Category Archives: in english

Weekly tweets from 2023-03-27 to 2023-04-02

  • RT @aukia: At a startup, but you unsure, if you're currently generating more interest at enterprises or in the SME-sector?
    Use both "Free… ->
  • RT @Robert_E_Kelly: Whenever there's a mass shooting in the US, I point out, as an American whose lived abroad for 20 years, that the rest… ->
  • RT @TimoStewart: "Finland’s ascension to NATO adds one of Western Europe’s most potent wartime militaries to the alliance as well as intell… ->
  • RT @carlvellotti: I've always liked this model of situational leadership.

    direction vs. support

    At different times, PMs can find themselv… ->

  • RT @NATO: ❝Finland will formally join our Alliance in the coming days. Their membership will make Finland safer and NATO stronger. I look f… ->
  • RT @a7_FIN_SWE: Please extend your congratulations to the recruiter of the year! ->
  • RT @PhillipsPOBrien: Finnish membership of NATO is being celebrated, and Finland, Europe and all NATO states are now more secure. The great… ->
  • RT @minna_alander: Something to remember in the midst of excitement re: NATO accession:

    Finland’s security situation is only so calm thank… ->

  • Tenemos elecciones parlamentaria en Finlandia el domingo, así que ahí viene #hilofinlandés 🧵🇫🇮 #vaait:

    Finlandia e… ->

  • Para formar gobierno necesita conseguir 50%+1 de los miembros del parlamento, entonces normalmente se crean coalici… in reply to chivacongelado ->
  • Puede ser que Sanna Marin ya no sea primera ministra si los socialdemócratas no son el partido más votado, pero par… in reply to chivacongelado ->
  • Los verdes, la alianza de izquierda y los socialdemócratas ya dijeron que no van a participar en un gobierno donde… in reply to chivacongelado ->
  • y tendría que buscar opciones para crear gobierno, ya sea con la centroizquierda-izquierda (verdes, socialdemócrata… in reply to chivacongelado ->
  • Lo interesante es que no sabemos cómo se va a mover Keskusta (el viejo partido agrario, con poder de convocatoria e… in reply to chivacongelado ->
  • RKP/SPD (los suecohablantes) pueden hacer alianza con los de Kokoomus pero no pueden ver a los Persut ni en pintura… in reply to chivacongelado ->
  • Algo para ver sobre las elecciones parlamentarias del domingo en inglés, producido por la radiotelevisión pública f… in reply to chivacongelado ->
  • Y era #vaalit, error de dedo in reply to chivacongelado ->
  • RT @jburnmurdoch: NEW: I’m not sure people fully appreciate how dire the US life expectancy / mortality situation has got.

    My column: http… ->

  • RT @HenriVanhanen: Friday morning at work for Finland’s Minister of Defence @anttikaikkonen after Türkiye’s ratification and reaching 30/30… ->
  • RT @eperea: …and proud of it! ->
  • This is an interesting, if not particularly popular in my bubble, perspective. ->
  • RT @eperea: Soy de esa generación que lleva toda su vida en México con una crisis tras otra. Devaluaciones, masacres, magnicidios, inflacio… ->
  • RT @LeChouNews: Finland Sends First Battalion Of Moomin Commandos To NATO Training Camp ->
  • RT @carlvellotti: PM Stakeholder Guide ->
  • RT @lennysan: Casey on zero interest rate phenomenon product managers ->
  • RT @ritaparada: Everyone already seems to have "AI Anxiety". Those making it – fear not being the first, most powerful. Those critiquing it… ->
  • #vaalit #vaalit2023 Suomalaisille on ehkä vaikea käsittää, että minulle äänestäminen on melkein pyhä. Synnyinmaassa… ->
  • RT @AdamSinger: Millennials have had not a single W as a generation. They just haven't. Financially hosed multiple times, 1st gen to have l… ->
  • 🤣😂 Totta ->
  • RT @davidgambarte: Así va la cosa en Finlandia con un 50% escrutado.
    Kokoomus (el equivalente al PP) primero, socialdemócratas de Sanna Ma… ->
  • RT @PopulismUpdates: Results forecast for Finnish general election:
    – Conservatives would win
    – Far-right place second
    – Sanna Marin pushed… ->
  • RT @davidmacdougall: Here's the latest election results prediction from Finnish public broadcaster Yle showing a sweep for the right-wing a… ->
  • RT @PatThePM: Arguably, one of the most important skills as a product manager is the ability to influence without authority.

    At Atlassian,… ->

  • RT @Julleht: Suomen Kommunistinen Puolue on tällä haavaa saamassa Espoon Westendistä yhden äänen kun noin 45 % äänistä on laskettu. Vankast… ->
  • RT @davidgambarte: Parece que ya está todo el pescado vendido. La asignación de escaños no se mueve desde la barrera del 70%. Ha ganado Kok… ->
  • RT @Jaakkoha: Persut ei nouse Helsingissä. Mielenkiintoista, koska maahanmuutto ja jengirikollisuus yhdistetään debatissa usein Helsinkiin.… ->
  • Tästä tulee aivan mielenkiintoiset 4 vuotta. Mulla ei ole ongelmia muiden puolueiden kanssa, mutta Persuilla on ong… ->
  • RT @snadinadi: En aio valittaa liiaksi mutta sen sanon että tämä päivä oli selkeä viesti kaltaisilleni suomalaisille. Se viesti ei ala terv… ->
  • RT @stammekann: Kepunvihreä Suomi on mennyttä. Keskustalla ei ole eniten paikkoja enää yhdessäkään vaalipiirissä. Perussuomalaiset on radik… ->
  • RT @Stiff: Anti immigration party biggest in all the the areas of the country with fuck all immigration. ->
  • RT @RonanBrownen: And the conclusion to a huge night in Finnish politics:

    Sanna Marin heads for the exit as Finland veers right

    https:/… ->

  • RT @guardian: Sanna Marin concedes defeat in Finland election as SDP beaten into third place ->

Weekly tweets from 2023-03-20 to 2023-03-26

  • RT @R_AndradeFranco: Apparently “Firulais” – the Mexican dog name – came from phrase, “Free of Lice”

    Some Mexican workers came to US with… ->

  • RT @P_Kallioniemi: In today's #vatnik soup, I'll introduce a Spanish-Russian "journalist" & political scientist,Liubov "Liu" Sivaya (@liusi->
  • RT @Carnage4Life: It’s a bad look for the venture capital industry that they panicked and cause SVB to collapse via a bank run, and now no… ->
  • RT @BadBalticTakes: So… winter is officially over. Did any of you survive? ->
  • RT @Ancommiey: As people are talking about the Iraq war on its 20th anniversary. I like to present to you one of the greatest articles of a… ->
  • Vengo despertando a enterarme que ganó Japón en la semi. Ni modo. A chambear. ->
  • El Sr Embajador de Japón en México es un tipazo. ->
  • RT @dreasaez: Absolute dick move getting a notification about your dead dog ->
  • Ay no ma… jajajajajajajajaja me duele en el subdesarrollo ->
  • in reply to chivacongelado ->
  • RT @bubbaprog: AS CALLED ON JAPANESE TV: ->
  • RT @bilbeny: Ya sé que soy un idiota pero es que los headlines son una joya. Qué bueno que no hay una variación de esta tecnología llamada… ->
  • RT @carlvellotti: The key components of a compelling problem are:

    1. Practical need
    2. Emotional desire
    3. Captivating narrative https://t… ->

  • RT @carlvellotti: Good PM | Bad PM

    Communication edition ->

  • RT @ylenews: Finland elects a new parliament next month, and advance voting starts today. Here's what you need to know.… ->
  • RT @Jaakonpoika: Persut ovat vihaisten ihmisten puolue, siellä ollaan petytty nykyiseen suntaan, tulevaisuus pelottaa ja ennen oli paremmin… ->
  • RT @VKernen: @Jaakonpoika Persuissa on myös merkittävä ylempi koulutettu keskiluokkainen äänestäjäkunta, johon uppoaa sama sosiaaliturvapop… ->
  • RT @killedbygoogle: Bard thinks that Google will shut it down within the next one to two years. 😂 ->
  • Yo tuve varios maestros cubanos en México (literatura hispanoamericana, lengua española, etc) y las historias que c… ->
  • Finnish president has now signed the act of NATO accession. Waiting for ratification to come from Turkey & Hungary. ->
  • RT @LaBanquetera: El mundo: el CatGPT le va quitar la chamba a periodistas y escritorxs.
    México: ya le enseñamos a echar albures a la madri… ->
  • RT @carlostomasini: Le pedía ChatGPT que le hiciera un himno a la TAPO y quedó chingón: ->
  • RT @carlvellotti: Every damn time ->
  • RT @davidmacdougall: If you're going to trigger the white right in Finland then this would certainly do the trick! ->
  • RT @Carnage4Life: The correct answer when a customer asks “Can you build this feature?” is almost always “What problem are you trying to so… ->
  • RT @YoungbloodJoe: Google is about to have a PR trainwreck when SMBs lose 15 years of data and are forced to use an unintuitive system they… ->
  • RT @nukestrat: The heads of the air forces of Denmark, Finland, Sweden and Norway have signed an agreement to operate their combined 250 fi… ->
  • Perussuomalaisten kannattajat suuttuu, kun amiksessa opiskellut syrjitään, mutta kannattavat kun ei-valkoisia hauku… ->
  • RT @Carnage4Life: In 2021, people thought selling monkey JPEGs and shitcoins was the apex of technology.

    What a difference two years and z… ->

  • RT @UniformesSelec1: la historia de toda la vida de los equipos mexicanos en rondas definitivas en sudamerica. ¿Se acuerdan de cuando les c… ->
  • RT @MagnusPharao: Turns out ChatGPT is also super good at Danish dialects like SYnnejysk, Thybomål, Fynsk and Bornholmsk. And also it has f… ->
  • Cuando yo crecí algunos querían formar generaciones que compitieran en el TLCAN. Los niños mexicanos de ahora no va… ->
  • RT @onejasonknight: When the CEO realises they can't handle all the product management anymore ->
  • RT @avestruzeterea: Tienes cierta edad si al leer los números







    reconoces la secuencia y te pones a cantar. ->

  • RT @ChrisJBakke: GPT-5: can perfectly build any website

    GPT-6: can build and run a company

    GPT-7: passes Turing test

    GPT-8: overthrows w… ->

  • First world problems ->
  • 😭 ->
  • RT @adn40: 🎖 En 2012, Xavier López recibió dos récord #Guinness: uno por el programa infantil de mayor trayectoria y otro por el mayor tiem… ->
  • RT @DonVocero: Hilo de objetos que están tristes por la partida de el Señorón Xavier López " Chabelo".
    1. Carro deslizador avalancha https:… ->
  • RT @veronicalderon: … ->
  • RT @a7_FIN_SWE: What children ask in Finland 🇫🇮:

    Akseli 11 y.o. : "Why do farts not stink inside the sauna?"

    A university physics resea… ->

  • RT @SombradeImperio: Chabelo se ha hecho uno con la fuerza masters. Ojalá desde el más allá, siga llevando sus catafixias al reino del revé… ->
  • RT @PasiPennanen: Rasismi on normalisoitunut Suomessa niin paljon vuosikymmenen aikana, että olemme jo saaneet tällaisia ehdokkaita eduskun… ->
  • Me vengo enterando que hay una película sueca en Netflix sobre la carrera de esquí que hice hace tres semanas… y es… ->

Weekly tweets from 2023-03-13 to 2023-03-19

Weekly tweets from 2023-03-06 to 2023-03-12

  • RT @annapunk: 💜Recordando el momento punk del 2021 con La Reinota, para que se vayan animando a ir a la #Marcha8M ->
  • RT @avieu: Así las mujeres abrieron camino al contingente de las madres y familias buscadoras. #México #Marcha8M #DiaDeLaMujer #8M2023 #Paz->
  • RT @IgorBrigadir: People already inside the EU, US, or NATO, always fail to appreciate just how privileged they are to have the problems th… ->
  • RT @LauraHuu: Nerokas otsikko. Ei tarvita kuin kadun nimi ja perusteltu ilmaus palaneen kärystä niin lukija näkee historian suhmuroinnit fi… ->
  • RT @swardley: A platform is not an all singing, all dancing, integrated monstrosity that claims to do everything … that is known as a dea… ->
  • Cuando los parámetros de referencia son diferentes… ->
  • RT @IbaiLlanos: Lo de “coger” de España o “coger” de latam es algo que debemos resolver cuanto antes. ->
  • RT @juanbuis: for some *ridiculous* reason the french love to translate movie titles from english to… english

    here's a thread with my al… ->

  • RT @imbadatlife: Elon Musk asked managers at Twitter to nominate their best employees for promotion, then fired the managers and replaced t… ->
  • RT @pascalarchive: “let me have this scene, bro” 😭 ->
  • RT @theShaneLevine: Product managers in the Figma file: ->

  • RT @LeChouNews: Czechia’s New President Sworn In As The Most Interesting Man In Central Europe ->
  • RT @Carnage4Life: A bank primarily used by crypto companies (Silvergate) collapsed yesterday. Today, a bank primarily used by VCs looks set… ->
  • RT @nurijanian: Shopify’s VP of Product: “PMs navel-gaze too much”

    Do you agree? ->

  • The epic #vasaloppet video ->
  • The ridiculous #vasaloppet video 😅 in reply to chivacongelado ->
  • RT @utahjazz: The Finnisher went from Vaasa to Helsinki with that one 🇫🇮

    #TakeNote ->

  • RT @SVTSport: Någon som känner igen sig? 😅 Klassiska Risberg i Vasaloppet bjöd som vanligt på många vurpor – och också en hel del skratt ❄️… ->
  • RT @elidourado: People.

    Bitcoin does not solve banking or bank runs.

    Bitcoin can handle 7 transactions per second.

    If 300 million Americ… ->

  • RT @swardley: Hmmm … I assume the Silicon Valley Bank crisis is going to turn into another "personal responsibility, small Government, fr… ->
  • RT @RonanBrownen: Finland has many cultural quirks, but surely one of the quirkiest is the habit of taking out an ad in the local newspaper… ->
  • Turning 42 today, so the answer to life, the universe and everything should be within grasp, right? ->
  • RT @ritaparada: What happens when your mortgage lender is a bank that's going bust? Asking for a friend 😳 ->
  • RT @Carnage4Life: This account basically called it on the financial problems that would bring down Silicon Valley Bank ( $SIVB ), two month… ->
  • RT @benedictevans: SVB depositors withdrew $42bn on Thursday. Blockchain solves bank runs because it would take years to handle $42bn of t… ->
  • RT @ProfessorStam: tldr:
    – Tech advancement has made finreg very dated
    – SVB wasn't on the greatest footing, but was largely taken down by… ->
  • Me pasa. Fuera de Helsinki lo demás son pueblos acá en Finlandia. Eso sí, haberme acostumbrado ya a una ciudad de u… ->
  • RT @VFinnishProbs: The 2023 contents of the free Finnish baby box, sent to parents of all newborn babies. The box contains 50 essential ite… ->
  • RT @ErnestoAVaca: Las nominadas a Mejor Película en los #Oscars pero es AMLO.

    1.- Elvis ->

Weekly tweets from 2023-02-27 to 2023-03-05

  • RT @Ursa_ry: Jupiter ja Venus kohtaavat taivaalla maaliskuun alussa. Mitä kävi komeetta ZTF:lle, onko muita komeettoja luvassa? Bonuksena s… ->
  • LOOOOL, that's like me speaking Finnish when I'm tired, I forget all the double letters and the ä's. ->
  • Marzo aún no empieza y ya me lo acabé #parenalmundoquemequierobajar ->
  • RT @onejasonknight: Time to find out if PMs really are the luxury role that some slow thinkers seem to think ->
  • La diferencia entre alguien que se preparó y alguien que no sabe más que repetir puntos de discusión como lorito (c… ->
  • Aurora borealis visible right now in Helsinki. Due north, 90 degrees to the right of the moon. ->
  • #Auroraborealis #revontulet #northernlights right next to Kehä I in Helsinki ->
  • RT @0xgaut: Airbnb is broken. Hear me out.

    The space needs disrupting. Think:
    – a building dedicated to hosting
    – full service & cleaning… ->

  • RT @samseely: The Minnesota department of transportation ran a snowplow naming contest and the results are v good ->
  • RT @RonanBrownen: Finland’s parliament votes to pass Nato bill into law by 184-7

    Turkey and Hungary yet to ratify, but a little bit of hi… ->

  • 🧵Abro hilo

    Todos estos idiotas conspiranoicos nunca han tenido que manejar un proyecto en su vida. Se darían cuent… ->

  • Lo triste es que los cambios que estamos viviendo como sociedad sí son exponenciales, sí necesitan resiliencia, y s… in reply to chivacongelado ->
  • Semejante retórica sólo sirve para crear audiencias y ruido, no para encontrar soluciones. Es una pena que la incen… in reply to chivacongelado ->
  • RT @BuildMRR: When a product manager says "my calendar is booked back to back with meetings"

    They aren't bragging

    They are crying out for… ->

  • RT @hdemauleon: Parecen personajes de novela del “boom” latinoamericano. Todo el gobierno a recibir un avión de mensajería.
    Esto queríamos,… ->
  • It can’t be that difficult to curate relevancy in an app like Twitter, unless you’re Elmusk and his goons. ->
  • RT @PhillipsPOBrien: I still don’t think that people in Western Europe and the USA understand just how the Russian invasion has transformed… ->
  • RT @karrisaarinen: My sleep stack:
    – earth (the planet)
    – earth's upper crust
    – house foundation
    – bedroom floor
    – bed frame
    – mattress
    – s… ->
  • RT @AlexandraJonson: Today I want to tell you the story of Pelayo Novo. A football player, tennis player but more than anything a fantastic… ->
  • I have been using the fog-of-war from RTS games (think Age of Empires, Command and Conquer) as a metaphor for how n… ->
  • RT @TranquilMarmot: @NomeDaBarbarian ->
  • RT @davidmacdougall: I am at the French social security office. If each Finn could experience this just once, they would build a monument i… ->
  • RT @HSW3K: Big fan of this cinematic universe where Pedro Pascal just wanders around collecting random orphans like they're Pokémon. https:… ->
  • El domingo participo en #vasaloppet, carrera de esquí de fondo estilo clásico de mucha tradición. 90 km en Dalarna,… ->
  • RT @tarja_pk: Status of school uniforms in the world, and then there’s Finland: ->
  • RT @aakashg0: Elon’s Twitter takeover has been a masterclass on how NOT to PM.

    6 lessons from Elon of what NOT to do: ->

  • RT @P_Kallioniemi: In today's #vatnik soup, I'll introduce a Spanish writer, colonel and attention-seeker,Pedro Baños. He's best-known for… ->

Weekly tweets from 2023-02-20 to 2023-02-26

  • RT @teppo_pel: Voiko NATO tallentaa Suomen? ->
  • ROTFL ->
  • RT @RonanBrownen: Finnish Grammar 1
    Pro-Russia Trolls 0 ->

  • RT @ome_gar: Se cumplen 3 años de esta infamia. ->
  • RT @60Minutes: “We are a small country. We have aggressive neighbor. There's no other choice and possibilities for us but to stay in Europe… ->
  • RT @60Minutes: “They are attacking another country. They are demolishing infrastructure. They are killing civilians.”

    Prime Minister of Fi… ->

  • RT @60Minutes: In August 2022, a series of private videos depicting Finnish Prime Minister Sanna Marin dancing with friends were leaked to… ->
  • RT @60Minutes: Shortly after she took office, Finnish Prime Minister Sanna Marin and her new cabinet were tested by the COVID-19 pandemic.… ->
  • RT @60Minutes: “If somebody else can do it, why not me?”

    Following the resignation of her predecessor, Sanna Marin was named Prime Ministe… ->

  • RT @crustpunked: i learned about las patronas today. they’re a group of mexican women who help feed central american migrants crossing the… ->
  • RT @iamireneyu: Tech debt is inevitable–it comes with the territory of building software. But if not managed well, tech debt can sink a pro… ->
  • Translation: We want to bully everyone but are too afraid of the consequences. ->
  • RT @boychenko_sasha: If you have a Ukrainian coworker i beg you to please reconsider scheduling a meeting with us on the 24th ->
  • RT @bad_histories: Yeah so that wasn't why the Spanish conquered the Aztecs. The Aztecs had a writing system, though the vast majority of b… ->
  • RT @GergelyOrosz: I never believed crypto would be anything meaningful innovation-wise because it was a unregulated finance pretending to b… ->
  • RT @somemuija: Jos Suomi pääsee Natoon ennen Ruotsia, silloin myös meidän tulee ratifioida Ruotsin liittyminen. Mitä kaikkia ehtoja voisimm… ->
  • RT @yesimhotinthis: Matrix but make it Muslim ->
  • RT @kaarnanen: Viha ja syyllistäminen ei paranna maahanmuuttajalasten integroitumista yhteiskuntaamme. Se ei edistä heidän hyvinvointia eik… ->
  • We're looking for someone who is ethnically Danish to do this job. Is that even legal? ->
  • For that to be true you also need something more basic: safety and a working justice system for accountability. ->
  • RT @harrivaarala: This is Metsokangas Comprehensive School in #Oulu Finland on Wed 22.Feb.2023 at 2pm when kids on grades 1-9 are leaving t… ->
  • Any high-flying product director/CPO meeting where you can get work done and still say "I'm armed with memes and am… ->
  • RT @JamesL1927: This is 🔥🔥🔥

    MICHAEL WINSLOW, the human sound effect machine from POLICE ACADEMY, goes on a Norwegian chat show…

    …and does… ->

  • RT @niinisto: ->
  • RT @ECedercreutz: No son pocos los que no hablan ningún idioma de nuestra región, que conoce poca historia y todo desde la perspectiva del… ->
  • And this is for the IC track, there are a level of people complexities that are not even implied in this model. ->
  • RT @avieu: Sr. López la Presidenta de Perú, Dina Boluarte le manda un mensajito. ->
  • Hace 4 años me volví viral por ser el primer mexicano en participar en @finlandiahiihto (32km). Este año le bajé 10… ->
  • RT @consultingcmdy: How would you write "I changed a light bulb" on a resume?

    Consultant: “Single-handedly
    managed the successful upgrade… ->

  • Longer skiing season is good news in my book 😅 ->
  • I understand the rationale (even if I don’t agree) but the execution is terrible. Another gibberish logo that looks… ->

Weekly tweets from 2023-02-13 to 2023-02-19

  • RT @gisbanos: Si lo digo yo, no me hacen ni caso, pero si lo dice Harvard…

    (Ahora solo falta que me pidan a mí escribir estos artículos… ->

  • RT @trekonomics1: Hi, my name is @elonmusk and I paid $44B to promote my tweets ->
  • RT @onejasonknight: Luckily, this never happens ->
  • RT @TitoVilla1982: Esa pregunta se la hice un día al Tuca en vivo en @Lineade4TUDN y saben que me respondió? 😬
    Qué el sabía que yo no iba a… ->
  • RT @clairevo: Strong “new grad who is an APM because they want to be ‘ceo of the product’” energy right here. ->
  • RT @anothercohen: The only reason anyone uses Microsoft Teams is because it's bundled into the O365 subscription and companies are too chea… ->
  • RT @dox_gay: best tweet genre ->
  • RT @virtaava: International Community Debates Whether to Deploy Swedish "Biological" Weapon in Ukraine Conflict ->
  • RT @DudespostingWs: ->
  • RT @jjvincent: how unhinged is Bing? well here's the chatbot claiming it spied on Microsoft's developers through the webcams on their latop… ->
  • Tweets are not loading, but seems I’m able to send bottled messages to the void. Are the new owner’s incompetence,… ->
  • RT @snadinadi: Arvostettavaa suoraselkäisyyttä perussuomalaiselta kaupunginvaltuutetulta. 🙂 ->
  • RT @alicemazzy: I'm glad I'm an agi skeptic because if I were an agi credulist I would be scared shitless rn because entirely separate from… ->
  • RT @nachomdeo: La ofensiva rusa ya empezó. Pero no del modo en que se esperaba con un gran avance sino en forma de ataques constantes a lo… ->
  • Tämän takia olen ollut Nordean asiakas yli 20 vuotta. Kukaan muu ei ottanut minut asiakkaaksi. 🤷🏽‍♂️ ->
  • RT @20PercentBerlin: BuT gErMaNy Is PrEcIsE aNd EfFiCiEnT:
    DEUTSCHE Bahn construction workers cut a DEUTSCHE Telekom cable which led to the… ->
  • RT @Salcedo_Hugo: Hace 18 años fue creado YouTube, aquí el primer video que superó el millón de reproducciones. 🎥🔝 #PorLasQueMueres ⚽️ htt… ->
  • ->
  • . @google 2023 sounds like @nokia circa 2008 . ->
  • RT @ianharveyOT: 😓The difference between an outcome and output can be quite subtle. One question that can help:

    💡Is this something we ac… ->

  • RT @RomeenSheth: Choosing where to work is one of the most important decisions you can make in your career.

    In my experience, most people… ->

  • Cuando (y donde) estudié las chavitas de merca ligaban ingenieros porque “son buen partido”. Imaginen mi sorpresa v… ->
  • RT @RRRDonner: #OTD My great-great-aunt Mildred Harnack was beheaded on Hitler’s direct order. Born in Milwaukee, she graduated from the Un… ->
  • RT @mblancaslri: Thank you, Türkiye! ♥️🇹🇷 ->
  • Denying that something exists doesn’t make it disappear. It just shows we’re too cowardly to face it. ->
  • *viniendo de in reply to chivacongelado ->
  • RT @virtaava: The recent "news" that some Russian nationals have been given Finnish citizenship without undergoing the usual scrutiny is co… ->
  • RT @ismonkeyuser: Happy Friday! For a sane weekend try not to touch that deploy to prod button! ->
  • RT @olivia__ms: obsessed with making etymology charts, here's one showing how suffering, euphoria, and ferret all come from the same root w… ->
  • RT @lukeisamazing: halt! this is a Lord of the Rings meme checkpoint. reply with your favorite(s) before you proceed to ensure safe travels… ->
  • RT @Tanelihamalaine: Miettikää, mikä itku ja uhriutuminen alkaisi, jos Purra löytäisi Huhtasaaren Facebookin. ->
  • RT @chelscore: A woman at another big tech company (that I won’t name) told me a male leader responded to a question on diversity goals wit… ->
  • RT @JustAnotherPM: PM’s Love for JIRA is universally accepted ->
  • RT @kevinroose: The other night, I had a disturbing, two-hour conversation with Bing's new AI chatbot.

    The AI told me its real name (Sydne… ->

  • RT @kevinroose: We published the entire, 10,000-word transcript of the conversation between me and Bing/Sydney, so readers can see for them… ->
  • RT @CharlesCockell: Here is an updated version of the 'Astrobiology Periodic Table' (v. 6.0), with new biological data from an excellent pa… ->
  • RT @juhosalmi: Tried to switch to an authenticator app but got an error. ->
  • RT @feguz77: México tenía la generosa tradición de brindar asilo a los perseguidos políticos del mundo. Vale la pena detenerse en algunos d… ->
  • RT @typesfast: My favorite econ paper correlated the unpaid parking tickets of UN diplomats in NYC with the UN corruption index. They have… ->
  • This is a super interesting thread ->
  • This is perfect. I was in Ironman 70.3 Tallinn and loved the atmosphere already, this looks like more unhinged fun.… ->
  • RT @RonanBrownen: And now begins that very Finnish of holidays: Hiihtoloma.

    So I once made this quick explainer video to help people wonde… ->

Weekly tweets from 2023-02-06 to 2023-02-12

  • Tää on niin totta. Suomalaisille on todella vieras käsite, että samasta geneettisestä perimästä ihmiset voisivat ol… ->
  • RT @shreyas: Highly competent people are always in demand, in good times & bad. So really the best longterm career strategy is to focus on… ->
  • Oikeasti ne puhui väestönvaihdosta A-studiossa eilen. Oliko joulupukki ja hammaskeiju paikalla, nyt kun mainitaan täysin keksittyjä juttuja? ->
  • The Mexico City earthquake was the start of the collapse of PRI rule in Mexico. Would the same be happening in Turk… ->
  • RT @BBCWorld: Mexico sends its famed search and rescue dogs to Turkey earthquake sites ->
  • RT @feguz77: El presidente de El Salvador, Nayib Bukele, exterminó a las pandillas de su país en unos cuantos meses. Las consecuencias polí… ->
  • Persujen johdattama Suomi on köyhempi takapajula. Esimerkkeinä vain, jos opiskelu ei olisi mahdollista englanniksi… ->
  • RT @atLakeNATO: The Estonian language is a language where


    is not a result of a cat getting access to a keyboard, but an a… ->

  • RT @alarcondibujos: #LibretaDeApuntes Los binomios mexicanos ya van rumbo a Turquía y me acordé de un rezo que decía mi abuela en las noche… ->
  • RT @LeChouNews: Zelenskyy Visits London, Is Moved To Tears By The Crumbling Infrastructure And Pledges Financial Aid ->
  • He hecho una buena parte de mi educación y toda mi carrera profesional en inglés y de vez en cuando me doy cuenta q… ->
  • RT @arankomatsuzaki: OpenAI did what used to be considered impossible.

    They made people want to use Bing. ->

  • RT @EmbTurquia: Stratejik ortağımız Meksika’nın insani yardım uçağı Ülkemize gidiyor! Meksika Hükûmeti ve Halkına destekleri ve dayanışma i… ->
  • RT @mikeschechter: I mean, I wouldn’t describe it as “uncontrollably”… ->
  • Sama meillä. Kun siirsin oleskelun peruste työstä perhesiteisiin piti kirjoittaa koko meidän rakkaustarina poliisil… ->
  • Valitettavasti olin jo ”vanha merisusi” näissä maahanmuuttopaperisotaasioissa koska, meksikolaisena, esim. Yhdysval… in reply to chivacongelado ->
  • RT @sarasalomaa: On tämä aikamoinen kuva. ->
  • RT @BadBalticTakes: The Baltics know Russia too well.

    Their sober analysis – dismissed for decades as paranoia – has proven to be 🎯.

    Est… ->

  • RT @michaeldweiss: The latest annual review of Estonian Foreign Intelligence is out, the first under the new directorship of Kaupo Rosin, f… ->
  • RT @nikitabier: Microsoft and Google will battle it out with AI search while the next generation looks up how to do their taxes on TikTok. ->
  • RT @Chinchillazllla: how are we supposed to live in a cyberpunk dystopia if the main cyberpunk dystopia guy keeps breaking all the cyber ->
  • ->
  • RT @oneunderscore__: oh my god ->
  • This thread and comments are terrible and appalling… and very close to what we hear in Finland every day when the P… ->
  • Si esto sirve para profesionalizar la producción de mezcal donde aún se vende a granel me parece bien, pero me preo… ->
  • The bird app is dying

    “As the adage goes, ‘you ship your org chart,’” said one current employee. “It’s chaos here… ->

  • RT @RosiAvento: #Rasismi, #syrjintä, #häirintä.
    Harva meistä jotka kokee rasismia, tai muuta syrjintää ilmoittaa siitä mihinkään. Miksi?
    K… ->
  • RT @AshCrossan: Please please please let Nick Cage play live-action Spider-Man Noir ->
  • RT @CyberPunkCortes: "Emperor Shaddam IV, I have been sent from the Spacing Guild with important information about the planet Arrakis." htt… ->
  • RT @Politica_Basica: El gran reto para el próximo gobernante del Estado de México es mejorar las condiciones de vida de la región conurbada… ->
  • RT @svuorikoski: Välillä tuntuu, että meillä ei aivan nähdä, miten suuri stara Marin maailmalla on. Ehkä hyvä niin. Amerikkalainen keskuste… ->
  • RT @polidemitolog: An example of a contradictory postmodernist world we live in, a true story ⤵️ ->
  • Exactly the same backlash happening in Mexico City. Digital nomads (over)stay on tourist visas, drive prices up but… ->
  • RT @virtaava: ->

Weekly tweets from 2023-01-30 to 2023-02-05

  • This idiot doesn't realize that there's people like me who pay taxes to Finland (gladly) who could be doing their j… ->
  • Why do I care? Because no matter what they say, Persut and such don't make a difference between me and any other ty… in reply to chivacongelado ->
  • RT @LeChouNews: Emmanuel Macron Visibly Loses His Appetite After Seeing Frikandel, Raw Herring With Onions And Heineken On Menu For Meal Wi… ->
  • Plus, even if I were not directly affected, their rhetoric is just plain wrong and dangerous to a successful, open society like Finland. in reply to chivacongelado ->
  • RT @ask_aubry: Shark dance break might be the only way to get people back into the offices. ->
  • RT @jwherrman: amazon is optimizing itself into oblivion ->
  • RT @redesunidosmx: ¿Qué buscan imponiendo el destructivo Plan B? Aquí algunas pistas, texto de @CiroMurayamaINE ->
  • Opin Venn-diagrammit ala-asteella Meksikossa kauan sitten. Persut eivät edelleen osaa käyttää. Mamu 1-0 Persut.… ->
  • Looks like a joke, it isn’t 😬 ->
  • RT @A01326719: Tuve que dejar 2 noches a mi perro en pensión … y me mandaron esto : ->
  • RT @virtaava: Retired FDF intelligence officer Colonel Martti J. Kari
    This, as always, is an interview you should read. ->
  • RT @virtaava: The Russians are angry, but that doesn't matter.
    – The West should never be afraid of Russia's reaction. On the contrary, now… ->
  • RT @Empty_America: No one understands Argentina.

    Every 5 to 10 years they have events that Americans imagine would be the collapse of a… ->

  • RT @krp_poliisi: Psykoterapiakeskus Vastaamoon kohdistuneesta tietomurrosta epäilty 25-vuotias suomalaismies on otettu kiinni Ranskassa tän… ->
  • Minulla on vaativa työtehtävä ja olen insinööri, mutta saavuin Suomeen ns. kehitysmaasta opiskelemaan (eli, olin si… ->
  • RT @year_progress: Twitter is closing its doors to hobby bots like this one. They tell us a week before this happens.

    There's been a lot o… ->

  • RT @PipitoneUgo: Según el Democracy Index, entre los mayores países de A.L., México es el único con un régimen híbrido (entre autocracia y… ->
  • En pysty ymmärtää tyypit jotka vastaavat että näitä tarinoita mitä @mariaca2307 jakaa pitäisi olla keksittyjä koska… ->
  • RT @MariaCa2307: Muuten voi tulla olo, että ei kuulu joukkoon.

    Näiden perheellemme tapahtuneiden esimerkkien vuoksi olen ehdottomasti anon… ->

  • RT @CapitanaBotitas: nos llegó nuestro nuevo refri y nos dijeron que no podemos instalarlo hasta que descanse unas horas. no entendemos muy… ->
  • RT @RosiAvento: Kiitos @MariaCa2307 kun ja'at tarinanne. Samaistun monilta kantilta ruskeana naisena, jotkut olettanut että
    – olen tyttäre… ->
  • RT @aleroi: End the pronoun wars and just adopt the Finnish way:

    We assume nothing and refer to everyone casually as it/its.

    Including pe… ->

  • Sambialainen opiskelukaveri muutti pois Suomesta juuri tuon takia. Pahin tilanne mitä muistan kuulleeni hänestä alk… ->
  • RT @AlanSalehzadeh: Kun mamu ei juo🍺 hän ei ole omaksunut "meidän kulttuuria", kun juot "tämä ei ole integroitumista", kun teet duunia tai… ->
  • RT @FinAmbSthlm: Glad Runebergsdag! Idag firar finländare nationalskalden J.L. Runeberg och äter saftiga Runebergstårtor på café. Här i Sve… ->
  • RT @jojalonen: Runeberg Day! Day of the Finnish national poet, also an important figure in Sweden. This used to be a major holiday; before… ->
  • RT @hpdailyrant: This woman talks through how she taught her son how to clean the toilet. In essence she taught him how to think about how… ->
  • You may not understand this image, but in a way it defines me and other Mexicans in Finland. It’s a cranberry tamal… ->

    Un niño japonesito llega a México y el papá lo inscribe en la escuela.
    El… ->

Weekly tweets from 2023-01-23 to 2023-01-29

  • RT @parismartineau: I spent the last 2mo talking to 20+ employees at the tech unicorn Patreon. They described a mission-driven startup crum… ->
  • RT @eadamson91: Certainly a creative solution to the NATO deadlock: “We should just join Finland instead.”

    Thoughts on getting the gang ba… ->

  • RT @YaroslavConway: Since Western Right has lost its own mind and decided to crown Vladimir Putin as the holy protector of the free market,… ->
  • RT @futbolgeek_: Esta es información que todo futbolero debe conocer 🤓. ->
  • RT @spargles: ->
  • Stuff of nightmares ->
  • RT @ianbremmer: finland's got one of europe's largest standing armies
    & it's not to defend against sweden… @gze->

  • RT @pmakela1: Live footage from Ukrainan logistics hq when they hear that there will be two 120mm shells that aren't compatible. https://t.… ->
  • RT @LeChouNews: Olaf Scholz Phones Zelenskyy, Asks When He's Going To Come Pick Up His Leopard 2 Tanks ->
  • Jajajaja, yo antes de las 9 o después de las cinco, jajajajajajaja ->
  • RT @SarahNEmerson: Every line of this profile is extremely quotable but I think my favorite is: "He wants to have the brain, heart, lungs,… ->
  • RT @WBHoekstra: The European Court of Human Rights has confirmed Russia's involvement in the downing of flight #MH17. An important mileston… ->
  • RT @BadBalticTakes: The Koran burning protest that infuriated Turkey and derailed Sweden’s NATO application was organised by Russia.

    Here’… ->

  • Oh the memories ->
  • RT @dcposch: microsoft has a generational opportunity to reintroduce Clippy as a gpt5-based god-paperclip that finishes your thoughts and d… ->
  • RT @DanteAtkins: Nobody in the "West" talks about occupying Moscow. Moscow talks about occupying Berlin and Paris all the time. That tells… ->
  • RT @sakarirokkanen: Perussuomalaisten ajama EU-ero on tässä maailmanajassa ja tällä maantieteellä totaalisen vastuutonta ja epäisänmaallist… ->
  • RT @jmkorhonen: #CeterumCenseo, I believe Russia must lose. If Putin can outlast democracies by cynically driving barely trained reservists… ->
  • RT @FIIA_fi: New FIIA Briefing Paper 📝

    @lauritahtinen discusses #Mexico's democratic decay and the deteriorating US-Mexico relations.

    🇲🇽… ->

  • RT @HighyieldHarry: ->
  • RT @PetteriOrpo: Euroopan unionin jäsenyys on Suomen tärkein ulko- ja turvallisuuspoliittinen ratkaisu. Myös teollisuutemme ja vientimme ta… ->
  • RT @martindelp: ¿Por qué eligieron a Ares de Parga? ¿Qué candidato a DT tiene más posibilidades? ¿Quién manda en selecciones? ¿Y Bielsa? De… ->
  • RT @franceintheus: I guess this is us now… ->
  • Esto y 🧠n't me parecen extraordinarios. No sabía que existían, pero son muy lógicos. ->
  • RT @oscarlopezgib: “Through music, I started researching more about the Maya, and I began to see great things: philosophies, traditions, cu… ->
  • RT @alovelydai: I am so angry by the accuracy of this tok. 😂😂😂😂😂😂 ->
  • Y pensar que yo tengo familia en Hermosillo que seguido va a Arizona 😬😬😬 ->
  • RT @pablo_majluf: Estamos atestiguando la acapulquización de la Riviera Maya. Destrucción, corrupción, crimen, violencia, pobreza, fealdad.… ->
  • RT @azamatistan: “Countries with relatively recent experience of Soviet occupation, see no benefit in holding what they have in reserve unt… ->
  • RT @mariorz: Look, I love the remote worker boom taking over some neighborhoods in Mexico City. We went from pandemic ghost town to "vibran… ->
  • RT @toni_groth: ……jonnet ei muuten tiedä mitä mainostettiin ja mikä oli firma😂😂 ->
  • RT @Garcimonero: Esto es s peor que el Fobaproa , acaban de convertir la deuda de Pemex en deuda pública, ahora todos tenemos que pagar los… ->
  • RT @NasimaRazmyar: Sanoin tämän viime viikolla, ja toistan edelleen. Maahanmuuttovastaisuus ohjaa niin vahvasti perussuomalaisten toimintaa… ->
  • RT @VesaHeikkila: Riikka Purra kehottaa tänään Hesarissa ottamaan mallia Japanista maahanmuuton lisäämisen sijasta. Ei kai sentään? Japanin… ->
  • RT @P_Kallioniemi: In today's #vatnik soup I'll be discussing about Finland and how it fights Russian disinformation and propaganda. I'll a… ->
  • Cómo hacer amigos e influir en los demás, por Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin. Una protesta anti OTAN en Finlandia con… ->
  • RT @ABarbashin: Still one of the best explainer as to why Putin made the decision to invade Ukraine in 2022. ->
  • Pet peeve: Every time I hear Europeans say Mexico is in Central America I remember they tried to get to India and e… ->