
Leonardo left a comment asking for more information about my relationship with books, and I'll be happy to comply.

It all started when I was in pre-school, where they taught me how to read.  Even though I still remember it was rather difficult at first, when I discovered that I could satisfy my curiosity by reading instead of asking adults all the time I was hooked.

The first book I read from cover to cover was "The Wizard of Oz" (in Spanish, my English was not up to par back then).  I was 5 years old.  For a strange reason I never understood, many of the encyclopaedias and general reference books were in my room, and I started reading them.  There was a collection by Time Life books on the sciences, which had a book each about machines, medicine, chemistry, mathematics, physics, etc. and another collection on ancient civilizations like the sumerians, the greeks, the egyptians, the mayas, etc… which meant that by the time it was turn to learn about those things in school, I would be seriously bored since I already knew the subject at that level.  Some of my peers really disliked me because of that, and I learned to be very careful in my relationship with teachers.

When I was around 8 or 9, a neighbour who knew that one of my favourite subjects was astronomy gave me for my birthday a book by Carl Sagan: Comet.  I was hooked, and read more volumes by the same author, such as Cosmos, Pale Blue Dot, Communication with Extraterrestrial Intelligence, Demon-haunted world, and others I can't remember.

I discovered science-fiction a little later, around the age of 13.  I still have a few books by Isaac Asimov, such as the Foundation series, and since that was the time when they started publishing Star Wars books again, I started collecting them.  I've also explored a little bit of fantasy (Discworld, Tolkien) and counterhistory (The Years of Rice and Salt).

I would still read anything crossing my path, and remember embarrassing people a couple of times.  Once, when I was about 11, I was reading a magazine where they mentioned that Jack the Ripper killed prostitutes.  Being young and innocent, I proceeded to ask loudly to my mom, who was paying the groceries at the supermarket, what did "prostitute" mean.  Both the lady at the counter and mom reddened slightly, but when she answered, wisely, that "It's a woman who sells her body", I couldn't stop countering by wondering how did that work…

And no, I don't think I'm anywhere near a rennaissance man (thanks for the encouragement, though).  For one, I know too little of many things.  Furthermore, I have discovered I have no patience for creating original research.  Finally, as much as I can appreciate certain forms of art, I am no artist.  I can't draw, paint, take really beautiful pictures, create or perform music, act or anything like that, and my writing is not that great.  Maybe I'll try working on that next.

Do the evolution

This rather disturbing (but at the same time, pretty good) song and video are by one of my favourite bands from the 90’s: Pearl Jam, from Seattle, WA.  The message conveyed is, unfortunately, still rather current. One only has to watch the news to understand that.  If only we learned to leave the reptile parts of our brains behind

Lyrics below as well.

I’m ahead, I’m a man
I’m the first mammal to wear pants, yeah
I’m at peace with my lust
I can kill ’cause in God I trust, yeah
It’s evolution, baby

I’m at peace, I’m the man
Buying stocks on the day of the crash
On the loose, I’m a truck
All the rolling hills, I’ll flatten ’em out, yeah
It’s herd behavior, uh huh
It’s evolution, baby

Admire me, admire my home
Admire my son, he’s my clone
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
This land is mine, this land is free
I’ll do what I want but irresponsibly
It’s evolution, baby

I’m a thief, I’m a liar
There’s my church, I sing in the choir:
(hallelujah, hallelujah)

Admire me, admire my home
Admire my son, admire my clones
‘Cause we know, appetite for a nightly feast
Those ignorant Indians got nothin’ on me
Nothin’, why?
Because… it’s evolution, baby!

I am ahead, I am advanced
I am the first mammal to make plans, yeah
I crawled the earth, but now I’m higher
2010, watch it go to fire
It’s evolution, baby
It’s evolution, baby
Let’s do the evolution
Come on, come on, come on

Mi vida en rolas

Me encontré este meme en el blog de la Kerubin@, y me dió tanta risa que decidí seguirle el juego.

Aunque al principio intenté contestarlo con rolas de los Foo Fighters, terminé utilizando a Nortec Collective, aunque no es una banda en el sentido estricto de la palabra, y tuve que incluir algunos mixes de ellos en lugar de sólo canciones originales.

¿Eres hombre o mujer?

“Tengo la voz”, “Norteño de Janeiro”

¿Que piensan las personas acerca de tí?
“Funky Tamazula”, “El Ya Sabía”

¿Cómo te sientes acerca de tí mismo?
“Tijuana makes me happy”

¿Cómo describirías tu anterior relación sentimental?
“El Fracaso”

Describe tu relación actual
“Odyssea”, “Ojos Bonitos”

¿Dónde quisieras estar ahora?
“Trip to Ensenada”

¿Cómo es tu vida?
“Babel”, “Escénica”

¿Cómo eres respecto al amor?

¿Qué pedirías si tuvieras un deseo?
“Noches de Verano”

Escribe una frase sabia
“Olvídela Compa”

“Tepache Jam”

Si no sabes quiénes son, te recomiendo que cheques este post anterior o el video de abajo.

When is social networking too much?

After reading this post by my good, very Genki friend, I couldn't stop thinking about my own situation.  I use Skype & MSN Messenger daily for real-time communication, Flickr for my photos, for music & have even uploaded a couple of public videos to YouTube.  Besides, I post in this blog every day.

Then you have the social networking sites.  I made a MySpace profile ages ago to see what the buzz was all about, but stopped being a regular since I don't really like the whole teen Wild West feeling of it, and most of the people I know offline don't use it.  My main use for it nowadays is just to keep in touch with some of my favourite bands. 

However, the tale doesn't end there.  I use other sites more frequently: Hi5, for most of my Mexican friends, Facebook for my friends here in Belgium and LinkedIn for my professional acquaintances.  Furthermore, I'm present in Tagged for my Asian friends and still have an Orkut profile for a couple of Brazilians. 

It strikes me as interesting that different social networking sites are popular in different geographical areas, and that since they all belong to different companies and conglomerates of course they won't want to agree on interoperability unless something happens.

Some sort of open identity management framework would be really, really nice though.

Gadgets I’d like to own

Now that it is almost time for me to graduate, and as the technological nuthead I am, I've been thinking about those gadgets and other electronics I'd like to get with my as-yet-unearned salary when my student life is over.

  • Xbox 360
  • Nokia N95
  • Flat screen TV
  • Home theatre
  • PSP

Now the problem will be saving money for those again (I tend to be really tight with my wallet) and getting time to use them, as it seems coming back to work will be extremely hectic.

First, though, I need to work on finishing my final project.

Happy Birthday Star Wars!

Darth Vader
Originally uploaded by Chiva Congelado

Today is the 30th anniversary of the release of the first Star Wars Movie. May the Force be with you!

I would really, really like to have a Star Wars marathon this weekend, but given that my DVDs are in Finland and I’m writing my final project, it will not be possible, so, geeks of the world, please do it on my behalf.

More information at the Official Site, and Wired.

Mexico-Germany relations

One of the things that I discussed with the guys mentioned in this post was the reasons behind such a strong relationship between Mexico and Germany.  The largest Deutsche Schule outside of Germany operates in Mexico City, and there are many Germans in Mexico and Mexicans in Germany, due to the strong FDI by companies like Volkswagen and student exchange ties. according to an article I read in the Reforma newspaper a couple of years back, there were more Mexicans registered in the embassy in Germany than in Spain!).  Why is it so?


  • Alexander von Humboldt, German scholar, visited Mexico at the beginning of the 19th century during his research trip through Latin America.  That gave the country some visibility in the illustrated circles of the time.
  • The Hanseatic and Prussian states were some of the first European countries that recognised Mexican independence.
  • During the 19th century, Germany was the only great power that didn't try to conquer Mexico after its independence.  Spain tried, France did for a while, the UK harassed the country a couple of times (and helped it a couple too), and of course we know about the results of the Mexican-American war.
  • Furthermore, during the Great War, Germany even tried to convince Mexico to enter on their side, with the ruse of offering support in the reconquest of lost territories.  However, Mexico was in the middle of the Mexican Revolution, and to make matters worse, when the proposal, known as the Zimmermann note, reached U.S. hands, they declared war on Germany.

For more information, you might want to check this note here.