Weekly tweets from 2021-09-27 to 2021-10-03

  • RT @TheFirstOkiro: A Jedi like his father before him https://t.co/MQzF0lu8Rr ->
  • RT @RexChapman: Bill Nye destroying racism in one minute.

    “We’re all one species.”…
    https://t.co/Moc7qLsjNq ->

  • RT @GergelyOrosz: One of the perks of no longer working at big tech, and having no plans to go back: I can write *very* honestly about some… ->
  • RT @andurings: I CANT FUCKING BREATHEJSV https://t.co/PoDE0pGnn4 ->
  • RT @Cuauhtemoc_1521: Feliz cumpleaños 200 a nuestro país,
    a México. Solamente para tener algunas comparaciones, el Virreinato duró 3 siglos… ->
  • RT @SahilBloom: By now, you’ve probably heard that global supply chains are in a state of disarray.

    Here's a simple breakdown of what’s ca… ->

  • RT @DeMemoria: #Hilo 🧵📺'DON GATO', hoy estamos celebrando que hace 60 años salió al aire en EE.UU. una serie animada que en México es consi… ->
  • RT @lionelbarber: 👀 “Why would you want to go to Britain, jump all these hoops…if you could go to Ireland or Holland and earn more, be resp… ->
  • RT @SWContinuity: Star Wars #8 (1977) / Star Wars Gamer #4 – “The Starhoppers of Aduba-3” (2001) / The Essential Atlas (2009) / Star Wars V… ->
  • RT @Dimmu141: Minkäläinen meno Suomessa olisi jos PS olisi saanut tahdon läpi ja Suomi olisi eronnut EUsta.. ->
  • RT @eperea: Any fintech startup interested in doing Buy Now, Pay Later should look to LatAm for education. We've all been doing it for deca… ->
  • I am surprisingly excited. They got this. https://t.co/2VyIckz8HM ->
  • A friend of mine died of cancer a few months ago. She may have lived longer but her surgery was canceled due to war… https://t.co/xRO1JbtDL5 ->
  • RT @DudespostingWs: https://t.co/Ya8tIRyuJ6 ->
  • Puebla de Los Ángeles de Nuestra Señora de la Porciúncula, Alta California. 🤷🏽‍♂️ https://t.co/S2x8GndasU ->
  • More highly qualified Mexicans in Finland. I’ve met marketing executives, logistics PhDs and engineering researcher… https://t.co/whvoHib4ex ->
  • RT @shreyas: In your 1st month at a new place:

    -start using the product
    -read key docs & summaries
    -learn people's names
    -build rapport wi… ->

  • RT @Stiff: Brits in Finland – today is the LAST DAY to do your Brexit Application.

    I know you all already have but JUST IN CASE you were… ->

  • RT @IanDunt: "The pound is beginning to behave as though it were an emerging market currency" https://t.co/fo8CWj1wvq ->
  • RT @robertotaboada5: Son las 5 de la tarde —me dijo Ana casi susurrando.
    —¿Cómo sabes? —le pregunté desde la celda de al lado.
    —Por la proy… ->
  • Creo que la última vez que me fui de antro por gusto fue con uno de mis mejores amigos hace 15 años en Acapulco. Ni… https://t.co/4sRZfW37RW ->
  • RT @ytzmaya: Nadie:
    Yo a la menor provocación: Deja te lo organizo en una hoja de Excel. ->
  • Reminds me of sourcing the Star Wars Radio Drama for our listening comprehension exercises in English class in juni… https://t.co/gwQKmVLG2T ->
  • RT @nameshiv: My family is giving me grief because I talked my dad into watching Ted Lasso and now he is apparently starting all conversati… ->
  • RT @tobiasrogers: I went down a @shreyas rabbit hole so you don't have to.

    Here are 11 timeless lessons on product leadership that will h… ->

  • RT @MKiesilainen: ”Minut kutsuttiin työryhmään, jossa pohdittiin, miten Suomesta saataisiin houkuttelevampi ulkomaalaisille huippuosaajille… ->
  • RT @DaniNovarama: Ayer me pegué una juerga. Una de las de verdad, de decir "te quiero tío" a los colegas y volver a casa hecho unos zorros.… ->
  • RT @HuevoPorSopa: 1ro de octubre

    Los de Green Day: https://t.co/iUBzdRmiUY ->

  • RT @pmpohjanheimo: ¡Feliz aniversario de relaciones diplomáticas de países socios 🇲🇽🇫🇮!

    México y Finlandia compartimos una rica agenda bi… ->

  • RT @JPablo_Juarez: Mira ⁦@chivacongelado⁩ lo que me acabo de encontrar. Salieron fotos del viaje a NYC. https://t.co/qNI3crmGLH ->
  • RT @lablegal101: Los términos y condiciones de Amazon (AWS) tiene una cláusula en caso de que estalle una hecatombe de zombies. 🧟‍♀️🧟‍♂️ ht… ->
  • RT @rands: Let's be clear. Video games are becoming more compelling than real life. It's a problem. A huge problem. ->
  • RT @alexstubb: This is what happens when #Brexit meets the reality of an interconnected world. Impossible to ”prenez un grip”, let alone ”d… ->
  • RT @AshFR: alright https://t.co/EqXYjNWGAj ->
  • México City’s Iztaccíhuatl volcano https://t.co/H3wgKrNi5y ->
  • RT @AnimalsBeingB: https://t.co/EqIBtD6lWt ->
  • RT @avestruzeterea: Y teniendo licenciaturas y maestrías y doctorados y cubículos y espacio en medios y acceso a INTERNET, los que querían… ->
  • RT @korhonen_klaus: Syria | The Secret Teacher of Al-Hol – How Finland Ran a Distance School for the Finnish Children in the Syrian Detenti… ->
  • RT @GergelyOrosz: "Why are you looking to leave your current employer?" is a question I've asked hundreds of times when hiring at Uber. The… ->
  • I bring you the prime minister of the United Kingdom, who is so dim-witted his answer to ridiculous amounts of wast… https://t.co/bKHa5xwhXK ->
  • RT @johncutlefish: why you can't just show up, figure out the "right" strategy, and hope that by "empowering" teams everything will work ou… ->

Weekly tweets from 2021-09-20 to 2021-09-26

Weekly tweets from 2021-09-13 to 2021-09-19

Weekly tweets from 2021-09-06 to 2021-09-12

Weekly tweets from 2021-08-30 to 2021-09-05

Weekly tweets from 2021-08-23 to 2021-08-29

Weekly tweets from 2021-08-16 to 2021-08-22

Weekly tweets from 2021-08-09 to 2021-08-15

  • RT @manupaisable: This is quite good @kl_johnny 👏 we also have some infographics now to help visualize and communicate key ideas and how to… ->
  • RT @eperea: El nacionalismo necesita enemigos, agravios, ultrajes imperdonables, porque es sobre todo una elaboración ideológica del resent… ->
  • RT @Carlos_Film: My fall plans The Delta variant https://t.co/FmPS4tyVPn ->
  • RT @samaranto: https://t.co/GwjNALzJVe ->
  • La importancia del marketing, o uno no sabe lo que tiene hasta que lo ve perdido. https://t.co/y0TsqMcf41 ->
  • RT @EmbFinMexico: Esta semana inicia la #escuela para la mayoría de los niños #finlandeses 📚. Después de un largo verano van a reunirse con… ->
  • RT @womensart1: A UK female spitfire pilot, 1944, known as a ferry pilot, delivering newly manufactured aircraft from the factory to milit… ->
  • RT @mendtimes: imagine having to issue a recall because you unintentionally designed a thing that certain spiders go absolutely bananas for… ->
  • RT @DrNetas: Ya me vi… https://t.co/AszHjgjxrc ->
  • RT @vampipe: And dance with the Devil…🎶

    At the Templo Mayor!!!
    Zocalo all f'night!!! https://t.co/nNLgLhZU9q ->

  • RT @debbiebere: @chivacongelado @hannagee1 Muchas gracias Luis. Aprecio tus preguntas. Nos quedamos en Finlandia! He escrito acerca de las… ->
  • RT @ExaArq: My fall plans / The delta variant https://t.co/uBZNq9JGFl ->
  • RT @AdamMGrant: The first rule of leadership: put your mission above your ego.

    The second rule of leadership: if you don't care about your… ->

  • RT @davidochoagk: I have decided to play for @miseleccionmx. This is my story. @PlayersTribune  https://t.co/U8nNFOnrkA https://t.co/M7wVKA… ->
  • RT @TheDon_Tical: Everyone on the TL after reading David Ochoa’s piece on his experience in Mexico & US futbol https://t.co/RJoKnAHOr6 ->
  • RT @aape: A lesson in humanity: at the Olympics Jamaican Hansle Parchment showed up to the wrong venue.

    A volunteer gave him money to get… ->

  • RT @DavidOBowles: Today you'll see many tweets about the fall of the Kingdom of Mexihco (specifically the island cities of Tenochtitlan & T… ->
  • Cuando dices estupideces por convivir. 🤦🏽‍♂️ https://t.co/X7yZPpbUOg ->
  • 🤦🏽‍♂️😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣 I already support Don Tortilla. 😉 https://t.co/XymuBTKtZx ->
  • Císcalo císcalo diablo panzón. https://t.co/zZhx0o5MYl ->
  • RT @DavidOBowles: We don't know the final words of Mexica king Cuauhtemoc to his people before surrendering to the Tlaxcaltecah and Spanish… ->
  • RT @VillalobosJPe: Nos dieron a Hombres G y les dimos a Maná; les enviamos a Hugo Sánchez y nos enviaron a Enrique Ponce; les mandamos a Th… ->
  • RT @tumbolian: “Liberar”. https://t.co/xvxaUfxEOe ->
  • RT @malvafg: Mis “pueblos originarios” fueron los mexicas, los portugueses, los negros africanos, los españoles… Los de ustedes, ¿no? ¿So… ->
  • RT @TheEconomist: People are hiding their TVs and deleting music from their phones; some men have started to grow their beards. @1843mag fi… ->
  • RT @Sci_Phile: Even a man *literally living under a rock* got his shots. Do your part. https://t.co/VxPzhiPNvH ->
  • RT @simongerman600: Maximum allowed speed on highways across the US and the EU. I like that Texas is the most free US state. Still not as f… ->
  • RT @A__Tapia: Me imagino que los que están atiborrando esta noche el Zócalo quieren conocer a sus ancestros.

    Aunque debo admitir que es ca… ->

  • RT @hombrerevenido: Ante el aluvión de críticas, voy a defender públicamente a los aztecas. Eran bastante buenos.

    ¿Pero fueron mejores qu… ->

  • RT @mexicoentokio20: Estamos a solo 10 días de que inicien los Juegos Paralímpicos #Tokyo2020 y esta cuenta hará una cobertura igual a la q… ->
  • RT @marccrosas: Su sonrisa es impagable. Se está dando cuenta de lo grande que es más allá de su historia en el Barça. EL MÁS GRANDE DE TOD… ->
  • RT @rogueambit: https://t.co/GKvUc9pGh1 ->
  • RT @CBuburron: cortés llegando al ahuhuete después de huir de Tenochtitlan
    https://t.co/D9sigThVTw ->
  • RT @tatianotzin: JAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJA https://t.co/TOIkU5DCQx ->
  • RT @samthielman: It is 1919. The world's most feared imperial military leaves Afghanistan in a disgrace that heralds its coming irrelevance… ->
  • RT @shreyas: Product-Market fit is often viewed as a static concept: either you have it or you don’t.

    In my experience, it is better to th… ->

  • RT @lalo_lima: En datos curiosos: Tlaxcala aparece en el MCU. La escena inicial de Spiderman: Far From Home, cuando llega Nick Fury a un pu… ->
  • RT @isosavi: Kun seuraa livenä Kabulin tilannetta, niin tulee mieleen War Machine elokuva parin vuoden takaa. https://t.co/3ht9AxtwMc ->
  • RT @_alice_evans: How come Nordic countries have such great family policies?

    Nordic unions are influential & their members are largely fem… ->

  • Populistit valehtelee kunnes totuus ei voi enää muista. Suomen kansalaisuuden saaminen ei ole missään nimessä helpp… https://t.co/QSG6ENCe7c ->
  • RT @niporwifi: Hay un británico que ha viajado ahora a Afganistán para retransmitir por Twitch lo que está viviendo allí, después de tener… ->
  • RT @TheEconomist: How a government with 350,000 soldiers—trained and equipped by the world’s best armies—collapsed so quickly, as the jihad… ->

Weekly tweets from 2021-08-02 to 2021-08-08

Weekly tweets from 2021-07-26 to 2021-08-01