Category Archives: in english

Le Superbowl

Le Superbowl, originally uploaded by Chiva Congelado.

Few things I know are weirder than a Mexican watching the Superbowl in Brussels via a French
channel at 2 a.m. Shortly thereafter I went to sleep, and Chicago lost.

The photo is from the kickoff and ensuring touchdown run. What an amazing start! And to think I don’t even like gridiron that much.

Merci France 2!

The Rainbow

Heard from a friend, having a conversation with his little kid.

“Dad, what’s that?”
“That’s a rainbow.”
“But what is it.”
“It is something that God puts in the sky.”
“God has to be a little girl then.”
“Because only little girls would think about putting so many colours in the sky.”

Human Rights for Robots

I read this in the Financial Times some time ago and it definitely caught my attention. Given that we would be approaching the singularity supposedly soon, it doesn’t sound so out of touch with reality.

Talking about this with some people I know, they were decidedly spooked by this given that, they say, “robots don’t have a soul”. The issue of having it or not for me is irrelevant, for as long as something is self-aware and can express it they should have rights (this applies also to animals). I wanted to give them an introduction to this, but they dismissed it as a waste of time, and truth be told, our world has more pressing concerns.

I wonder if they will still think that way later on.