Belgian Beer Review: Brugs

This is a post in the Belgian beer review series.

A Witbier with a nice aroma, but a rather unremarkable witbier taste. The artertaste was not particularly pleasant, with hints of cough medicine.

Living history

We never notice it, but one way or another we live thorugh history, we are making history ourselves. I started thinking about it when, in a class about Political Environment of Business, I sat next to a Polish exchange student. We talked a little bit about his childhood experiences “behind the iron curtain” and it all was a little eery. I’ve had that discussion before with friends from Latvia, Germany and Estonia.

Then we come to family history. My family has witnessed first hand such events in Mexican history such as the Revolution, the Cristero War, hyperinflation and devaluations and the 2000 and 2006 presidential elections.

We don’t truly notice what is going on until it is past behind us.

Sobre las chachas

Una vez, estando en el club en México, estaba platicando con una chava que acababa de conocer. Cuando le comenté que entonces vivía en Finlandia, ella estaba encantadísima. Le dije que ahí hay poca corrupción y poca pobreza, y ella seguía super interesada. El problema fue cuando le expuse que como no hay desigualdad, tampoco hay personal doméstico de limpieza (y si lo hay, es extremadamente caro) a lo cual me contestó: “¡Ay no, es que yo sin chacha no vivo!”.

Me ha pasado varias veces encontrarme mexicanos y mexicanas (síguele Ox) que fuera de México no saben vivir sin sus chachas. No saben cocinar, limpiar, vaya, ni hacer la cama o de perdida unas quesadillas. A mí francamente me parece escandaloso que haya tanta gente que dependa tanto de tener ayuda doméstica y lo que refleja sobre la sociedad mexicana.

Vaya, a mí también me gustaría tener alguien que me ayudara en la casa (cuando vivía con mis padres, también había temporadas en la que teníamos “muchacha”), pero me enseñaron a limpiar mi tiradero de igual forma, con o sin ayuda.

6th Matchday: Atlante 0-3 Chivas

They played at Azteca Stadium as if they had actually read the complaints in the press about their previous match: they scored 2 goals in the first 8 minutes and a last one at the end of the first half. According to, the team played very intelligent team football.

I was waiting for the goals to be posted in YouTube (especially the first, which to my understanding was an overhead kick from a defender), but they haven’t been yet.

Update: the second and the third goals linked, the first below.

Attached to people, not places

My fiancée commented once that I was probably more “international” than she was (if there is such a thing) even though she has lived in 3 other countries besides her own, and in my case it’s one less. I wouldn’t mind moving from country to country that much, as long as the job is interesting, the pay and the quality of life are good and we are together (which of course entails her filling her requirements list as well). However, she referred to a valid point: I’m not attached to the places themselves anymore, but to the people in them. A place is just nature, buildings and maybe a nice view or two, but the people I know (and the people I love) are really what is important.

One example are my feelings to the place where I was born. Even though I consider myself to be healthily nationalistic I don’t have an urge to go back and settle there, but just to see my family and friends. The same is the case with Finland. I’m very grateful for my experiences there, but it’s a place as good as any, what is important are the friends and family there. Belgium is the same story: if it fills the criteria detailed in the first paragraph I’d stay after my studies are finished, otherwise I’m willing to search for something somewhere else.

The problem with freedom, as a friend says is that “you don’t know what to do with it”. I hope that’s not my case.

Belgian Beer Review: Belle-Vue Gueuze

This is a post in the Belgian beer review series.

Another Belle-Vue beer, this is a Gueuze Lambic beer, with a very nice amber colour, and a sweet and sour taste. Even though Gueuze beers are originally from the Brussels region, the flavour reminded me of a Michelada (a Mexican beer prepared with lemon and salt).