen on melkein pyhä. Synnyinmaassa… https://t.co/UnDqzoeW53 ->
- RT @AdamSinger: Millennials have had not a single W as a generation. They just haven't. Financially hosed multiple times, 1st gen to have l… ->
- 🤣😂 Totta https://t.co/BLqvLDL98m ->
- RT @davidgambarte: Así va la cosa en Finlandia con un 50% escrutado.
Kokoomus (el equivalente al PP) primero, socialdemócratas de Sanna Ma… -> - RT @PopulismUpdates: Results forecast for Finnish general election:
– Conservatives would win
– Far-right place second
– Sanna Marin pushed… -> - RT @davidmacdougall: Here's the latest election results prediction from Finnish public broadcaster Yle showing a sweep for the right-wing a… ->
- RT @PatThePM: Arguably, one of the most important skills as a product manager is the ability to influence without authority.
At Atlassian,… ->
- RT @Julleht: Suomen Kommunistinen Puolue on tällä haavaa saamassa Espoon Westendistä yhden äänen kun noin 45 % äänistä on laskettu. Vankast… ->
- RT @davidgambarte: Parece que ya está todo el pescado vendido. La asignación de escaños no se mueve desde la barrera del 70%. Ha ganado Kok… ->
- RT @Jaakkoha: Persut ei nouse Helsingissä. Mielenkiintoista, koska maahanmuutto ja jengirikollisuus yhdistetään debatissa usein Helsinkiin.… ->
- Tästä tulee aivan mielenkiintoiset 4 vuotta. Mulla ei ole ongelmia muiden puolueiden kanssa, mutta Persuilla on ong… https://t.co/eDlha6LKgv ->
- RT @snadinadi: En aio valittaa liiaksi mutta sen sanon että tämä päivä oli selkeä viesti kaltaisilleni suomalaisille. Se viesti ei ala terv… ->
- RT @stammekann: Kepunvihreä Suomi on mennyttä. Keskustalla ei ole eniten paikkoja enää yhdessäkään vaalipiirissä. Perussuomalaiset on radik… ->
- RT @Stiff: Anti immigration party biggest in all the the areas of the country with fuck all immigration. https://t.co/oJFsJMkMyZ ->
- RT @RonanBrownen: And the conclusion to a huge night in Finnish politics:
Sanna Marin heads for the exit as Finland veers right
https:/… ->
- RT @guardian: Sanna Marin concedes defeat in Finland election as SDP beaten into third place https://t.co/kwaDDrsX3z ->