Public Service Announcement

To all my dear readers:

This blog has moved over to Vox at Why? For a number of reasons.

  1. The interface is more user-friendly to post certain things such as video.
  2. It does look funkier (genkier a good friend would say).
  3. I am able to post straight from my N93. No small matter given that most of the ideas that come here I write down to my mobile device anyway, as I don’t always carry my PC.

Please update your bookmarks and RSS feeds.

I’ll leave all the previous posts in this blog, but it will no longer be updated. Thanks for the ride so far, I hope you come along to the next adventure!

Belgian Beer Review: Bon Secours

This is a post in the Belgian beer review series.

Belgian Beer Review: Bon Secours, originally uploaded by Chiva Congelado.

Interesting foamy dark beer. Slightly bitter, very complex taste, including hints of salt licorice (salmiakki for the initiated). A very pleasant aroma of pine woods was also found.

Belgian Beer Review: Ciney Brune/Bruin

This is a post in the Belgian beer review series.

Belgian Beer Review: Ciney Brune/Bruin, originally uploaded by Chiva Congelado.

Nice aroma. Great, slightly sweet taste. Not very bitter, a very comfortable beer if one is not at ease with darker brews.

Belgian Beer Review: Mort Subite Gueuze

This is a post in the Belgian beer review series.

Belgian Beer Review: Mort Subite Gueuze, originally uploaded by Chiva Congelado.

Very sweete gueuze beer. Bitter end but rather unremarkable. As gueuzes go, my least favourite of them all.