I’ve been asked so many times about certain things I do that I decided to explain.
- Extending and contracting your index finger while all others are contracted means yes.
- Extending your index finger and then moving it from side to side while all others are contracted means no.
- Extending all fingers, then taking the tips of them to your forehead with your palm facing you and doing a movement outward of about twenty centimetres means thank you.
Update: The video is available here.
We could make a video of that… I have also been asked lots of times about my hand movements!
I would also add:
putting the tips of the fingers together and taking them apart and together again several times means that a place is too crowded.
Good idea! You do it or I do it?
Buena organización mexicana, ¡cómo no!
Yo lo podría hacer hasta que regrese de vacaciones, por ahí del 4 de enero; si prefieres hacerlo antes, adelante; si prefieres esperar a que yo lo haga, con todo gusto 😉