- RT @thelindazhang: Treat meetings like a product:
• know the jobs they serve
• optimize how they're run
• kill your underperforming darli… -> - RT @cableknitjumper: March 1st 2020 March 1st 2021 https://t.co/RIsHMYXEgy ->
- RT @saurau: Kuulemma #poikkeusolot https://t.co/qFbQH5s8wh ->
- RT @NonsenseIsland: THREAD: Lots of us learned classical music from watching old cartoons, so I’m going to identify the pieces that frequen… ->
- RT @miblogestublog: “Women of color” is still the one thing I’ll never understand ->
- 3 of 5 stars to The Greatest Minds and Ideas of All Time by Will Durant https://t.co/IBMA9A5oKO ->
- There was this tweet in Finnish Twitter making the rounds about how much they hate when an English speaker corrects… https://t.co/V8gqjnGV5B ->
- Then people complain about how foreigners don’t make an effort in learning the language. Very frustrating. in reply to chivacongelado ->
- RT @AlexAndersonMD: 6 year old: “Mom can you have another baby?”
Me: “Why sweetie?”
6: “Because I like meeting new people!”
- RT @ThePlanetaryGuy: You guys, the Mastcam-Z instrument on @NASAPersevere is showing us some *amazing* views from Mars https://t.co/NuGs0zD… ->
- RT @msdanifernandez: March 2020 March 2021 https://t.co/tptCWHxpNO ->
- Donald Trump jugaba golf. Nerón tocaba el arpa. Eso sí, tal parece que tenemos el gobierno que merecemos porque a l… https://t.co/5x6DwNwKym ->
- RT @TheMexLondoner: BBC Mundo – Coronavirus: "En México no es que no hayan sabido qué hacer con la pandemia, es que tomaron la decisión de… ->
- Celebrating Percy with this week's meeting background @NASAPersevere @PercyRover https://t.co/3NBD8pUymB ->
- This is so random my designer colleagues will probably get a headache 😂 https://t.co/OckjTRwJwE ->
- RT @petergyang: So…how does one find time to be a product manager influencer when they have to be a product manager? https://t.co/IVfXlFk… ->
- #mexicanoseneuropa #bandapolar #mexpats https://t.co/o2KOBUsCsk ->
- RT @maxgladstone: me: but if magical contracts are to some degree self-enforcing, how does that shape oppositional legal practice
also me:… ->
- RT @AshleyKSmalls: The hardest thing Vision has to do https://t.co/SS0ThYxBNz ->
- RT @vuokko: Yes! Our human-centered approach and collaborative problem-solving skills are valuable on any leadership team.
Design is a wa… ->
- RT @depthsofwiki: https://t.co/CVfy4K8FTF ->
- RT @90sfootball: Jorge Campos. https://t.co/0YcqtMGw0t ->
- RT @tuuliel: Käsittämätön kommentti. Tässä lisää mittakaavaa: minun kotikaupungissani on kuollut yksi 300:sta, ja näin on käynyt kaikkialla… ->
- RT @shannonmstirone: I love this clip recorded by my best childhood friend because of the cheers and dog and baby sounds.
Once again for… ->
- RT @pablo_majluf: Al grano hoy @jorgesuarezv sobre lo más obvio e importante: vamos hacia una autocracia y el 6 de junio es tal vez la últi… ->
- RT @eperea: Qué absoluta maravilla de texto. Gracias @AlmaDeliaMC
- RT @JamesMartinSJ: In case you need a prayer tonight https://t.co/oamLn42SvB ->
- RT @AnaBooks: ‘Perceptive – set in north London’ https://t.co/TZ3MFPXXSz ->
- RT @waitbutwhy: We think a lot about those black lines, forgetting that it’s all still in our hands. https://t.co/RSZ1d3W642 ->
- RT @Hikipediainfo: –Mites festarikesä, onko suunnitelmia?
–No kuntavaaleissa vois käydä. -> - Never ever do that to yourself unless you’re looking forward to blisters, rashes or worse. Applies also to triathlo… https://t.co/GdJcqZX1CE ->
- RT @padaguan: El impacto de #WandaVision en Wikipedia:
👉 El artículo en español sobre la paradoja de Teseo tuvo 7,412 vistas el viernes.… ->
- Qualifying your leads big time. Wouldn’t be surprised there’s a CRM involved & NLP to score responses 😂🤣. https://t.co/v3Vbk0UINR ->
Weekly tweets from 2021-02-22 to 2021-02-28
- En yleensä puhu niin paljon töistä täällä, mutta jos olet @tori_fi käyttäjä sinua voisi kiinnostaa testata uusia so… https://t.co/kxWbzX0Bsr ->
- RT @HBOnordic: #WonderWoman1984: Coming on March 26 🌟
A new era of wonder begins as Diana embarks on an epic adventure in the vibrant 1980… ->
- RT @WIRED: Look familiar?
By Shannon Wheeler with @CollectCartoons https://t.co/BsA6El47bw https://t.co/9s0z7p8MmU ->
- Google: “comment marcher comme un pingouin” 😅 https://t.co/1WiZp5ZGIu ->
- RT @LizHcks: Fun fact: the covid crisis has produced over 1200 new words in German over the past year. Personal favourites are coronamüde (… ->
- RT @miblogestublog: We'll always have Mexican Lucky #RIPDaftPunk https://t.co/62cZ3Hrsjo https://t.co/38MMynqdLE ->
- Jos ylläoleva Android linkki ei toimi yrittää tässä https://t.co/DPtwYV7nLI in reply to chivacongelado ->
Grab the popcorn because the @NASAPersevere rover has sent us a one-of-kind video of her Mars landing. For the fir… -> - RT @GamesDropbear: toxic masculinity implies the existence of ooops i did it again masculinity and hit me baby one more time masculinity ->
- Me acabo de enterar que una amiga falleció y aunque no soy ni religioso ni practicante mi primera reacción fue reza… https://t.co/PeGKIYxibY ->
- RT @NehhLmao: The way daft punk flipped the sample for one more time is still so crazy to me https://t.co/WIbKWKa1CD ->
- RT @PavelASamsonov: This is the story of "dawizard": in a 1994 Dungeons and Dragons book, the writer originally used "mage" instead of the… ->
- RT @tervashonka: Olemme ehkä jossain käännepisteessä, kun Kauppalehdessä (kolumnissa) kutsutaan Björn Wahlroosia Boomer-Nalleksi. https://t… ->
- RT @ELLEMexico: En #ELLEmarzo honramos a las mujeres que han abierto el camino para que otras estemos donde estamos, celebramos a las que… ->
- RT @ELLEMexico: Lolita Ayala wearing Lolita Ayala at Lolita Ayala's. https://t.co/fz8A4ASZaO ->
- RT @TobsonHelsinki: March is cancelled. https://t.co/HtenfSUn8L ->
- RT @veronicalderon: Mexicans are NOT getting vaccines while they’re dancing. Please, do not share this video. We have a complete chaos in t… ->
- RT @omar_comunica: Hace 5 años de este fabuloso cartón de @qucho para describir los estados de ánimo de los tapatíos. ¿Sigue vigente? ¿Qué… ->
- RT @miblogestublog: You don't look Latina Starter Pack https://t.co/YC4sAWXjUP ->
- The responses to this are golden https://t.co/smo3x1i9mg ->
- RT @meredithalmond: johnson&johnson eminem
🤝… ->
- RT @PressPortmx: @AtletideSanLuis Así fue el golazo de Castro.
- RT @marccrosas: El sufrimiento de @rioferdy5 enfrentando a Messi. https://t.co/HL92mLQsj5 ->
- RT @jorgesuarezv: Yuval Noah Harari: Lessons from a year of Covid https://t.co/aUDQk15TAI via @financialtimes ->
- RT @DaniNovarama: Desde hace unos meses, dos veces por semana salgo a correr con mis hijas de noche por la ciudad. Empezó como una forma de… ->
- I didn’t get any, but made a few for the girl who was my crush all of junior high. Some with songs recorded straigh… https://t.co/PG7WtSExSL ->
- RT @svblxyz: @RachelTobac Yep, those videos are getting really good and easier to make every day (even free Apps are already giving really… ->
- Now that Ikea opened in Mexico their felt ape Djunkelskog has become a meme, but people changed its name to the mor… https://t.co/t53lT1SPGt ->
- 4 of 5 stars to The Smallest Lights in the Universe by Sara Seager https://t.co/8k2fgrHHDf ->
- Spring is coming, you can feel it in the air #paloheinä #haltiala #sunset #forest #xcskiing en Pitkäkoski https://t.co/WNixW0WhZh ->
- With the whole Kirsi Piha debacle it looks to me that Kokoomus is one defeat away from fully becoming Fruittaripers… https://t.co/AfHIfHfKNn ->
- That cow has better aero than some triathlonists I know, and according to the chart is already doing Mach 3 😲. https://t.co/Fw4sEQiLm6 ->
Weekly tweets from 2021-02-15 to 2021-02-21
- RT @econinbricks: Today's reminder
"All models are wrong, but some are useful."
– George Box https://t.co/nbUu6cilfX -> - RT @tosentti: Olen pannut merkille, että tällainen myönteinen ja näyttävä kansainvälinen #julkisuus ei miellytä kaikkia. Syitä on vamasti m… ->
- RT @NathanielParish: .@ianbremmer writes, "Covid-19 has killed more people in Mexico than in India–a country with 10 times the population–a… ->
- This is the Helsinki capital area cross-country skiing network and I don’t think I have ever seen so many green (op… https://t.co/JLh67YLZdF ->
- RT @RGA: A key lead disappearing on vacation while everything goes to hell… that would never happen in advertising. ->
- The Helsinki seafront (and further afield) is frozen, so people spend time outdoors there doing e.g. video meetings… https://t.co/FDZseuMDvU ->
- Of course this doesn’t include the many self-made routes in the frozen sea. Last week for example I skied 14 km in… https://t.co/PQiPTSTF3I in reply to chivacongelado ->
- RT @NASAPersevere: Hello, world. My first look at my forever home. #CountdownToMars https://t.co/dkM9jE9I6X ->
- RT @PercyRover: https://t.co/0lgttWZaK4 ->
- RT @MattoneFabian: se acuerdan de la maestra q iba en su camioneta a dar clases a los niños q no tenían acceso a internet ?
La historia ll… -> - RT @miblogestublog: https://t.co/PiePSJheI2 ->
- RT @harrikumpulaine: On vuosikymmenestä toiseen jatkuvia asioita, joita #maantieto-ja #historia-opettaja ei voi ymmärtää. Miksi vääristynyt… ->
- RT @tweetsoutloud: Once again, my brain barely understands how we are able to capture an image of a vehicle parachuting down at hundreds of… ->
- RT @harrikumpulaine: Meillä jalkapallomailla arvokisoissa pelaavat niin miesten kuin naisten maajoukkueet.
- En Liberia (5o país más pobre del mundo) aplican tests de COVID a todos los pasajeros que llegan al país en avión a… https://t.co/n32vyRJwoL ->
- RT @miblogestublog: https://t.co/Dt0N7xAJSf ->
- La selección femenil de fútbol de Finlandia @helmarit calificó ayer a la Euro al vencer a Portugal. La selección ma… https://t.co/IecXTWRsiF ->
- RT @Sifuentes: "La inteligencia artificial salvará a la humanidad…"
La inteligencia artificial: ->
- RT @FIFAcom: 🎂 Happy 50th birthday to a man whose mercurial playmaking helped Ajax become one of the most memorable sides in European histo… ->
- Tää on juuri minä suomeksi. En käytä suomea ammatillisissa ympäristössä jos voin vältää sitä juuri tästä syystä. https://t.co/EzvBbhlNvm ->
- This is why the Finnish men national football team is called the Eagle Owls @Huuhkajat . This particular specimen’s… https://t.co/M7xXqKklO6 ->
- RT @fi_lor: Daily Mail (5th December 2000) https://t.co/RxoAU28FJS ->
- 5 of 5 stars to A Promised Land by Barack Obama https://t.co/uSTuIwvpvv ->
- RT @MaxCRoser: Research & Development is concentrated in high-income countries.
The Nordic countries are particularly strong:
Denmark has t… -> - RT @KatHeubeck: Sorry but this is the best bird story I’ve ever read. The update is *chefs kiss* https://t.co/v4fKc5bfGg ->
- Tämä on syy miksi tykkään niin paljon hiihdosta: se tekee mielelle ja kropalle hyvää. Tiedän että en voittaa mikään… https://t.co/Z6RPLcgbiG ->
- Tänä talvena kun on ollut niin älyttömän hyvää olen päässyt laduille joka lauantai ja sunnuntai, ja olen huomannut… https://t.co/ylEI8tsT5S in reply to chivacongelado ->
- Lapsuudessani lunta oli aine joka näkyi kaukaa vuorten huipuilla, ja kun muutin Suomeen opiskeluaikoina olin kuin p… https://t.co/6Gf4tuNx8c in reply to chivacongelado ->
- tarpeeksi hyvä kunto (puolimaratonitreenijakson jälkeen) nauttimaan pidemmistä hiihtolenkeistä. Silloin ilmoittaudu… https://t.co/vuocYWum4m in reply to chivacongelado ->
- Viime vuonna olin Marcialongassa (hirveät tulokset 😅) ja tänä vuonna oli aikomus osallistua Ylläs-Levi hiihdossa mu… https://t.co/HDAzJjTIUe in reply to chivacongelado ->
- En ole nopea enkä nuori enää 😅. Yleensä aikomus on päästää maaliin ajoissa ja pitää hauskaa. Tänä vuonna Meksikolla… https://t.co/I3XlTbLoCc in reply to chivacongelado ->
- *sateessa 🤦🏽♂️ in reply to chivacongelado ->
- RT @Yxmmitmf: I’m telling you man, there’s something different about spinach https://t.co/acqwj3Z2Yi ->
- RT @CarinZissis: The health official in charge of Mexico's covid response has covid. ->
- Acaba de publicar una foto https://t.co/VzrV55CdDU ->
Weekly tweets from 2021-02-08 to 2021-02-14
- RT @omervk: Finally got my home office just the way I like it https://t.co/LjceevS5sJ ->
- Content I can wholeheartedly support 👇🏽 https://t.co/wlmKXdjgO4 ->
- 😬 https://t.co/5UKvI9XKfH ->
- RT @SoVeryFinnish: When people moan about a little snow https://t.co/ZAT4NTW28p ->
- RT @far33d: Two skills that can make you stand out at basically any role at any startup between 50-1000 employees:
Get good enough at SQL… ->
- RT @eperea: "So, how's your country doing?"
Mexicans: "Well…"
- Somebody in one of the ex-@nokia groups remembered that today is 10 years of the infamous Burning Platform speech..… https://t.co/8Mxr1sGol7 ->
- RT @Calvbetton: Anyone in any doubt about who the coolest Beatle was, I heard this story about George Harrison from Phil Collins years ago,… ->
- RT @Radiohen: “Les juro que no soy un gato” dice este abogado que no sabe cómo quitar un filtro de Zoom.
(Gracias, Dios, por estos moment… ->
- RT @joni_jaakkola: Luin täällä multipasking-ilmiöstä. Se puhutteli. Ei siis multitasking vaan multipasking.
👉🏻 Multipaskingissa tehdään sa… ->
- RT @eperea: Too many browser tabs, 1721 ->
- I am upset about this too. It's your blame as a foreigner if you don't get a job, but if you send 100 CVs and don't… https://t.co/0JB5UC1rYo ->
- RT @NASAPersevere: Dear @HopeMarsMission, congratulations on arriving at Mars! In the words of the poet Al Mutanabbi:
إذا غامَرْتَ في شَ… ->
- RT @ironywithab: My saddest rover fact: if Sojourner couldn’t get a response from the lander, it was programmed to drive around, trying new… ->
- RT @miblogestublog: 🦖 🇲🇽 https://t.co/G7kf8ibQPL ->
- RT @_BillieBelieves: https://t.co/VMiSXA8iTh ->
- 😡
https://t.co/IAsdQWodpd https://t.co/5Ua0vgYZPx -> - RT @Viejo_Cthulhu: 🇺🇲 Cthulhu
🇩🇪 Cthulhu
🇫🇷 Cthulhu
🇷🇺 Cthulhu
🇨🇳 Cthulhu
🇯🇵 Cthulhu
🇿🇦 Cthulhu🇲🇽🇪🇦🇦🇷🇨🇴🇨🇱🇺🇾🇨🇺🇻🇪🇵🇪🇬🇹🇪🇨🇭🇳🇵🇾🇳🇮🇧🇴🇸🇻🇨🇷🇵🇦 Chulh… ->
- RT @odds_12: Litti kärsinyt longcovidista kohta 11kk.
- RT @veronicalderon: El argentino que le va a Rayados y no sabe si irle a Tigres o al Bayern es el contenido que no sabía que necesitaba en… ->
- Facebook looking at copying Clubhouse 🤣😂🤣😂 https://t.co/sovSVCFwYz ->
- I really dislike the wantrepreneur BS. So much snake oil. https://t.co/4a5diD5v5d ->
- RT @AztecEmpire1520: The Aztec Empire is one of the most requested settings by the Assassin's Creed community. Ubisoft is listening and may… ->
- RT @NOx42: Koronan vähättelijöille terveisiä. Tytär on menestyksekäs kilpaurheilija, joka opiskelee USA:ssa urheilustipendilla yliopistossa… ->
- RT @campossuarez: Dato importante, para la re inauguración de la pista militar de Santa Lucía se tuvieron que parar operaciones en el aerop… ->
- Hyviä täydennyksiä… liian myöhään. Maahanmuuttajista (tällä kertaa maahanmuuttajaäideistä) tulee taas poliittinen… https://t.co/kZKw8HoR9E ->
- RT @ennisahlman: Nää abit jotka pukeutui penkkareissa Sanna Mariniksi 😭🔥
#penkkarit #imwithsanna
Kuva @yleuutiset h… -> - RT @martenmickos: This Is How They Tell Me The World Ends https://t.co/32cWPPstJh https://t.co/ICtqcO78xE ->
- El Bayern Múnich está empezando a familiarizarse con el Tucamión de exportación. https://t.co/S9wdsRRklL ->
- RT @Lalogale: Lo que cancelaron // Lo que prometieron // Lo que entregan. https://t.co/K4vv2Y4AE8 ->
- RT @martindelp: Muy digno partido de Tigres. Derrota merecida y esperada pero el equipo mexicano compitió al máximo con sus armas. Puso en… ->
- I live in Helsinki and I approve this message. https://t.co/5zjHyWSFMn ->
- RT @veronicalderon: Una verdad del tamaño de una casa. https://t.co/8Rju4cdWMO ->
- RT @SVarpula: Tää Tampereen lyseon lukion penkkarijuliste on vaan niin hieno! https://t.co/GqHSejvZDf https://t.co/S63JBQ2xdd ->
- 🤬 https://t.co/dITILu8Xot ->
- RT @Alf_ArGzz: Ahora resulta que Judas Priest y Iron Maiden son música de gente mayor.
👴🎸 ->
- 👇🏽 https://t.co/OyOhMZswRa ->
Weekly tweets from 2021-02-01 to 2021-02-07
- RT @mictlan: Alcancé a ver la página de #MiVacuna que fiasco y tristeza. Les digo porque. https://t.co/lhtuBBGvMH ->
- RT @suviturtiainen: Suomi: Milloin normaali elämä alkaa? Ihmiset eivät jaksa näitä tiukkoja rajoituksia.
Saksa: Millä strategialla saatais… ->
- RT @shanselman: My Teams meetings always end SO awkwardly and it's not clear when to leave.
So I made live end credits.
(no post credit… ->
- Tuve que usar una VPN para tratar de registrar a mis papás para la vacuna (el sitio muestra un error 403 si uso mi… https://t.co/vgenF8UGIj ->
- RT @pashulman: Dune is an allegory of global worming ->
- RT @alplicable: Vision Eurovision https://t.co/xx355aa05j ->
- Summer vs winter: 40 cm snow cover and 30-something degrees C difference. #helsinki #oulunkylä #finland #seasons… https://t.co/SZm8PYWZLs ->
- RT @hjkhelsinki: 🔵⚪️ Kohti kevättä!
HJK ja Palloliitto tyhjentävät Bolt Arenaa lumesta.
Ville Nylund: ”Vaikka kuinka oot pelannut Champi… ->
- RT @jesus_jimz: Pandemic Twitter is really just a bunch of people who wear masks telling other people, who already wear masks, to wear mask… ->
- RT @MsEntropy: Sometimes, I like to share emails I get (with permission).
If you're feeling alone with All Of The This, I hope this helps… ->
- RT @WholesomeMeme: https://t.co/6lkGCbXisG ->
- This 👇🏽 https://t.co/xx2ES9Y1NU ->
- If it looks like Hoth it’s time to play the famous Empire Strikes Back scenes #geek #starwars #winter #helsinki… https://t.co/hibYMsWmgo ->
- We don’t call it “sisu”, we call it “ínguesu”. https://t.co/kJWg19jd3U ->
- https://t.co/ByJMAhNfdf https://t.co/QqPD1yyM76 ->
- RT @JussiPullinen: Miettikää, miten paljon valoa koronatunnelin päässä on.
Keväällä pelättiin viruksen leviämistä hoivakoteihin, nyt iso o… ->
- RT @peterrojas: I love how quantum computers look like they asked someone from a hundred years ago what they thought a computer would look… ->
- RT @DiegoCastaneda: Extraordinario artículo en el @FT más argumentos sobre como si no nos metemos a fondo en la transición energética vamos… ->
- RT @RogueChieftan: Tamales de México por México Desconocido https://t.co/a4QYKfEtlw ->
- RT @TommSciortino: An English speaker confronted with something they don't understand might say "It's all Greek to me" but a Greek speaker… ->
- RT @miblogestublog: Sources tell me Mr. Dobbs is looking forward to his retirement in the Mexican city of Wuahoolaah https://t.co/9BfyU5bmTZ ->
- RT @melizeche: https://t.co/mDK2Pta4F3 ->
- RT @MaevriPlays: good morning https://t.co/F8QndQpzxw ->
- RT @profannieoakley: I turned my art history students loose with a make-your-own-Bayeux Tapestry app. https://t.co/SV1S7O0T6K ->
- RT @jyri: A wearable patch that does protein synthesis on the fly. Vaccinating everyone would just mean pushing out a software update. ->
- Olen asunut maissa joissa ei ole samanlaista yhteiskunnalista solidaarisuutta ja en haluaa sellaisia ongelmia Suome… https://t.co/fioSBetEvZ ->
- RT @MaartenvSmeden: Statistical terms: what they really mean
Multicolinearity— they all look the same
Heteroscedasticity— the variation va… -> - RT @ChaparroOrtega: Llevo media hora riéndome 😂 https://t.co/NOn9kcU0PZ ->
- RT @Ed_Valesi: @ChaparroOrtega @MENA_Conflict brazilian learning english. https://t.co/5EyLxcQvZw ->
- RT @wasimovski: @ChaparroOrtega Comparto otro obra de arte 😂😂😂 https://t.co/C8irNJ0Hty ->
- RT @luisrha: Ni vamos a salir al Ángel si ganan ni vamos a cortarnos las venas si pierden.
Pero al ser una oportunidad histórica para el c… ->
Weekly tweets from 2021-01-25 to 2021-01-31
- RT @peteflint: The role of cultural acceptance in tech adoption is underrated.
If vlogging and selfie culture never caught on, YouTube a… ->
- RT @hshaban: Part of the GameStop absurdity and chaotic revelry is seeing news outlets publish Reddit usernames with a straight face https:… ->
- RT @PatrickOfToday: Four Wednesdays in January https://t.co/61EWuxkBsM ->
- RT @MatiMow: En fin, entre lo que le hicieron los tiktokers a Trump en Junio pasado y lo que le están haciendo los de Reddit a Wall Street… ->
- RT @eperea: From the creators of assymetric information comes the new hit of the year: assymetric access! https://t.co/KVAZSJyS6s ->
- Eso sí está del carajo https://t.co/PK85ZPHYeR ->
- RT @IanSohn: It's amazing how aggrieved free-market proponents are at a company banning insurrectionists and a bunch of Redditors outsmarti… ->
- RT @eperea: "Improvement is a battle that must be fought anew each day"
—@JamesClear https://t.co/voYWhLoegu -> - RT @HNTurtledove: So I've got Turkish soccer on en español because I have no brains at all this morning. Galatasaray guy made a nice pass a… ->
- RT @culturabang: "Saber mucho no es lo mismo que ser inteligente. La inteligencia no es sólo información, sino también juicio para manejarl… ->
- RT @doctorow: There is no shortage of takes about what's going on with Gamestop (and other surging stocks), Robinhood and Reddit's r/wallst… ->
- RT @Rodpac: Nunca fue peor idea construir una refinería. La mayor fabricante de autos en México @GM anuncia que para 2035 ya no venderá veh… ->
- If you can’t beat them, monitor them. https://t.co/Vqcbj3iAIM ->
- I understand the students but stupid is as stupid does. https://t.co/dMuWsCBCwF ->
- RT @OphCourse: Oh mire, Reddit está hablando de México. https://t.co/Ai5kfPLlfV ->
- RT @DougSloan: Someone PLEASE TELL ME what happened tonight on @11thHour with Brian Williams! 🤣 https://t.co/VjzwMPbtt2 ->
- You gotta fight
for your right
to permmmmmyyyy https://t.co/5FolZSKEc3 -> - RT @kellabyte: One of the most baffling engineering feats to me is Voyager 1/2 are billions of miles away in space, launched 43 years ago a… ->
- ❤️ https://t.co/uUiHC91wux ->
- RT @martindelp: Ronaldinho era magia pura. Creo que el mejor jugador de la historia en cuanto a técnica se refiere. https://t.co/NO4IdgfjXg ->
- RT @panuraatikainen: Ehkä olen väsynyt mutta repesin… #persut https://t.co/jlflOyL6zg ->
- RT @BrianKiddsAlive: An all time classic story in 3 parts
Iconic https://t.co/tguE1tPO1e ->
- RT @Reuters: Salla, the self-proclaimed coldest town in Finnish Lapland, wants to draw attention to climate change by announcing that it wi… ->
- RT @ashishkjha: Letting virus run wild, like US, Brazil did, endangers everyone
Imagine this
Some nations are largely vaccinated
But out… ->
- RT @alexia: One tell that you've crossed the chasm from young to old is choosing foods based on their consequences. ->
- RT @08181: ¿Cómo sabes que has elegido bien tu supermercado?
No sé, detalles. https://t.co/GbtCUuJUQ3 -> - Went cross-country skiing early this morning. The tracks were heavy with snow and the wind was also somewhat chall… https://t.co/oD04nJj5YQ ->
- RT @ceciliasotog: Ésta es la moneda de 2 € puesta en circulación en Italia para honrar al personal de salud que enfrenta la pandemia del #C… ->
- At the top of the hill before going full on Geronimo #xcskiing #paloheinä #haltiala #helsinki #finland en Paloheinä… https://t.co/u6PeEw97uW ->
- 30km #xcsiing today in the hood. This was the view atop the steepest hill before going full-on “Geronimo!”. Started… https://t.co/SSw3wX7ayn ->
- There’s something about exercising that makes you feel like Superman (I know it’s thoroughly researched, etc). When… https://t.co/0DOZdraxZG in reply to chivacongelado ->
- I’m training for the Ylläs-Levi 70km race in Lapland in mid-April. The situation looks dubious with all the… https://t.co/Bc2w10SPdA in reply to chivacongelado ->
- The Russian government put all police forces in the street to avoid protestors and this is how they make fun of the… https://t.co/RtqAPgvfI8 ->
- RT @hiretrograde: Oh my God. Omar Khayyam and the letter ‘x’ in Algebra. https://t.co/wJf5MpO8uo ->
- Perfecto https://t.co/wJUKBqOpbO ->
- RT @maxfras: What European language am I reading?
The only flow chart you need https://t.co/lyJdqT4uKw ->
- RT @Fly_Cuttlefish: This will always be one of my favorite historical fun facts. https://t.co/tMFE8BOsqQ ->
Weekly tweets from 2021-01-18 to 2021-01-24
- RT @GeorgePeretzQC: “There is a free trade zone stretching from Iceland to Turkey that all European nations have access to, regardless of w… ->
- RT @ShaneGoldmacher: On Day One, the White House website is again translated into Spanish https://t.co/kwIlc7zEYQ ->
- RT @ashtroid22: The internet really can be magical https://t.co/Jrwkj2twii ->
- RT @miblogestublog: Anglo: Just completed my Spanish course. I’ll finally understand the lyrics of Café Tacuba.
Café Tacuba: Ya chole cha… ->
- O sea, para qué quiere ser presidente si no puede ser responsable de nada 🤷🏽♂️ https://t.co/FCosnBtLa0 ->
- This is such a comedy of errors already. Translating Mexican slang (especially chilango slang) is like translating… https://t.co/Tl7L4wBLTk ->
- RT @JoonasSuotamo: I found a new co-pilot! He made me promise we’d steer clear of Hoth. https://t.co/ZcaDaUmdvQ ->
- Esa final de @Chivas todavía me duele https://t.co/EtLOLRQlbO ->
- RT @SecondGentleman: I am honored to be the first male spouse of an American President or Vice President. But I'll always remember generati… ->
- RT @mluiselli: Todos esos tuits d duelo hablando d padres, abuelos, hermanos, amigos q se nos han ido, nos están marcando para siempre. Her… ->
- RT @sasha_trub: As requested. I actually think this is pretty revealing https://t.co/uYbIXLSUC8 ->
- RT @mluiselli: 🙌🏼👉🏼👉🏼👉🏼 “No es una provocación, Papalote está en peligro de extinción” https://t.co/vxxb1dPeg7 ->
- RT @sanjazakovska: Devs watching QA test the product https://t.co/uuLTButB3x ->
- No pueden con Visit México, se les olvidó comprar antivirus para Pemex y terminó en ciberataque, tienen a los buróc… https://t.co/OEnuxBJbIi ->
- No es ni siquiera que no sepan lo que se necesita, sino que no entiendan todo lo que les hace falta. Hacer un servi… https://t.co/bHzQMNW430 in reply to chivacongelado ->
- De que se les va a caer todo el tiempo casi lo puedo apostar. Que no tengan ni idea sobre políticas/herramientas de… https://t.co/f9kaSmGZZb in reply to chivacongelado ->
- Que se pongan a perder tiempo en esto cuando el principal problema a resolver es la pandemia es criminal, aunque ta… https://t.co/l7owEf578c in reply to chivacongelado ->
- RT @chicagobulls: Lauri Markkanen was in attack mode ‼️
23 points | 10-17 FG | 3-8 3FG https://t.co/AIurdPV5uP ->
- Went for a skiing technique coaching session today. When the coach said that skiing is like waltz I immediately sta… https://t.co/Op7Tn8JZTd ->
- This is the most supported party in Finland. Dismiss this behavior as politicking at our peril. https://t.co/HNtQgh6WXZ ->
- RT @HelsinkiPoliisi: Акции протеста, связанные с задержанием Навального, прошли спокойно и в основном, в рамках ограничений @AVItwiittaa. А… ->
- I watched the Mexican episode of Fightworld, focusing on Mexican boxers and especially Tepito, the quintessential M… https://t.co/acGglIZUcX ->
- I’m from the more affluent suburbs of the city, and my environment didn’t have the kinds of problems highlighted fo… https://t.co/T70tVK9Hrh in reply to chivacongelado ->
- My grandpa loved watching boxing matches, and while I may not be an expert I have always been somewhat attracted to… https://t.co/6vcdricGz8 in reply to chivacongelado ->
- Mexico of course is famous for its lightweight boxers and its showman acrobatic style of wrestling. While football… https://t.co/n73xKt4fde in reply to chivacongelado ->
- The Mexican boxing style is known for fighting “in the pocket”, never giving up and never surrendering. You either… https://t.co/bleBSdsWAJ in reply to chivacongelado ->
- I realized I identify strongly with those feelings and motivations. My career and even my hobbies (endurance sports… https://t.co/HwotM5qKYQ in reply to chivacongelado ->
- You only go back to get some runway, you only stop to consider your next move. You may do it with a smile, but you’… https://t.co/xbp240g8L3 in reply to chivacongelado ->
- Funnily enough it’s what Finns call sisu and consider a very Finnish thing. It may be one of those cross-cultural b… https://t.co/XBTfkAuuK8 in reply to chivacongelado ->
- RT @NBCSChicago: Me rakastamme 🇫🇮 https://t.co/0lt9lREiOV ->
- RT @rajandelman: When capitalism gets depression https://t.co/j1yczELgNy ->
Weekly tweets from 2021-01-11 to 2021-01-17
- RT @aukia: This video is shot right where the absolute center of #Helsinki is, in front of the main railway station. #covid19 + heavy snow… ->
- RT @tatiharakka: Eli kun joku ulkomaalaistaustainen eksyy persuehdokkaaksi, hänen vaaliteemansa on sen todistelu että hän on kyllä sellaine… ->
- RT @SLDussan: 2019: im at the impeachment
2020: im at the pandemic
2021: im at the combination impeachment and pandemic -> - Sprint intervals + cold weather + right equipment = running ice monster #roadtoironman703 #helsinki #finland en Oul… https://t.co/qo7tTaFKMi ->
- RT @lximenezfyvie: Esta es una línea de tiempo plausible de cuándo veremos reflejado en cifras oficiales el desastre de las celebraciones c… ->
- Nos ven como país caótico semi bananero… con excelente comida. 🤷🏽♂️ https://t.co/OGkrb8vVQA ->
- 😬 https://t.co/ub8fGw6bdq ->
- RT @LeaKissner: If you ever want to know if someone has dealt with a real-world service, ask them what will happen immediately after they s… ->
- RT @cmarinucci: Historic: VP elect @KamalaHarris' husband Doug Emhoff has his own official Twitter account…it's @SecondGentleman https://… ->
- RT @JonathanTerluk: Just for context: Joe Biden's proposed Covid-19 package is nearly twice as large as Mexico's *ENTIRE* GDP. ->
- RT @marinamaral2: The jade death mask of Maya king Kinich Janaab Pacal, c. 683 CE, Palenque. (National Museum of Anthropology, Mexico City)… ->
- 🙋🏽♂️ https://t.co/jJULTqHFwZ ->
- RT @EscapeToSuomi: Today’s friendly between AC Oulu and RoPS will be played at the Garam Masala hall, a new facility with naming rights sec… ->
- It’s amazing that these are the views in the park 300m from our place. #ogeli #oulunkylä #helsinki #finland en Oulu… https://t.co/Ff0lpMwfyx ->
- Salir a hacer ejercicio en Finlandia en las condiciones climáticas actuales (Helsinki -20C con viento el jueves, -1… https://t.co/CnSflTq363 ->
- Todo empieza con la primera capa de ropa. Yo uso bóxers de lana y cuando hay mucho viento unos especiales con Goret… https://t.co/zTFSnGvXlj in reply to chivacongelado ->
- La capa base (ropa interior larga) tiene que ser de lana o mezcla lana/poliéster y te tiene que quedar ajustada a l… https://t.co/kdPbNMMo0g in reply to chivacongelado ->
- Lo que quieres es algo que te mantenga caliente, expulse la humedad fuera de tu cuerpo y en su caso te proteja del… https://t.co/1LSU68bq3d in reply to chivacongelado ->
- Los calcetines también son muy importantes. Uso unos que también son mezcla lana/poliéster. No pueden dejar demasia… https://t.co/sQcoy4eUlU in reply to chivacongelado ->
- La capa media es normalmente una camisa de ejercicio de invierno de poliéster de manga larga, con interior fleece.… https://t.co/QyIsDK9TNq in reply to chivacongelado ->
- La capa exterior es un traje de esquí de fondo o similar. Son “soft shells” muy similares a los combos pants/chamar… https://t.co/QT9oYrKvd2 in reply to chivacongelado ->
- Cuando la cosa está muy ruda como esta semana sobre todo eso me pongo un chaleco. Soft shell con fleece adentro. Có… https://t.co/bYAHeOP93o in reply to chivacongelado ->
- Todas son capas relativamente delgadas. Un suéter de lana o algo así es contraproducente porque te va a hacer sudar… https://t.co/gfCDp3HRk1 in reply to chivacongelado ->
- Los trajes más gruesos de esquí alpino no son buena idea en este caso porque no vas a pasar tanto tiempo parado/sen… https://t.co/JdLx3hTWxK in reply to chivacongelado ->
- Otra cosa importante son gorro, guantes, bufanda. Uso gorros relativamente ligeros pero es importantísimo cubrirse… https://t.co/pT7mWNqR3h in reply to chivacongelado ->
- Como bufanda uso una buff ligera. Antes usaba una más gruesa pero se le llenaba de hielo cuando sudaba y eso es jus… https://t.co/vNHyYIaxqY in reply to chivacongelado ->
- Los guantes son importantísimos. Tengo algunos pares dependiendo de las condiciones pero por el momento uso unos re… https://t.co/zzklQqbT2u in reply to chivacongelado ->
- Una de las cosas que no te dicen es que el aire frío puede lastimarte los pulmones. Es importantísimo no inhalar po… https://t.co/nWSzKTbEf1 in reply to chivacongelado ->
- Tiene una rejilla que atrapa la humedad que exhalas y la usa para humedecer y calentar el aire que inhalas. Muy ing… https://t.co/ykURgRzd7D in reply to chivacongelado ->
- Si salgo a correr uso unos tenis de Salomon con Goretex o si hay mucho hielo unos Icebugs. Es una marca sueca de za… https://t.co/GJ50ocFwXc in reply to chivacongelado ->
- La última es la cara. No te pongas cremas a base de agua. La vaselina es el mejor invento del mundo mundial. Úsala… https://t.co/vPFIPwbuqm in reply to chivacongelado ->
- Por seguridad en estas condiciones aunque tenga entrenamientos largos no voy muy lejos de casa por si mis preparaci… https://t.co/57UqaJzEi2 in reply to chivacongelado ->
- Cuando salgas a la calle aún así vas a sentir frío. La idea es que con el calor de tu cuerpo al ejercitarte llegues… https://t.co/VKM88524k1 in reply to chivacongelado ->
- Si aún después de 15 minutos sigues teniendo frío te falta ropa. Es una cuestión de ensayo. 20/x in reply to chivacongelado ->
- Sé que esto es a lo mejor un poco frívolo en medio de lo que estamos viviendo pero me imaginé que una distracción n… https://t.co/77PTllfFal in reply to chivacongelado ->
- RT @george__mack: THREAD: 15 of the most useful razors and rules I've found.
Rules of thumb that simplify decisions. ->
- RT @luzvaldezg: Abro hilo de artesanos mexicanos que elaboran prendas para hombre y venden por internet 📦 : https://t.co/EdzkMVvvqw ->
- RT @el_reportero: “He has cut the size of the bureaucracy significantly, especially before the pandemic. No leftist government does that …… ->
Weekly tweets from 2021-01-04 to 2021-01-10
- RT @eunique: I really wish someone would call my Dad, a retired Capitol Hill police officer (37yrs), to talk about the difference in prepar… ->
- RT @SKalyvas: Lessons I learned from Greece #1: abysmal incompetence of populist government leads many to mistaken belief it will be over q… ->
- RT @byrdinator: elected Republicans and conservative media already trying to convince each other the attackers were not Trump supporters ht… ->
- RT @Elinkeinoelama: Liian harva ulkomainen opiskelija työllistyy Suomeen.
#StayInFinland-kampanjan suojelija, ministeri @AnnikaSaarikko, @… ->
- RT @jimchadwick1217: Just remember that when Hitler's Beer Hall Putsch failed in 1923, everyone mocked it and said, "Well, that's that. We… ->
- RT @Goji_Saurus: Friendly reminder https://t.co/6lnMJPAcUa ->
- RT @JoshuaPotash: I wish I could implant this into everyone’s brain https://t.co/lX41Q5d8RN ->
- RT @Zarphus: retweet if anytime between 2016 and today you called trump a fascist, nazi, or dictator, and were told you were overreacting. ->
- RT @forssto: Observing current events from Finland for the past few days has been kinda surreal.
My adopted homeland is a clusterfuck.
Bu… ->
- I'm tired of the American "even in Mexico" trope, so, how does this feel? Front page yesterday in one of the main b… https://t.co/WqIYvEwA47 ->
- Same with the "3rd world" bullshit. Being dismissive about other countries' challenges doesn't make you better. in reply to chivacongelado ->
- RT @SYoungReports: Veo a mucha gente confundiendo deplatforming por censura. ->
- 😬
- RT @eperea: Well, you can tell by the way that I use Slack
I'm on twenty tabs: no time to talk
Gmail's loud and Notion's on
I've been on no… -> - RT @nahuelzn: Hermosa trolleada del Daily Nation de Kenia 🇰🇪 😂 https://t.co/1u1YghFwO9 ->
- RT @MsEntropy: I'm about to hop off Twitter to get work done, but first:
I want to briefly bring up something I think is sorely lacking i… ->
- RT @NetflixLAT: Si Cobra Kai dice "No mercy ", yo digo "Sin miedo al éxito, papi". https://t.co/BPknkNAzHi ->
- RT @brfootball: Liga MX #Guard1anes2021 starts today 🏆 https://t.co/j3sHTCVUNP ->
- RT @seanilling: I've covered the misinformation crisis for a few years now and watched it unfold with horror. We've been inching towards th… ->
- RT @ceciliasotog: 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼 https://t.co/KVHo0xgPui ->
- RT @GeoffRBennett: Wow. Included in Twitter’s statement, explaining why it banned Trump: “Plans for future armed protests have already begu… ->
- RT @Microsoft: It’s now safe to turn off your computer. ->
- RT @jagarzaramos: Zuckerberg es un irresponsable que durante años evadió ponerle límites a Facebook.
Ahora que lo hace es evidente que qui… ->
- RT @ChuckWendig: https://t.co/CxEYCPICLV ->
- RT @juandr47: Mexicans and Italians be like: ->
- RT @BriannaWu: Parler is about to learn how expensive and difficult it is to scale a moderation policy. ->
- RT @DanRose999: I was at Amzn in 2000 when the internet bubble popped. Capital markets dried up & we were burning $1B/yr. Our biggest expen… ->
- RT @DavidLevyMusic: All set. https://t.co/UZonUPHgQl ->
- RT @Caterina: 100% this was a Coup. Read this.
- Madridissa on satanut viimeisen kahden päivän aikana noin 70 cm lunta. Tällännen lumisotaa käytiin keskellä kaupunk… https://t.co/YWSLXZybFD ->
- RT @c0mmunicants: Orwellian: someone was mean to me
Kafkaesque: someone was mean to me and I had to fill out a form ->
- RT @ade__n: You can cook a chicken by slapping it at 3725.95 mph, an impossible task by any human means.
If you do succeed however, you wil… -> - RT @davidmacdougall: The most used, and the most misunderstood word on Finnish Twitter today: #sananvapaus ->
- #Sananvapaus https://t.co/KovhFMqOoX https://t.co/6P6UWRns0U ->
- Cualquier parecido con la realidad no es coincidencia 😞 https://t.co/EAzd9Zm02c ->
- Pink #finland #helsinki #haltiala #dusk en Haltiala https://t.co/b6BRLZyhfN ->
- RT @nathanallebach: how | /
bad | ___/
the | /
world | ___/
gets… -> - RT @veronicalderon: Decir que la decisión coordinada de varias redes de bloquear a Trump “viola la libertad de expresión” es como decir que… ->
- RT @InariLights: The end of the #PolarNight in #Inari #Lapland #Finland https://t.co/8leeK9vKQn ->
- RT @ithayla: reminder that Twitter once tested an automated Nazi ban algorithm. they never rolled it out because it was catching too many R… ->
- RT @robbie_andrew: I doubt there are many outside of Norway that know that the Norwegian pop group A-ha was critical in the introduction of… ->
Weekly tweets from 2020-12-28 to 2021-01-03
- 😱 https://t.co/VGCcPdzbCo ->
- RT @ecoroberto: No olviden fortalecer su sistema inmune tomando vitamina C mezclando toronja, lima, romero, agua tónica, hielos y ginebra. ->
- RT @anunou: Eka twiittini Kiinassa leviävästä uudesta viruksesta oli tällainen. Siitä on kulunut nyt viikkoa vaille vuosi. Ja huh, mikä vuo… ->
- Covidiot level 1000 https://t.co/mVdPPxTWFz ->
- RT @vonkinder: Desde hace tiempo pienso que si la covid-19 tuviera resutlados estéticos como esto, ya estaría mas controlada y los antivacu… ->
- RT @DrPhilGoff: When a rhetorical question has a literal answer…and it is not what you were hoping for. https://t.co/z4EnL4i3f5 ->
- RT @suilee: My first story of 2020 vs last story of 2020. It's been a year. https://t.co/WW28NKf0oA ->
- RT @doctormacias: China superará a Estados Unidos como la economía más grande del mundo en 2028, 5 años antes de lo estimado, debido a las… ->
- RT @miblogestublog: It’s going to be a tough New Year’s Eve https://t.co/rpBDcqMZtI ->
- RT @DrEricDing: Let this sink in—
📌A 41 year old GOP congressman-elect has just died of #COVID19.
📌Doctors also say Letlow did **NOT** h… ->
- https://t.co/ItouHTxJOL https://t.co/RbAro33XVA ->
- Hills in Southern Finland are not particularly big but at least this year we’ve got snow. #ski #downhillskiing… https://t.co/Op5xhUqYSJ ->
- RT @kbuddyartist: 2021 https://t.co/WZKUsahO0f ->
- RT @RefriedBrean: That's actually astronaut Scott Kelly, Mark's twin brother. But that should in no way discourage @CaptMarkKelly from repe… ->
- RT @EganRichardson: We got @NdelaFaye to ask other Finland-based Brexiles about their moves away from the rainy plague island https://t.co/… ->
- Mi año deportivo 2020 #strava #ByeBye2020 https://t.co/Y7Bq4FyuId ->
- RT @DNA_RNA_Uni: RNA vs. DNA 🤗 https://t.co/5qCiD0J1Io ->
- Acaba de publicar un video en Oulunkylä, Etelä-Suomen Lääni, Finland https://t.co/SZvtU8Bb9x ->
- RT @levie: Wow. Today is the last day ever for Adobe Flash. 2020 was not joking around. ->
- Los saludamos desde el 2021. Se ve igual, así que espero que se pongan la vacuna. ->
- RT @elpaquito_2: https://t.co/RNOFCLrkGU ->
- Thread on dis/misinformation https://t.co/AIn3pSjxsv ->
- RT @veronicalderon: — “Abuelita, ¿cómo fue el año que comenzó la pandemia?”
— “Pues…” https://t.co/h1j0MOFMG5 https://t.co/IjCUVj7po2 ->
- I speak Finnish quite fluently BUT I still make mistakes and have an accent, which in a language unused to non-nati… https://t.co/Sy90t09jLM ->
- RT @eperea: Cosas de México que Mega Sacan de Onda a los Extranjeros, capítulo 54: Los Apodos
Y no sólo los de cajón en todo grupo de amig… ->
- RT @miblogestublog: BUILD THE WALL ->
- So, who’d be better in transitions 1 & 2? 🤪 https://t.co/S7FcsotBOQ ->
- RT @dinoman_j: https://t.co/Ov1kt823cW ->
- RT @TheEconomist: Why did Mafalda occupy such a central and lasting place in Latin American culture? In one of our most popular articles of… ->
- Happy cross-country skiing face with the family starting from the front porch. #xcskiing #helsinki #winter #finally… https://t.co/N1NJTaMZ48 ->
- We finally got proper snowfall in #Helsinki (didn’t happen last year) so went on a #xcskiing trek from my porch to… https://t.co/vgGgqjWcDa ->