- RT @TheFirstOkiro: A Jedi like his father before him https://t.co/MQzF0lu8Rr ->
- RT @RexChapman: Bill Nye destroying racism in one minute.
“We’re all one species.”…
https://t.co/Moc7qLsjNq -> - RT @GergelyOrosz: One of the perks of no longer working at big tech, and having no plans to go back: I can write *very* honestly about some… ->
- RT @andurings: I CANT FUCKING BREATHEJSV https://t.co/PoDE0pGnn4 ->
- RT @Cuauhtemoc_1521: Feliz cumpleaños 200 a nuestro país,
a México. Solamente para tener algunas comparaciones, el Virreinato duró 3 siglos… -> - RT @SahilBloom: By now, you’ve probably heard that global supply chains are in a state of disarray.
Here's a simple breakdown of what’s ca… ->
- RT @DeMemoria: #Hilo 🧵📺'DON GATO', hoy estamos celebrando que hace 60 años salió al aire en EE.UU. una serie animada que en México es consi… ->
- RT @lionelbarber: 👀 “Why would you want to go to Britain, jump all these hoops…if you could go to Ireland or Holland and earn more, be resp… ->
- RT @SWContinuity: Star Wars #8 (1977) / Star Wars Gamer #4 – “The Starhoppers of Aduba-3” (2001) / The Essential Atlas (2009) / Star Wars V… ->
- RT @Dimmu141: Minkäläinen meno Suomessa olisi jos PS olisi saanut tahdon läpi ja Suomi olisi eronnut EUsta.. ->
- RT @eperea: Any fintech startup interested in doing Buy Now, Pay Later should look to LatAm for education. We've all been doing it for deca… ->
- I am surprisingly excited. They got this. https://t.co/2VyIckz8HM ->
- A friend of mine died of cancer a few months ago. She may have lived longer but her surgery was canceled due to war… https://t.co/xRO1JbtDL5 ->
- RT @DudespostingWs: https://t.co/Ya8tIRyuJ6 ->
- Puebla de Los Ángeles de Nuestra Señora de la Porciúncula, Alta California. 🤷🏽♂️ https://t.co/S2x8GndasU ->
- More highly qualified Mexicans in Finland. I’ve met marketing executives, logistics PhDs and engineering researcher… https://t.co/whvoHib4ex ->
- RT @shreyas: In your 1st month at a new place:
-start using the product
-read key docs & summaries
-learn people's names
-build rapport wi… -> - RT @Stiff: Brits in Finland – today is the LAST DAY to do your Brexit Application.
I know you all already have but JUST IN CASE you were… ->
- RT @IanDunt: "The pound is beginning to behave as though it were an emerging market currency" https://t.co/fo8CWj1wvq ->
- RT @robertotaboada5: Son las 5 de la tarde —me dijo Ana casi susurrando.
—¿Cómo sabes? —le pregunté desde la celda de al lado.
—Por la proy… -> - Creo que la última vez que me fui de antro por gusto fue con uno de mis mejores amigos hace 15 años en Acapulco. Ni… https://t.co/4sRZfW37RW ->
- RT @ytzmaya: Nadie:
Yo a la menor provocación: Deja te lo organizo en una hoja de Excel. -> - Reminds me of sourcing the Star Wars Radio Drama for our listening comprehension exercises in English class in juni… https://t.co/gwQKmVLG2T ->
- RT @nameshiv: My family is giving me grief because I talked my dad into watching Ted Lasso and now he is apparently starting all conversati… ->
- RT @tobiasrogers: I went down a @shreyas rabbit hole so you don't have to.
Here are 11 timeless lessons on product leadership that will h… ->
- RT @MKiesilainen: ”Minut kutsuttiin työryhmään, jossa pohdittiin, miten Suomesta saataisiin houkuttelevampi ulkomaalaisille huippuosaajille… ->
- RT @DaniNovarama: Ayer me pegué una juerga. Una de las de verdad, de decir "te quiero tío" a los colegas y volver a casa hecho unos zorros.… ->
- RT @HuevoPorSopa: 1ro de octubre
Los de Green Day: https://t.co/iUBzdRmiUY ->
- RT @pmpohjanheimo: ¡Feliz aniversario de relaciones diplomáticas de países socios 🇲🇽🇫🇮!
México y Finlandia compartimos una rica agenda bi… ->
- RT @JPablo_Juarez: Mira @chivacongelado lo que me acabo de encontrar. Salieron fotos del viaje a NYC. https://t.co/qNI3crmGLH ->
- RT @lablegal101: Los términos y condiciones de Amazon (AWS) tiene una cláusula en caso de que estalle una hecatombe de zombies. 🧟♀️🧟♂️ ht… ->
- RT @rands: Let's be clear. Video games are becoming more compelling than real life. It's a problem. A huge problem. ->
- RT @alexstubb: This is what happens when #Brexit meets the reality of an interconnected world. Impossible to ”prenez un grip”, let alone ”d… ->
- RT @AshFR: alright https://t.co/EqXYjNWGAj ->
- México City’s Iztaccíhuatl volcano https://t.co/H3wgKrNi5y ->
- RT @AnimalsBeingB: https://t.co/EqIBtD6lWt ->
- RT @avestruzeterea: Y teniendo licenciaturas y maestrías y doctorados y cubículos y espacio en medios y acceso a INTERNET, los que querían… ->
- RT @korhonen_klaus: Syria | The Secret Teacher of Al-Hol – How Finland Ran a Distance School for the Finnish Children in the Syrian Detenti… ->
- RT @GergelyOrosz: "Why are you looking to leave your current employer?" is a question I've asked hundreds of times when hiring at Uber. The… ->
- I bring you the prime minister of the United Kingdom, who is so dim-witted his answer to ridiculous amounts of wast… https://t.co/bKHa5xwhXK ->
- RT @johncutlefish: why you can't just show up, figure out the "right" strategy, and hope that by "empowering" teams everything will work ou… ->
Weekly tweets from 2021-09-20 to 2021-09-26
- Just in time for climate change 🤦🏽♂️ https://t.co/EwONzw3heD ->
- RT @RexChapman: Happy 21st day of September, everyone… https://t.co/hmrfCwhGJM ->
- RT @profjuliette: este 🧵 sobre la más bella y caótica ciudad del mundo 🇲🇽 ❤️ ->
- RT @michaelxpettis: 1/4
Another useful article by Zhou Xin. Among other things he estimates that Evergrande's on- and off-balance sheet obl… -> - RT @KarlMathiesen: BREAK: Xi Jinping says China will stop building coal plants overseas. This almost completely ends the international fina… ->
- Nuestro entrañable (es un decir) Dr Muerte https://t.co/4SRC2PSXSm ->
- Y mientras tanto tenemos un presidente que no ha salido de su rancho. 🤦🏽♂️ https://t.co/vMgAw5NLsQ ->
- RT @imightbemary: Every so often I see a Twitter thread where a new manager asks for advice, and inevitably, someone in the comments below… ->
- Just found out a previous employer from the Middle East who still owes me money (and were very cavalier about the w… https://t.co/xGSKvjU3vr ->
- RT @imaginmatrix: My dad made a “meme” and asked me to spread it as far as I can so here you go https://t.co/4MS3qnqSvN ->
- The #Foundation Series is now live on @AppleTV and I can't wait for the evening to arrive so I can watch it. https://t.co/gauuvNt8jY ->
- I didn’t freak out with Trantor, Terminus, Hari Seldon or Eto Demerzel but the Prime Radiant made me go 🤯. So many… https://t.co/IBcagFOGyx ->
- RT @zeitgeistzest: @Dimmu141 😅😬😅 https://t.co/Lvnxm3agpN ->
- RT @miblogestublog: It’s Happy Hour Friday! https://t.co/eea35N214R ->
- RT @johncutlefish: Cards Against Product Management https://t.co/OVdlia7EOi ->
- RT @xkcd: Symbols https://t.co/U9rv1IjsNK https://t.co/jd4NWH1rql ->
- RT @Antimio: CUANDO EL PRESIDENTE DICE ESO, HAY QUE VOLVER A EMPEZAR. Cuando @lopezobrador_ dice que la ciencia no hizo nada antes de ellos… ->
- RT @IanDunt: Hard to imagine a more comprehensive collapse of the Vote Leave argument than what we're seeing here. ->
- With the kid of talent crunch going on, this is the most counterproductively shortsighted bullshit I have ever seen… https://t.co/RwN169vWhj ->
- Companies that realize that diversity is a competitive advantage will win. https://t.co/1vtJ6Qu6TA ->
- RT @Foundation_: @chivacongelado The Prime Radiant makes me freak out too, don't worry. ->
- If you’ve only read @hsfi you’d think there’s only killers and robbers there. Their favorite word to describe it be… https://t.co/SnEaWkKnqU ->
- RT @ahope71: Estamos como a tres mañaneras de que el presidente se ponga a leer en pantalla los insultos que encuentra en los baños público… ->
- 4 of 5 stars to The Dope by Benjamin T. Smith https://t.co/yY5JuAwXFJ ->
- RT @martindelp: Los aficionados del Wolves reconociéndole el gol y el sufrimiento a Raúl Jiménez. Que día importante para la carrera del 9.… ->
- Just finished listening to @benjamintsmith7’s history of the Mexican drug trade “The Dope” and I can’t help to be a… https://t.co/k50xFfSPF4 ->
- especially of violence (ibid.), but what I didn’t know is that it is over a hundred years old, that the Americans a… https://t.co/c8BBItQ0b4 in reply to chivacongelado ->
- American intervention and that the Kiki Camarena case was tied to the Iran-Contra scandal. Harry J. Anslinger (form… https://t.co/mjFYRNZ226 in reply to chivacongelado ->
- I am especially pissed by the feeling that it does not have a chance to get better because the rot is too deep and… https://t.co/AP4IbutthV in reply to chivacongelado ->
- RT @bilbeny: Dejaré esto por aquí. https://t.co/o5VZiEjrcR ->
- Finnish politicians would be wise to read this thread cc @filsdeproust @MarinSanna @MariaOhisalo @KristaKiuru https://t.co/8Yr6Rsd4mj ->
Weekly tweets from 2021-09-13 to 2021-09-19
- RT @TheFirstOkiro: "Politics has no place in Star Wars"
George Lucas: https://t.co/r6MUPaSQjk ->
- RT @xkcd: Vaccine Research https://t.co/4sFeKOG2CB https://t.co/TjtRGWjcxZ ->
- RT @MattGarrahan: What a quote https://t.co/F7CNGMxhDD https://t.co/XAGxnKTQ0G ->
- RT @HNTurtledove: Actors talking about composers they want to play.
Sly Stallone says, "I'll be Vivaldi!"
Jean-Claude Van Damme says, "I'l… -> - Tech bro culture was here already during the dot com / telecoms bubble, the difference is that it now makes the new… https://t.co/Kdv8ghr4wF ->
- RT @CarinZissis: The Columbus/Tlali statue drama continues.
Act I: Mexico City's government removed a Columbus statue from the capital's… ->
- RT @TheSWU: *Sad Beep* https://t.co/7CRaE9Auph ->
- RT @miemo: Jos jotain Piilaakson ominaispiirteitä olisi toivonut jäävän sille puolen palloa, niin tech bro -meininki on aika lailla kärjess… ->
- RT @romoraleselcoro: Una despedida demoledora de David Shields
"Oponerse a la transición energética y, en cambio, construir una refinería… ->
- RT @DeMemoria: #Hilo 🧵🇲🇽‘Mexicanos, ¡Viva México!’, es la consigna que nos acompaña cada noche del 15 de septiembre y que convierte a nuest… ->
- RT @kniggem: 🇩🇪🗳 Leader of far right AfD: youth should “learn more German folk songs, more German poems” in school.
Kid reporter: “I think… ->
- RT @LaMalaC: SITATYYYYYR https://t.co/9sT47PdQf9 ->
- RT @pictoline: Maíz + carne + picante 🌮
Carne + dulce + picante 🤤¿Cuál es tu mezcla perfecta de sabores en la comida mexicana? 🇲🇽 https:/… ->
- RT @AnttiMatiasKosk: Tänään on historian yo-koe.
Abiturientit olivat:
– sikiöitä, kun markat vaihtuivat euroiksi
– vauvoja, kun Yhdysvalta… -> - 👀 https://t.co/TxTENsgkHR ->
- El presidente @lopezobrador_ con su manera de predicador de conmemorar el Grito de Independencia en lugar de sumar,… https://t.co/IvOnzMdbKn ->
- RT @nicadispatch: Mexico has received 77,559 asylum requests so far this year. That shatters the country's single-year record by 10%, with… ->
- "Siivooja kuulemma saisi työluvan, mutta esimiestehtäviin yritysten "pitäisi palkata suomalaisia"."
Kuullut kielte… https://t.co/bGzZdQ3tyX ->
- Jajajajaja debería de ser ilegal hacer reír tanto a estas horas de la mañana. https://t.co/TbG9V9K5Q5 ->
- RT @HumansNoContext: https://t.co/hZA07aSQfS ->
- Dos niños con fútbol 4 veces a la semana (3 entrenamiento y 1 partido), un papá que entrena 5 veces a la semana y l… https://t.co/bFtA2hj2de ->
- RT @PippaMusgrave1: @BorisJohnson Hello Boris. Weights and Measures Inspector here. Sorry to dispel your latest bit of kite flying.
1. T… ->
- Meanwhile, in Dos Bocas… https://t.co/7zYdoP8QUn ->
- Going back to the office will be nice but also a little bit awkward, and that's OK
https://t.co/rZ7Xg8l5mn -> - Top: Mexicans in Mexican movies
Bottom: Mexicans in American movies https://t.co/6tLPLCpLbG ->
- RT @miblogestublog: Tell me you’re chilango without telling me you’re chilango https://t.co/YrNzo0YJqL ->
- RT @eperea: Every startup in the world should have this IBM memo framed up on the wall https://t.co/J4XCurVvUO ->
- RT @DrPragyaAgarwal: Tried to explain imperial measurements to the 5-year olds this morning. https://t.co/fovYeItiUS ->
- This kind of goals shouldn’t happen in a professional league. Like, seriously, letting the ball bounce like that fr… https://t.co/jHCFWE8JLC ->
- For those not familiar with this: a company run by two white dudes that was not even looking for funding raised $50… https://t.co/iGlw0nVZgd ->
- RT @lamonse: Indigna que una mexicana en el extranjero sea acosada por una Cónsul que se supone fue enviada a ese cargo para proteger a los… ->
- Dime con quien andas y te diré quién eres. https://t.co/0ob3R4bbCe ->
- Acaba de publicar una foto en Helsinki https://t.co/rlzpKPYE5W ->
- Mi mamá me estaba amarrando las agujetas de los zapatos cuando pasó esto. Tenía cinco años y es de mis primeros rec… https://t.co/JZMUEHgi8L ->
- RT @Santiago_Arau: Frida (2017). https://t.co/5LcPNQLo79 ->
- RT @Bundesliga_EN: Speechless. 😱 @ErlingHaaland
- Not enough countries split arbitrarily for this to be biting enough. 🤣😂 https://t.co/BAFG5e0QQb ->
- Dark https://t.co/DhvqdMp6aE ->
- RT @chivacongelado: @piagitta Vanha kollega 10 vuotta sitten firman pikkujouluissa täysin kännissä laitoi kädet hartioideni ympärillä ja sa… ->
Weekly tweets from 2021-09-06 to 2021-09-12
- El antepenúltimo párrafo es demoledoramente cierto. @lopezobrador_ nunca entendió nada. Ni siquiera entendió que no… https://t.co/QTcSWnWG3s ->
- Me as a Mexican-born person who learned American in elementary, British in junior high, then moved to Scandinavia (… https://t.co/PGg64Cfng1 ->
- RT @Tecnorama: Cuando tengáis un mal día, recordad a Sam Bartram, el portero que en 1937 se pasó 15 minutos en su portería sin enterarse de… ->
- 4 of 5 stars to Rainbows End by Vernor Vinge https://t.co/UFBPLWtTb6 ->
- RT @sana_qadar: ‘The pernicious thing about systemic racism is that its effects are often about things *not* happening: the mortgage applic… ->
- Where were you 20 years ago on 9/11? I was leaving one of my first work meetings with a partner (we were discussing… https://t.co/Jp0iBPxlG6 ->
- bulletin to my English colleagues. We went to my boss's hotel where all the TVs in the lobby were blasting CNN and… https://t.co/F24C0ToqTH in reply to chivacongelado ->
- One of our colleagues hurried directly from the meeting to his plane back home to London. He ended up landing late… https://t.co/E0HrHDcdVn in reply to chivacongelado ->
- as usually people are quiet in public transport in Helsinki. I remember somebody saying "who knows how will the world change". 4/x in reply to chivacongelado ->
- RT @veronicalderon: Esta portada de @TheEconomist me gustó. https://t.co/CGVnu5MRye ->
- RT @TrungTPhan: You've def heard of "The Hero's Journey", the narrative structure dating back to Homer's Odyssey in ~7th century BC.
A gre… ->
- RT @eperea: Pendejo no lleva acento, pero en algunos casos se va acentuando con los años. ->
- RT @griner: Tremendous example of how creative process is evolving in a remote world:
https://t.co/u1xfFno2AS https://t.co/eV6QOYEv6D -> - Para los que les da flojera googlear: https://t.co/PinhSiIR14 https://t.co/hkzWDMGIaN ->
- RT @sonate_bleu: Hacer deploy en viernes, solo para sentir algo. ->
- So, Hey Ya can vote now. https://t.co/UDS07OOi1X ->
- RT @shreyas: 7 attributes that differentiate the best product people I know:
– Curiosity
– Obsession
– Courage
– High Standards
– Ownershi… -> - RT @eperea: If this doesn't change your mind… ->
- RT @clairevo: PM leader cliches I said this week:
1. What problem are we solving
2. How do we know it’s a problem
3. Do we have data to in… -> - RT @JFrankensteiner: Hunter S. Thompson wrote this one week after 9/11, basically called what the 21st Century would become https://t.co/jt… ->
- Acaba de publicar una foto en Helsinki https://t.co/UBeWPg72ue ->
- Las respuestas a este tweet son lo más. Como cuando me enteré que a la Estela de Luz todos la conocen como la Suavi… https://t.co/mUWbQknxSB ->
- RT @forssto: Any Finnish expat at a company party when North American colleagues apologize for how drunk they are. https://t.co/9G2t4U994x ->
- RT @flamingpetty: 100% serious when I say the Onion’s 9/11 coverage deserved a Pulitzer https://t.co/s8RPvLsEYc ->
- RT @IndivisibleMich: @flamingpetty Amazing piece on this issue of @TheOnion and how it came together. https://t.co/DtpDZQSGRY ->
- RT @CouchNish: A person called OwlKitty changed the Business Card scene from “American Psycho” to the guys showing each other pictures of t… ->
- We’ve known that Finland is getting old. Problem is that if we’re not smart about it we’ll be getting poorer. Inter… https://t.co/scqbr8hLVT ->
Weekly tweets from 2021-08-30 to 2021-09-05
- RT @veronicalderon: Bueno, al menos duró poco.
Los #InformeDeGobierno de mi niñez (80s) eran largos, se declaraba el día feriado, no vend… ->
- RT @johnspacemuller: I am dead, Simon Kuper has killed me. https://t.co/5ssRfB9Gtp ->
- RT @axcayacatl: Photos from a parade held in Mexico city in 1910. Oh do not 100% the clothing depicted here are far better and more histori… ->
- RT @EganRichardson: Summer 2021 was Finland's hottest in over 80 years https://t.co/UCnMGiWICH ->
- RT @rmayemsinger: Powerful. https://t.co/QPgoXEm1aw ->
- RT @albertolati: Con esta imponente imagen llegó la medalla catorce de México en los #Paralympics de Tokio.
Juan Pablo Cervantes se queda e… -> - Welcome to a whole new world of flow, speed, pain, blood, and double poling. Thank you @hiihtokoulu.fi and… https://t.co/uHL07fWRqV ->
- RT @joseacevez: Hoy es un buen día para recordar que Tijuana está más cerca de Alaska que de Cancún. https://t.co/AET8P74tQh ->
- RT @Javi_Sancho_: Cansinismo positivo. 🥲 https://t.co/1T9D5Mp3wU ->
- Mi primera chamba fuera de ayudar en el negocio familiar fue de vendedor de páginas de internet. No pude cerrar una… https://t.co/kpSsvPRWbc ->
- The struggle is real https://t.co/0YV1Fg8Wzg ->
- RT @hazeljennings: Remote work is so weird. I just wrapped up an 8-year run at Instagram; one of the most impactful chapters of my life so… ->
- RT @Cienciaymas_: Una de las capturas con mayor resolución que se han hecho sobre Júpiter en la historia de la NASA. https://t.co/vWvJOy30ef ->
- RT @Giorgioromero: Estamos jodidos. El partido más importante de México apoya a Maduro y el segundo le engorda el caldo a Vox. Esos son los… ->
- Read this thread until the end and avoid disappointment. https://t.co/CQ2Bi1BQNX ->
- Suomi! Suomi! Suomi!
Oi Suomi on
Oi Suomi on
Oi Suomi on niin ihanaa
On meillä sauna, viina ja kirves
Oi Suomi on n… https://t.co/q7UU9ndBKb -> - 😬 https://t.co/fllwnt84iP https://t.co/p6YvOXMBxC ->
- RT @amyecheetham: Wild to me that interviewing candidates isn't a skill that's taught broadly even though hiring is perhaps the most import… ->
- Hearing similar stories from companies trying to attract talent in Finland. The pandemic has driven the demand for… https://t.co/8zVzsvKkTe ->
- I understand that may be the case in a sales/marketing communications job for the local market, but I strongly beli… https://t.co/MsljnH67Ha ->
- RT @MaxCRoser: The Economist journalists updated their a model of the true death toll of the pandemic, corrected for underreporting.
They… ->
- If they invite you to a birthday party (and it’s not someone creepy or you have v. important stuff otherwise), go t… https://t.co/MGGC06BCYr ->
- RT @goodnewsfinland: Today we get to know senior UI and UX designer Yoshi, who moved to Finland from China to do her master’s degree at Aal… ->
- 5 of 5 stars to This Is How They Tell Me the World Ends by Nicole Perlroth https://t.co/gpIewyxyZQ ->
Weekly tweets from 2021-08-23 to 2021-08-29
- RT @trekonomics: I am not proud that a not-insignificant part of my life has been wasted navigating various immigration bureaucracies ->
- RT @johncutlefish: "I'm consistently in awe of what the product teams are able to do. It makes my life easy as a salesperson to sell such a… ->
- RT @gogolized: Love songs by language
English: I need you baby
Russian: I love you and only you
Hindi: You are home for my heart. My ni… ->
- RT @oneunderscore__: A quick thread:
A lot of people have asked me this week: Where did this ivermectin obsession come from? Who could po… ->
- RT @veronicalderon: El gobierno de México. https://t.co/QGpDTQAEh4 ->
- RT @amartino: No quiero escribir más de Argentina, pero quiero que entiendan el porque en 3 tweets:
– Hace unos dias una profesora de secu… -> - RT @Zepeda_filosofo: Chula forma de explicarlo:
#DataScience https://t.co/qkKAAaIN0f -> - RT @frasalazar: Tengo más de un año recomendado a la banda que estudie programación. Sé de un par que le entraron a partir de que vieron lo… ->
- This sounds like something that would totally happen in Finland. https://t.co/L0B8KL17cb ->
- Sports traditions #finland #mexico #suomex #football #soccer #icehockey #leijonat #eltri @miseleccionmx… https://t.co/2QgbdiYsJZ ->
- RT @oneunderscore__: This is how people started eating horse goo. https://t.co/0hpoaoKXjM ->
- RT @vpkivimaki: Finland evacuated 330 persons during last week's operation, including 42 U.S. citizens, 11 Icelandic and 17 Irish citizens.… ->
- RT @soy_abelardo: Mi primo @BigBird me dijo que en su país venden los mejores tacos…pero…estos no son tacos, ¡son tostadas! 😅 https://t… ->
- Monelle on varmasti yllätys että elintasoni itseasiassa laski kun muutin Suomeen ensimmäistä kertaa. Tiukan budjeti… https://t.co/d4P5MnWctM ->
- En ollut silloin oikeutettu saamaan opintotukea, työttömyysturvaa tai kotouttumiskoulutusta. Maahanmuutto Suomeen e… https://t.co/2USEPsToZ2 in reply to chivacongelado ->
- RT @joni_jaakkola: Pakko arvostaa respasedän eläytymistä rooliin. Tultiin vaimon kanssa staycationille entiseen vankilaan tehtyyn hotelliin… ->
- RT @obiwormkenobi: i am never leaving this website https://t.co/5OnGj6bqhF ->
- I’m tempted to appear at work like this. Used my stormtrooper helmet once before. What say you @davidgillar @jlysti… https://t.co/s1pEIXBdsw ->
- Ottelu kotistadionilla ennen lapseni treenit. 😁 https://t.co/bA0J3wJeot ->
- RT @ThatDarnSteve: Does anyone even understand how much coffee it takes to keep a fully-staffed Finnish indie game studio running?
It is s… ->
- Mis abuelos eran meseros, mineros telegrafistas, dueñas de fonda, amas de casa. El que más estudió no terminó la se… https://t.co/FUObqSXosJ ->
- RT @RonanBrownen: This week's episode of All Points North looks into the disconnect between Finland wanting to attract more foreign workers… ->
- RT @chivacongelado: @RonanBrownen I’ve had a good career in Finland but I have a number of advantages that I built over many years here:
-… -> - The stupidity, the lack of empathy, the privilege… OMG, I knew I disliked these folks but this is just banality of… https://t.co/JHXQ7uuvUH ->
- RT @ScanlanWithAnA: The White Man’s Burden energy from this tweet is so strong, approx 5.8 megakiplings, that my phone is now owned by the… ->
- RT @CM_Storch: 1. Va un hilo 🧵 con los datos más relevantes de este interesante artículo de @ScienceMagazine que explica los orígenes más… ->
- RT @HagelinHeidi: Kannattaa lukea. Oikein ajatuksella.
Kuka surffaa ja miksi? https://t.co/tutm30HSZ6 ->
- RT @ultrabrilliant: Ancient Roman graffiti is just Twitter, but on a wall. https://t.co/BTwpBejfsv ->
- RT @EganRichardson: Immigrants without higher education qualifications are more likely to have a job in Finland than Finns without higher e… ->
- RT @swardley: It's far better to adapt your organisation to the future than to try and force everyone back into the past. This "return to t… ->
- RT @_Will_Brown: A mind-blowing graphic in today's Times on what $85bn worth of lost equipment means in practice for the Taliban: https://t… ->
- RT @hdemauleon: Es hora de comenzar a pensar en la reconstrucción.
👇 https://t.co/z4ldoL9HDU ->
Weekly tweets from 2021-08-16 to 2021-08-22
- Just missing some #ewoks on a rainy day in the forest. #yubnub #orienteering #orientering #orientación #nuuksio… https://t.co/UVnqBrTmjN ->
- RT @RVAwonk: The Venn Diagram of “people who became experts in epidemiology in 2020” and “people who became experts in Afghanistan this mon… ->
- RT @starwars: Reimagine the galaxy with #StarWarsVisions, an Original Series featuring stories from seven visionary Japanese anime studios,… ->
- RT @MiraHuusko: 7-vuotias: ”On hyvä osata kaikenlaisia kieliä, sillä ei koskaan tiedä, mihin maahan pääsee isona pelaamaan jalkapalloa.” Jo… ->
- One of the things I really, really like about Finland is that Finns generally aren’t mean to others (especially str… https://t.co/YzGtxeIFiW ->
- RT @Okonomiyakiguy: When Japanese people say they don’t speak English, it means they don’t speak English. When Finns say they don’t speak E… ->
- Mexico City metro stations have their own icons. This is what the icons are based on. I still remember the names of… https://t.co/8HYQNQKNaI ->
- RT @KuperSimon: https://t.co/ntQ9W7G2gO An extract from my new book about FC Barcelona, about how Messi actually plays, lives and thinks ->
- On one hand I am quite impressed by the capability to synthethise and make accessible for a wider audience. On the… https://t.co/KLpayPuEog ->
- 😅 https://t.co/C7x2o0Caq2 ->
- https://t.co/jIqjyjcddn https://t.co/rZ5oNoHJ8g ->
- Very interesting thread. https://t.co/ehubfNhADg ->
- RT @KalobGossett: MORE BIG NEWS: This week, Moderna will start human trials for its HIV vaccine. It will be the first of its kind to use mR… ->
- Este hilo está de la chingada. Especialmente porque no son los únicos a los que occidente ha dejado varados. https://t.co/HwqMJLyAyK ->
- Ns. länsimaat saarnaavat lain säännöstä, arvoista ja järjestelystä mutta eivät voi edes pitää lupauksiaan. Katsotaa… https://t.co/dAp3Gh9N99 ->
- Nationalism in Mexico serves the same purpose. https://t.co/SFD4iGBEmJ ->
- RT @danigranatta: Me queda claro que toda esta gente que cree en las conspiraciones no ha trabajado nunca en su vida como project manager d… ->
- RT @sotaveteraanit: Tiesitkö tätä helsinkiläisestä Konstan Möljä-ravintolasta 🤩 ? Nyt tiedät, kiitos oivan @SakariNupponen– jutun ❤️🇫🇮
"Fi… ->
- Independientemente de que Anaya haya sido o no el mejor candidato, sabemos que @lopezobrador_ como presidente ha si… https://t.co/A213JtNUBu ->
- RT @ITeeriaho: https://t.co/67i6Umwa4T ->
- https://t.co/AV1Vdxxii4 https://t.co/awRS9DffHx ->
- RT @naim_panahi: Perheenyhdistämishakemuksessa olen todistanut suomen kielen taitoni, Suomessa suoritetun lähihoitajan tutkinnon, vakituise… ->
- RT @rthur_013: ¿Alguien sabe dónde vive la senadora @kenialopezr ?
Le quiero mandar un Cartón de Caguamas🙌🏽🙌🏽👏🏽👏🏽
https://t.co/ickGC0MspC -> - The history of the Singing Revolution is something we are not particularly aware of on the other side of the Atlant… https://t.co/1IBecxffgN ->
- RT @EmmiHelle: The Finnish sisu (grit) is not only in the genes. We are also trained well! 💪🇫🇮 #rainyday https://t.co/87YLNDwBPb ->
- RT @MaryRobinette: To do it, she had to teach herself French and move to Paris because the US wouldn't let her get a license. ->
- Por un lado está fregonsisisimo que el @ITESMCEM tenga esto. Por el otro me pongo a pensar en las escuelas que ni a… https://t.co/24i0U3z7Jr ->
- RT @sbasijrasikh: In March 2002, after the fall of Taliban, thousands of Afghan girls were invited to go to the nearest public school to pa… ->
- RT @iyad_elbaghdadi: Populism is not a political project, it's a political strategy. Telling people a simple story that hacks their identit… ->
- RT @WholesomeMeme: https://t.co/qJ6RjTFODp ->
- Yleensä hurrikaanit käyvät rannikoilla ja sitten hajoavat kun ne koskee maata. Tällä kerta #GraceHurricane meni suo… https://t.co/cTjJ0ASIwf ->
- RT @tomaspueyo: This year Europe's population will peak.
It's down from here on.
What is Europe doing about it? https://t.co/zlqB6XEh5v -> - RT @WholesomeMeme: KISS band with their parents https://t.co/trQI5Lo2EB ->
Weekly tweets from 2021-08-09 to 2021-08-15
- RT @manupaisable: This is quite good @kl_johnny 👏 we also have some infographics now to help visualize and communicate key ideas and how to… ->
- RT @eperea: El nacionalismo necesita enemigos, agravios, ultrajes imperdonables, porque es sobre todo una elaboración ideológica del resent… ->
- RT @Carlos_Film: My fall plans The Delta variant https://t.co/FmPS4tyVPn ->
- RT @samaranto: https://t.co/GwjNALzJVe ->
- La importancia del marketing, o uno no sabe lo que tiene hasta que lo ve perdido. https://t.co/y0TsqMcf41 ->
- RT @EmbFinMexico: Esta semana inicia la #escuela para la mayoría de los niños #finlandeses 📚. Después de un largo verano van a reunirse con… ->
- RT @womensart1: A UK female spitfire pilot, 1944, known as a ferry pilot, delivering newly manufactured aircraft from the factory to milit… ->
- RT @mendtimes: imagine having to issue a recall because you unintentionally designed a thing that certain spiders go absolutely bananas for… ->
- RT @DrNetas: Ya me vi… https://t.co/AszHjgjxrc ->
- RT @vampipe: And dance with the Devil…🎶
At the Templo Mayor!!!
Zocalo all f'night!!! https://t.co/nNLgLhZU9q -> - RT @debbiebere: @chivacongelado @hannagee1 Muchas gracias Luis. Aprecio tus preguntas. Nos quedamos en Finlandia! He escrito acerca de las… ->
- RT @ExaArq: My fall plans / The delta variant https://t.co/uBZNq9JGFl ->
- RT @AdamMGrant: The first rule of leadership: put your mission above your ego.
The second rule of leadership: if you don't care about your… ->
- RT @davidochoagk: I have decided to play for @miseleccionmx. This is my story. @PlayersTribune https://t.co/U8nNFOnrkA https://t.co/M7wVKA… ->
- RT @TheDon_Tical: Everyone on the TL after reading David Ochoa’s piece on his experience in Mexico & US futbol https://t.co/RJoKnAHOr6 ->
- RT @aape: A lesson in humanity: at the Olympics Jamaican Hansle Parchment showed up to the wrong venue.
A volunteer gave him money to get… ->
- RT @DavidOBowles: Today you'll see many tweets about the fall of the Kingdom of Mexihco (specifically the island cities of Tenochtitlan & T… ->
- Cuando dices estupideces por convivir. 🤦🏽♂️ https://t.co/X7yZPpbUOg ->
- 🤦🏽♂️😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣 I already support Don Tortilla. 😉 https://t.co/XymuBTKtZx ->
- Císcalo císcalo diablo panzón. https://t.co/zZhx0o5MYl ->
- RT @DavidOBowles: We don't know the final words of Mexica king Cuauhtemoc to his people before surrendering to the Tlaxcaltecah and Spanish… ->
- RT @VillalobosJPe: Nos dieron a Hombres G y les dimos a Maná; les enviamos a Hugo Sánchez y nos enviaron a Enrique Ponce; les mandamos a Th… ->
- RT @tumbolian: “Liberar”. https://t.co/xvxaUfxEOe ->
- RT @malvafg: Mis “pueblos originarios” fueron los mexicas, los portugueses, los negros africanos, los españoles… Los de ustedes, ¿no? ¿So… ->
- RT @TheEconomist: People are hiding their TVs and deleting music from their phones; some men have started to grow their beards. @1843mag fi… ->
- RT @Sci_Phile: Even a man *literally living under a rock* got his shots. Do your part. https://t.co/VxPzhiPNvH ->
- RT @simongerman600: Maximum allowed speed on highways across the US and the EU. I like that Texas is the most free US state. Still not as f… ->
- RT @A__Tapia: Me imagino que los que están atiborrando esta noche el Zócalo quieren conocer a sus ancestros.
Aunque debo admitir que es ca… ->
- RT @hombrerevenido: Ante el aluvión de críticas, voy a defender públicamente a los aztecas. Eran bastante buenos.
¿Pero fueron mejores qu… ->
- RT @mexicoentokio20: Estamos a solo 10 días de que inicien los Juegos Paralímpicos #Tokyo2020 y esta cuenta hará una cobertura igual a la q… ->
- RT @marccrosas: Su sonrisa es impagable. Se está dando cuenta de lo grande que es más allá de su historia en el Barça. EL MÁS GRANDE DE TOD… ->
- RT @rogueambit: https://t.co/GKvUc9pGh1 ->
- RT @CBuburron: cortés llegando al ahuhuete después de huir de Tenochtitlan
https://t.co/D9sigThVTw -> - RT @tatianotzin: JAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJA https://t.co/TOIkU5DCQx ->
- RT @samthielman: It is 1919. The world's most feared imperial military leaves Afghanistan in a disgrace that heralds its coming irrelevance… ->
- RT @shreyas: Product-Market fit is often viewed as a static concept: either you have it or you don’t.
In my experience, it is better to th… ->
- RT @lalo_lima: En datos curiosos: Tlaxcala aparece en el MCU. La escena inicial de Spiderman: Far From Home, cuando llega Nick Fury a un pu… ->
- RT @isosavi: Kun seuraa livenä Kabulin tilannetta, niin tulee mieleen War Machine elokuva parin vuoden takaa. https://t.co/3ht9AxtwMc ->
- RT @_alice_evans: How come Nordic countries have such great family policies?
Nordic unions are influential & their members are largely fem… ->
- Populistit valehtelee kunnes totuus ei voi enää muista. Suomen kansalaisuuden saaminen ei ole missään nimessä helpp… https://t.co/QSG6ENCe7c ->
- RT @niporwifi: Hay un británico que ha viajado ahora a Afganistán para retransmitir por Twitch lo que está viviendo allí, después de tener… ->
- RT @TheEconomist: How a government with 350,000 soldiers—trained and equipped by the world’s best armies—collapsed so quickly, as the jihad… ->
Weekly tweets from 2021-08-02 to 2021-08-08
- RT @coachpassy: Hilo. Durante la Eurocopa, mencioné que las 2 macro tendencias que veíamos NO ERAN CASUALES.
La enorme cantidad de autogo… ->
- Propaganda pura y dura. El gobierno es una institución, no un par de pseudo caudillos. Todo mal. https://t.co/A9BwHjokVH ->
- RT @martindelp: Vega ha jugado desnudo estos JJOO. Ojalá haya realmente una oferta europea. Tiene un inmenso margen de progresión (vía @Mem… ->
- RT @RonanBrownen: That’s 11 years living in Finland now for me.
I’m sure there’s a very clear metaphor here about rocky paths leading to… ->
- If you can read this article translated it's worth it. Finland, design & skateboards. Lizzie didn't win a medal for… https://t.co/ibfikAWBdI ->
- RT @jaroso78_11: https://t.co/tUhGl3pZxc ->
- RT @arnkil: Offspring erotti rokottamattoman rumpalinsa. Molekyylibiologian tutkijan johtamassa bändissä tuomio ei tule yllätyksenä. ->
El hilo más extenso sobre el equipo más dominante que he visto. Guardiola logró… ->
- RT @SlavaMalamud: Kind of awesome that Ukraine's first gold medalist in Tokyo is a black member of Parliament.
Beleniuk (whose father was R… -> - RT @TravisAllen02: We’re going to have to deep fry the vaccine, aren’t we? ->
- Oodi (Helsinki Central Library) looking great in the late afternoon glow after the rain.
#helsinki #finland #oodi e… https://t.co/jRi4khNG9d -> - RT @miemo: #Metaverse-🧵
Recently there's been a lot of buzz around Metaverse, i.e. The Next Big Thing After Mobile Internet: a future amalg… -> - RT @loicsuberville: An An Ass 🍍 https://t.co/fPMEAn37EZ ->
- RT @hombrerevenido: Ahora que parece que se retira definitivamente un ídolo del fútbol como es Didier Drogba, dejadme que os cuente una his… ->
- RT @Olympics: #FIN's Mira Marjut Johanna Potkonen wins a second career Olympic bronze medal in the women's #Boxing lightweight category!
@… ->
- Acaba de publicar una foto en Messukeskus https://t.co/6a9BvvPdhR ->
- RT @martindelp: Hace unos meses cuando hablábamos de los TREMENDOS problemas económicos del Barcelona, sus aficionados se enfurecían. Hoy n… ->
- RT @businessbarista: Entrepreneurs & competitive professionals are notoriously bad at unplugging.
But none of us are above burnout.
It'… ->
- Señor presidente @lopezobrador_ , que usted haya sido un estudiante mediocre y un presidente incompetente no signif… https://t.co/bCQBybIIgk ->
- 2-0 chingüetes! #football #olympics #mexico ->
- RT @KristerJohnson: Alfredo Rivera is the greatest storyteller of our time. https://t.co/vKk9liITac ->
- ¡El bronce es nuestro! (a menos que suceda una catástrofe) ->
- RT @martindelp: Gran actuación de la selección mexicana en estos Juegos Olímpicos. Un bronce más que merecido ganándole al local. Podremos… ->
- RT @martindelp: Venganza de 1968. Aquella vez, en uno de los capítulos más vergonzosos en la historia del futbol mexicano, la selección se… ->
- RT @andresn: ⚽️1968 Juegos Olímpicos en México
Francia 4-1 México
México queda en 4o lugar pierde 2 a 0 contra Japón
Japón se lleva el bron… -> - RT @h_ingo: @JohnRetvrned @joonaslinkola We all did. #Finland #finlandssvensk https://t.co/iRoMihTNI2 ->
- RT @jose_carlos2931: El llanto del japónes mexicano @riota0429 después de conseguir la medalla de #Bronce con @miseleccionmx en #Tokyo2020… ->
- RT @jaysonrobinson: Taken on my 1st formal coaching role for a new PM who has very limited experience. I've put together a list of blogs, b… ->
- RT @eperea: Sabes que un puesto de tacos es bueno cuando el coeficiente Gini de los clientes se aproxima a 1. A mayor disparidad, mejores l… ->
- RT @Talkie86: Dave Grohl & The Foo Fighters trolled the Westboro Baptist Church outside their concert in Kansas tonight. PLAYING DISCO. htt… ->
- RT @Alexis_Vega9: ¡¡LO LOGRAMOS, BANDA!! 🥉🇲🇽
El triunfo de hoy es solo el reflejo de muchos años de esfuerzo, de tanto trabajo y tanto apo… ->
- RT @JoePompliano: When Allyson Felix decided to start a family in 2018, Nike offered a contract that was 70% less & had no guarantees if he… ->
- Summer sunset after 9:30 pm.
#nauvo #finland #ajúa en Nauvo, Länsi-Suomen Lääni, Finland https://t.co/MCJoXtqPXC -> - RT @hjkhelsinki: Our CEO @akiriihilahti trying his best to land the 🐐. #HJK #Helsinki #OnVainYksiKlubi #FridayFeeling #leo #leomessi #goat… ->
- RT @miblogestublog: Friendly reminder that not everyone can do “home office” 😔 #CDMX https://t.co/bhDY3W3V5H ->
- RT @buzibrownie: Lionel Messi at Barcelona in 9 minutes 47 seconds
https://t.co/uAfZ81HHdd -> - RT @veronicalderon: No había leído la tontería del Nintendo.
Tengo la sospecha de que la estrategia de “narrativa” del gobierno mexicano… ->
- Post an image of yourself as the leader of an underground organization without downloading any pics… https://t.co/u04X3UeXoh ->
Weekly tweets from 2021-07-26 to 2021-08-01
- The folks talking and legislating about immigration in Finland understand so little about it it would be hilarious… https://t.co/ZyKIDMZiQx ->
- RT @maxgladstone: Kinda psyched for all-masked showings of DUNE, very immersive
Anyone unmasks, point at them and go "THEY SQUANDER THE WA… ->
- I heard about this before and I find it all shades of awesome. https://t.co/4tTPDUqAb6 ->
- RT @WholesomeMeme: https://t.co/8JMefWI376 ->
- 💪🏽💪🏽💪🏽💪🏽💪🏽💪🏽 https://t.co/khCFD7eZtD ->
- RT @andreatome_: Ahora que los debates sobre la decisión que ha tomado Simone Biles de retirarse para proteger su salud están tan candentes… ->
- RT @jaakkolyytinen: Ei se, että voittaa olympiapronssia. Vaan se, miten siihen on tultu. Millä sisulla. Kun muut ovat treenanneet 50 m alta… ->
- RT @rickyflows: All chess positions with 7 pieces or less have been solved. But a sliver of that solution space is just beyond human unders… ->
- RT @HumanBeingBros: https://t.co/SdqeKUHwTi ->
- RT @empeltada: Fútbol como actividad extraescolar: previsible, anodina y limitada.
Formarse como legionario romano tras el horario escolar… ->
- Reminded me of a certain all-nighter with @bara once upon a time. https://t.co/WB9YESoFnU ->
- RT @Rodpac: Se acuerdan cuando llamaron a @HLGatell "virrey de las camas vacías" porque en el afán de tener buenas métricas de camas dispon… ->
- ¿Cuántos talentos mexicanos nacidos en el extranjero nos vamos a perder cuando vean la calidad (es un decir) de la… https://t.co/qMc47Qo6X1 ->
- RT @diego_mandel: Crónica de una oleada de odio. Uniformes, nacionalismo y xenofobia: la polémica que rodea a la selección de sóftbol de Mé… ->
- RT @mauriciopedroza: Marvel debería incluir a la Concacaf en su multiverso. ->
- RT @fersch_4: Ambos perdieron por COVID. @HHerreramex a su mamá. @jona2santos a su padre https://t.co/yutz6ONURZ ->
- RT @AliciaAlarcon: Así Twitter. No importa cuando lo leas. 🤣🤣 https://t.co/GbKwDXXBzt ->
- RT @adleande: Sen sijaan, että luodaan eri kategorioita eri syntyperille, pitäisi pohtia mm. miten työmarkkinoille pääsyn esteitä poistetaa… ->
- RT @itsmaggydude: when I tell you that this is my favorite aviation story…… https://t.co/M17ZiZMm7o ->
- RT @IhisTeemu: Variantit tulee.
”Ne jyrää meitin! Ne jyrää meitin!””Paikoillanne! Ei ne mitään jyrää, meillä on rokotteet!”
Eli mitä ov… ->
- RT @JoCurrie: What an interview!
Love this from NZ 7s @rubytui 🏉
Beautifully done @JillADouglas https://t.co/WpgR492Fe2 ->
- Si así se comportan en Japón no quiero ver lo que van a hacer en Qatar. ¿Apuestas para cuántos terminan en la cárce… https://t.co/VaSXinGVsb ->
- RT @Ygueugnonz: Mi hijo Esteban se ha dado cuenta que en México todo es extraño.
Me envía este twit diciendo:« Son chistosos y nada serios… -> - RT @calcio_danny: They are one of the biggest footballing nations in the world, but where are #Mexico’s football clubs located? 🇲🇽
I’ve ta… ->
- RT @gabovaldez: A petición de @LarruzMG @martindelp y @AlainArenas ahí les va una anécdota (o chisme) sobre uno de los factores del por qué… ->
- Una vez un amigo me explicó que en el @TecdeMonterrey te enseñan más a machetearle que a pensarle porque así es nue… https://t.co/j8FxcCZPXc ->
- RT @swardley: Another wonderful conversation with a group of friends covering climate change. Sadly, I am coming to the conclusion that the… ->
- RT @veronicalderon: Lo peor es cuando algunos de los que promueven ese nativismo absurdo (por no decir ridículo) son los mismos que presume… ->
- 5 of 5 stars to Project Hail Mary by Andy Weir https://t.co/qvNPgDy1HI ->
- Fields of gold and lakes in pastel colors. Last holiday week. #holiday #porvoo #finland #summer en Tervajärvi https://t.co/HYJIQYY8G4 ->
- RT @brfootball: Thursday: Mexico reach the Gold Cup final
Saturday: Mexico reach the men’s semifinals at #Tokyo2020
🕺🇲🇽 https://t.co/JO… ->
- #Mexico is going to play against #Brazil in the #Olympics #Football semis for men. We got good memories against the… https://t.co/DYI1Awv1Mg ->
- RT @aasiain: Se entiende que en momentos críticos los deportistas no puedan lidiar con la presión. Ahora piensen en el personal médico de c… ->
- RT @guerraypaz: Tener ojo, saber encuadrar y esperar. Foto de Ubald Rutar, IOC. https://t.co/c5vApbtMvy ->
- RT @mexicoentokio20: Termina la final de Salto de caballo. Alexa Moreno termina en la cuarta posición con 14.716 a .017 de la medalla de br… ->
- RT @COM_Mexico: Histórico cuarto lugar de la gimnasta mexicana @alexa_moreno_mx en el salto de caballo #JuegosOlimpicos #Tokyo2020 #VoyXM… ->
- RT @mexicoentokio20: Medalla de bronce para México!!!!
La mexicana Aremi Fuentes levantó 245 kg en total en la categoría de 76 kg femenino… ->
- Me quiero volver chango. https://t.co/Wjqfcc2GMU ->
- RT @bluedemonia: HILO DE ALEXA @alexa_moreno_mx FACTS que las personas deberían de saber: Ella se compró con su premio nacional del deport… ->