The wrong way to treat your users

Two of the blogs I read the most (here and here), and many of my contacts (here, here, here, here, & here) are complaining about certain policies Flickr has enacted lately in coordination with its process of localisation into different languages.  You can check the whole story at the links but basically that's the problem with sites that rely on user-generated content for their value-added: you as an owner/operator can't decide alone when something is wrong, the community has to be involved.  Furthermore, when you put into action something that hasn't been agreed with said community, you risk alienating exactly the kind of people that made your site successful in the first place.

Whereas I definitely don't agree with the way things have turned lately, I am still in a wait-and-see kind of situation.  I definitely wouldn't like things to turn for the worse, since I really, really like Flickr, and I have a huge amount of my pictures there.

Vox y Flickr en español

Vox y Flickr, dos de los servicios de la Web 2.0 que más uso, por fin fueron traducidos a la lengua de Cervantes.  Aunque la verdad he de admitir que me sigo sintiendo más a gusto utilizándolos en inglés, tengo que reconocer que es simplemente una excelente idea facilitar el uso de estas herramientas por los 400 millones de hablantes de esta lengua.

La única pregunta que me queda es si los utilizaremos para cosas productivas o solamente para perder el tiempo como es el caso con Yahoo! Respuestas.

Pale blue dot

I’ve talked about Carl Sagan before, and found this video about the Pale Blue Dot in YouTube (based on this book).  Highly recommended.

The sad note is given by the comments in the video, in which religious fundamentalists fight with everybody else.  I don’t mind if you believe in Jesus, Muhammad, Buddha or the Flying Spaghetti Monster for all I care, as long as you respect everybody else’s beliefs (and everybody else yours).  And definitely science and religion just don’t go together.

Recommended book: The Strategy and Tactics of Pricing

If you ever end up in a position or project where you need to deal with the intrincacies of price-setting and management, this is the book for you.

This (and other books) is what I’ve been reading for my final project, so I’m sorry if the posts haven’t been so interesting lately, but as you can imagine I’m focused on something else at the moment.

It’s time for another good idea, bad idea

In YouTube, that is.

Good idea
Using new media to show the quandaries of senior citizens, as has been done with The Zimmers (more info here).

Bad idea
Using new media to show that any idiot can become famous.  And no, I’m not talking about Paris Hilton, but about
some guys that can’t even speak their native language, never mind play instruments.

The End.

FIFA date wrap-up

Mexico 0-1 Paraguay

Painful last-minute defeat at the Azteca Stadium in Mexico City for el Tri.  The national team is usually next-to-invincible at the mythical venue of two World Cup finals.  Paraguay avenged losing to Mexico in Monterrey a couple of months back, and played their typical catenaccio style.  According to the press, the Mexican midfield quickly ran out of ideas, so they didn't create a lot of chances.  That the main starters didn't play this game didn't help, either.  The next match for Mexico will be this weekend at the CONCACAF Gold Cup against Cuba.


Finland 2-0 Belgium

The sinivalkoiset beat the Diables Rouges / Rode Duivels at the Olympic Stadium in Helsinki.  Both teams were trying to bounce back from a series of disappointing results, and Finland showed the goods.  The Finnish press were especially worried since stars Hyypiä and Litmanen were missing, but newcomers such as the Eremenko brothers showed their worth.  In Belgium, on the other hand, they are disappointed at the weakness of a team that has lost 5 straight matches.

Interesting personality test

I found this test at the blog of a Mexican in Japan, and I thought it was funny enough to try.  Didn't tell me anything I didn't know already.



There are many different types of tests on the internet today. Personality tests,  purity tests, stereotype tests, political tests. But now, there is one test to rule them all.
Traditionally, online tests would ask certain questions about your musical tastes or clothing for a stereotype, your experiences for a purity test, or deep questions for a personality test.We're turning that upside down – all the questions affect all the results, and we've got some innovative results too! Enjoy 🙂

You are more logical than emotional, more concerned about others than concerned about self, more atheist than religious, more loner than dependent, more workaholic than lazy, more rebel than traditional, more engineering mind than artistic mind, more idealist than cynical, more leader than follower, and more extroverted than introverted.
As for specific personality traits, you are adventurous (100%), outgoing (100%), romantic (86%), intellectual (67%).

Emo Kid (89%)
Punk Rock (87%)
Geek (71%)


Travel (47%)

Your political views would best be described as Liberal, whom you agree with around 64% of the time.

Your attitude toward life best associates you with Upper Class.

If your life was a movie, it would be rated PG-13.
By the way, your hottness rank is 67%, hotter than 73% of other test takers.


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Hoy estaba divagando un poco y me topé con la ya bastante antigua página de los personajes de Andrés Bustamante, cómico mexicano, en

Dueño de un humor fino y no tan vulgar y gastado como el de otros cómicos como Eugenio Derbez, es sin lugar a dudas mi favorito.  Lástima que no he visto sus programas en mucho tiempo, aunque algunos de sus sketches con personajes como el Dr. Chun Ga, el Hooligan o el profesor Greco Morfema están disponibles en YouTube.