Rediscovering your roots

First of all, sorry for the posting break.  I was in London this week due to work.

A couple of months ago I discovered that there are some blogs specialising in offering MP3 downloads of old vinyl records you cannot find as CDs or in any other medium anymore.  My surprise was enormous when I found they had some Pérez Prado vintage albums.  He was a mambo musician that was very popular in Mexico City until his death in 1989, and I have to say his music reminds me a lot of the city were I was born, even though I didn't like it before.

Windows Live for Nokia

According to Microsoft, there is about 240 million users of MSN messenger in the world.  I believe that a few of them might be interested in knowing that there is now a version of Windows live (including Messenger, Hotmail, Live Spaces and Search) available for use in Nokia devices.

For more information go to, but it is currently available for owners of Nokia N73, N76, N80 internet edition, N93i and N95 in Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Netherlands, Norway, Saudi Arabia, Spain, Sweden, UAE and UK, with more to follow.

Needless to say, we would love to hear your comments about the service.


Eilis-illalla näin tosi hyvän Elisan mainos, jossa tummaihoiset suomalaiset olivat mukana samassa mainoksessa kuin kaikki muut, vaan osana yhteiskuntaa.  Oli minun mielestä tosi kannustava ulkomaalaisena että joskus voisin nähdä ihmisiä kuin minä muussa roolissa kuin uhkana.

Sen ja mäkkärin kuuluinen mainos jossa tummaihoinen kaveri puhuu nopeasti Savon murretta toivottavasti alkaavat vaihtamaan yhteiskunnan asenteet.  Minäkin maksan verot, minäkin olen kuluttaja.  Minäkin puhun suomea ja olen ollut täällä kauan, ja tykkään tästä maasta.

Valitettavasti, joskus en tiedä jos maa tykkää minusta.

Seven years ago

I arrived in Finland, and the sky that welcomed me looked just like the one in the picture: blue with shades of pink. This is where I became an adult and a professional. Here is where I've paid my taxes and matured. It wasn't easy, but I definitely don't regret it.

I don't know what life will bring next, but now I'm more ready to take it on.