Weekly tweets from 2018-05-21 to 2018-05-27

Elecciones presidenciales 2018

Esta es la cuarta ocasión que me toca votar en las elecciones federales en México, la tercera en la que voto desde el extranjero y la primera en la que voy a votar con un profundo sentimiento de pesadumbre. Ya me había tocado votar por el menos peor. En estas elecciones voy a votar con una profunda sensación de asco.

Somos casi 130 millones de mexicanos (más otros 30 millones viviendo en el exterior) así que me cuesta trabajo creer que de entre todos nosotros las mejores opciones sean tan horribles. A saber:

  • Un tecnócrata milusos que nunca se ha desempeñado en un cargo de elección popular (y que por lo que parece, aunque tal vez no haya robado, ha dejado robar en cantidades industriales)
  • Un estatista trasnochado empeñado en llegar a la presidencia a como dé lugar con instintos políticos y económicos que recuerdan lo peor de los sexenios de JoLoPo o Echeverría
  • Un yuppie gángster con varios escándalos a cuestas y que en su ambición terminó de desmantelar a su partido entre luchas intestinas y alianzas electorales
  • Un payasito de cuarta que cree que gobernar el país  es salir con las mejores puntadas como mochar manos o darle tequila a Trump, además que ni siquiera lleva dos años como gobernador

Es cierto que no vivo en México desde hace muchos años, pero sigo visitando con cierta frecuencia y mis seres queridos viven allá, así que aunque haya quien se queje con el típico “y a tí qué si estás allá bien cómodo” me sigue (y seguirá) importando mi país. La impotencia, por desgracia, está a la orden del día porque en 20 años no veo que haya mejorado gran cosa. Esa es la clave del resentimiento social que estamos viendo, aunque me preocupa que nos vaya a salir peor el remedio que la enfermedad.

Para que el país levante, hay tres áreas principales que se tienen que arreglar:

  1. la economía, incluyendo no sólo que hagamos uso de nuestras ventajas competitivas y tengamos finanzas públicas sanas (y con una tasa de recaudación proporcional al PIB que no sea comparable con Botswana), sino que también aprovechemos el bono demográfico que sólo durará unos cuantos años más y por fin terminemos con el problema de pobreza y desigualdad que tantísimo daño nos hace
  2. la seguridad, que la verdad ahí sí no sé ni por dónde empezar, pero sólo sé que vivo temiendo recibir una llamada de que le haya pasado algo a mi familia (o a nosotros cuando visitamos)
  3. el estado de derecho, porque nadie confía en el sistema de justicia mexicano y además es muy poco efectivo (no quiero ver manos mochadas, quiero ladrones y asesinos en la cárcel)

El candidato que me convenza de que sus propuestas son las mejores en esto aspectos tendrá mi voto. Obviamente no estoy diciendo que áreas como la educación, la salud, los derechos civiles, el campo, etc, no sean importantes. Simplemente, creo que sin esa base de una economía sana, seguridad física y sistema legal confiable no podemos construir nada.

Por desgracia el ganador más probable es al que le tengo menos fe, pero espero por el bien de mi país ser gratamente sorprendido por el desempeño del que llegue. Si no, nos esperan al menos seis muy largos años.

Para terminar, les comparto este meme que me mandaron que a mi juicio resume muy bien nuestras opciones en este 2018 (incluyendo algunos candidatos que no van a estar en la boleta):

Guia posmoderna y práctica para decidir su voto en 2018

– Si usted está a favor del matrimonio homoparental, los derechos sexuales, y el aborto, usted debe votar por la derecha, es decir, por el PAN y por Anaya. Porque esos temas están en la agenda del PRD que ahora está aliado con el PAN en el Frente.
– Si usted está en contra de toda esa agenda tradicionalmente de la izquierda, es decir, si usted está en favor de la familia tradicional, en favor de la vida y en favor de la penalización del aborto, usted debe votar por la izquierda, es decir, por Morena. Porque ahora Morena cobija la agenda moral de Encuentro Social aliado con el Peje.
– Si usted quiere votar por el PRI, usted debe votar por el Bronco, cuyo pasado priísta al estilo autoritario, intolerante y misógino de Díaz Ordaz le persigue constantemente. Usted no debe votar por el PRI. ¿Por que? Se lo explicamos en el punto siguiente.
– Si usted quiere votar por el PAN, digamos el PAN “más moderno”, tiene que votar por el PRI que tiene un candidato no priísta, y que de hecho es de origen panista.
– Pero si usted quiere votar por el PAN más tradicional, debe votar por Margarita Zavala, que ya no milita en el PAN porque se peleó con Anaya.
– Si usted está en favor de las privatizaciones de Salinas, entonces vote por Morena que en el gabinete del Peje presentó nada menos que al suegro del hijo de Slim como secretario de turismo.
– Si usted está en favor de los pobres vote por la derecha ya que el PAN y su Frente que proponen un ingreso básico universal
– Si ante el panorama anterior, usted se desencanta y le gana la depresión, aún puede ejercer su voto, calmar su conciencia y a la vez tirar su voto a la basura, ¡Vote por Marychuy!

Ahora que si usted tiene problemas de bipolaridad debidamente diagnosticada, vote por cualquiera de las opciones anteriores. Y así:

– Habrá votado en contra y a favor de los derechos LGBT
– Habra votado por la derecha y por la izquierda
– Habra votado por el PAN y por el PRI a la vez
– Habra votado por el PAN y a la vez repugnará al PAN
– Odiará al PRI y a la vez votará por el.
– Estará en favor de los pobres y a favor de la oligarquía económica de este país.
– Ejercerá su voto y a la vez lo habrá tirado a la basura.

Y si piensa que las cosas no pueden estar peor, recuerde el tobogán de nieve de Maru Campos.

¡Felices elecciones 2018!

Weekly tweets from 2018-05-14 to 2018-05-20

Weekly tweets from 2018-05-07 to 2018-05-13

  • RT @Noahpinion: Why doesn't Thanos just use the Infinity Gauntlet to set total fertility to 2.1? ->
  • RT @futbolmarcoh: Thanos gathered all 6 infinity stones but still couldn't save stoke from getting relegated https://t.co/ZyI2Q9aTCW ->
  • RT @rws26: Best GDPR joke yet:

    Man (in club): "Hey DJ, play Love to Hate You"

    DJ: "No"

    Man: "I demand it under my Right to Erasure" ->

  • RT @MFordFuture: An announcement: I have a new book coming out in November, which will consist of in depth conversations with the world's l… ->
  • RT @tanelitikka: Workplace humour: when ever someone has “senior” in their title, replace with “senile”. Politically incorrect hilarity ens… ->
  • RT @PersonsIsaiah: Death riding the Pale white horse while he is followed by Hell (represented by police) going totally unnoticed because o… ->
  • RT @martindelp: Hablando en serio, si Gallardo y Pizarro se van a Monterrey, habla horrores de su ambición. Los dos podrían ir a Europa. Ga… ->
  • RT @AmbDana: This comes as no surprise to any American who was living in the Arab world when Trump imposed his Muslim Ban. That was the day… ->
  • RT @annemcelvoy: Take the point but "the global order" now allegedly has so much outside it that it probably isn't the global order anymore… ->
  • RT @Europarl_FI: Oletko 18-vuotias ja #EU-kansalainen? Jos vastasit kyllä kumpaankin, sinulla on mahdollisuus saada tänä kesänä ilmainen #i->
  • RT @VancityReynolds: You’ve awakened a sleeping moose, Europe. #deadpool2 https://t.co/ZgpTUwLAJZ ->
  • RT @Noahpinion: I want to make an app where you push a button, and someone, somewhere in the world, randomly gets hit in the head with a fi… ->
  • RT @eperea: He dicho muchas veces que quien dice que México nunca ha estado peor, es porque no se acuerda de lo que era este país.

    Tenemo… ->

  • RT @JariTervo1: Kansanedustaja Laura Huhtasaari ilmoittaa haluavansa takaisin normaalin Suomen. Niin minäkin. Sen Suomen, jossa pro gradut… ->
  • RT @DeborahSuggRyan: Both mum (71) & daughter (17) beyond excited about @V_and_A #FridaKahlo. And all female friends, women I follow on soc… ->
  • RT @Barsalev: An example of what my wife and I send to her parents in Venezuela every month (but lefties in Europe will tell you Hugo Chave… ->
  • RT @UFOtekkie: hot off the presses https://t.co/D2PMrDBlQq ->
  • RT @ChumelTorres: La propuesta económica de AMLO se llama “Pejenomics”.

    Si seguimos con estas mamadas esperamos pronto “Meadinero”, “Bronc… ->

  • RT @Viri_Rios: Lo que sí necesitamos es un #Pejenomics reloaded, con info de los “cómos”. Eso sí que urge. ->
  • ¿Cuántos hispanoamericanos sabrán que se sigue hablando español en África? https://t.co/lzi2OAOzXc ->
  • RT @mims: Daily affirmation:

    The secret to a full life is to know yourself like targeted advertising algorithms do ->

  • Guess who’s got tickets for the @miseleccionmx@DBUfodbold match in Brøndby next month 😁. Now I just need to get… https://t.co/T8cffMxbIw ->
  • RT @Viri_Rios: Comienzo hilo sobre el "empresario pobre" que existe y es mucho más común que el "Empresario" en México (1/5). ->
  • 🍌 https://t.co/KNPckod5qR ->
  • RT @io9: Great news, nerf herders… the first reactions to Solo: A Star Wars Story are (mostly) very, very positive https://t.co/3NkdHSLMH… ->
  • RT @carajandb: I had no idea how databases are being testet. https://t.co/YufTEDaWoI ->
  • RT @Giliux: Leí #pejenomics con reticencia pero con seriedad:

    1) No es un plan de desarrollo, de hecho no es un plan.
    2) Es una colección… ->

  • RT @chrissiemurray: Every Mexican employer's dilemma: Which World Cup games should I let employees watch to keep them happy without complet… ->
  • RT @Ruairi_OB: Australia in the Eurovision like https://t.co/VvXZtMXtxR ->
  • RT @vpkivimaki: Seems we skipped spring and went straight to summer. https://t.co/Al8L0d2FEg ->
  • RT @AskAKorean: As a formerly non-English speaking immigrant, here is a story I cherish.

    It's 1997. I just moved from Korea to Los Angeles… ->

  • RT @tha_rami: First Encounter Of The #Eurovision Kind (2018) https://t.co/1mhTz05vIB ->
  • RT @SwiftOnSecurity: Eurovision, the yearly event where Europe finally wins something by not having America in it. ->
  • RT @JamesMelville: Dear Europe,

    Please vote for the UK in #Eurovision tonight. If 🇬🇧 wins, it will have to host Eurovision in 2019 and sh… ->

  • RT @voidphiI: when i watch eurovision i expect this and not boring het ballads #Eurovision2018 https://t.co/fuIFCZEIsc ->
  • Suomi, Suomi, Suomi!!!! #eurovision #IIHFWorlds2018 ->
  • RT @thinkfuera: Si mañana se consuma el Pichichi de @CharlynCorral me encantaría ver portadas parecidas en Mexico 👇🏻Es momento de reconocer… ->
  • RT @eallin: Those four guitarists are probably the only straight people in that whole competition. #Eurovision via Aki que está aquí ->
  • RT @MomentsES: ⚡️ ¿Sabías que la canción de Francia en #Eurovision está basada en una historia real? Conoce a Mercy, una niña que nació a b… ->
  • RT @veronicalderon: No sé qué estamos esperando para inscribir a México en #Eurovision. Con una probadita del folclor nacional ya ganamos.… ->

Weekly tweets from 2018-04-30 to 2018-05-06


Originally published in Finland My Home, a project highlighting the life histories of immigrants to Finland.


I’m originally from Mexico City and I always knew I wanted to go abroad. I started learning English when I was in kindergarten. My generation in Mexico is the first generation who were actively taught English.

Mexico is the largest Spanish-speaking country in the world and even if we have the Americans next door we haven’t actually liked them much. Until the 1980s Mexicans were very worried about the Americans; there wasn’t much of a relationship and we just tried to get along with our neighbour. Finland and Mexico both have big, potentially difficult neighbours. Finland has managed to handle its very well. Mexico was rapidly industrialising and the natural market was the US. Then in the 1990s, after NAFTA, kids would actively learn English if their family had the means.

I was not really interested in going to the US, so I started to think about Europe. I sent some applications to German universities. They have programmes in English as well – very good ones. I was going for IT or Mathematics, then a family friend of ours who was Finnish, suggested Finland. With the support of my family I first arrived here in 2000.

Luis: “I went from a little bit pampered middle-class kid to ‘mamu’”

It was the dawn of the Internet age then. I was ‘googling’ a little bit – I mean Nokia, Linux, IRC, this was in 1999. I thought Finland made sense. I didn’t know it at that time, but Finland is probably the only place in the world where being a geek is cool. Back then the polytechnics had something in English so I thought I wouldn’t have to learn Finnish right away; I could just go and start studying in English and get going.

My dream was to go to Finland and work for Nokia and already in my first summer I got a traineeship with Nokia. It was pure gold dust. In those days they couldn’t get good people fast enough, the business was growing like foam. For me to graduate I needed to have some hours of relevant work experience and so after the summer I took their offer to continue; eventually I ended up working for Nokia 11 years. During the last couple of years it meant studying and working at the same time. I was basically either at the university or the office. I wanted to get my career and to graduate well. Back then I had the stamina and drive to do that. I felt like a pioneer because there were so few foreigners in Finland; people didn’t use to come here.

It was funny, in Mexico I was middle class and then I came here and lived in a student flat in Kontula. It was not really middle class, and not only that, but people looked at you like you were beneath them – especially because I look a bit different. So I went from a little bit pampered middle-class kid to ‘mamu’. I mean, you know you are screwed when even other marginalised foreigners look at you weirdly.

There was one time we were in Oittaa with a Hispanic friend from Venezuela. We were doing 20 km and talking in Spanish about family and work and other stuff – in the middle of the forest, where you probably shouldn’t have two people being so loud. I remember the guys coming towards us looking at us, and then even the Somali skiers were looking at us funny. I don’t have too much of an accent in Finnish anymore and nowadays people would look at me funny because I sound a bit more local but don’t look local.

Luis: “Nowadays people would look at me funny because I sound a bit more local, but don’t look local”

Back in the day there were not that many foreigners around and people kept on asking, “Why are you here?” Well because I wanna be here. I don’t find it offensive anymore, but sometimes I don’t feel like telling my life story to strangers. So when people ask me, “Mistä sä oot kotosin? I would reply “Täältä” – from here – to get them to shut up. I mean, this is a bit of bullshit on my part, but logically at this point my body has renewed its cells in such a way that all my cells are now of Finnish produce. After all, I became an adult here and I’ve lived most of my adult life here. It’s home.

I met my wife at the university, almost immediately after I came – it was really weird. We took it really slowly before deciding to be together. That was the other thing, I was raised to be a gentleman and I felt quite uncomfortable with the straightforward approach here. A couple of times I even felt harassed by Finnish girls. It was like, “Yeah, you are hot, but I’m not interested.” My friends always thought I was being strange.

In 2006 I took one year to go to Belgium to study. I was tired of Finland; it weighs heavily on you. I had not seen that much of Europe by that time and I went to study business. At that point my career at Nokia had gone from slightly technical to not technical at all. I ended up going from digital products to sales. I was in Brussels and it was amazing, it’s the best-kept secret of Europe. It’s a lot of fun. Their sense of humour is very absurd, they laugh at absurdity. After that year I wanted to stay in Belgium, but there was nothing to fit me there. I would’ve needed to know French and Dutch. I learned both, but not on a level that was enough. I had a job waiting at Nokia anyway, so I thought I would just go back to Finland.

Luis: “I left Nokia in 2012; it was basically that the last one turns off the lights”

I had already proposed to my girlfriend and I came back from Belgium to get married and start a life together. The important thing for us is that we can have civil discussion, not drama or silence. It does not always work and you might be handling some level of stress or you had a bad day with the kids or a bad day at work. We know how to apologise and we know the lines not to cross. Now we have two kids together, they are 6 and 4, it’s awesome. The thing with multicultural couples is that if you don’t know how you want to raise your kids before you get them then you are in for a surprise. You have to share as equally as possible the workload of house and kids and stuff, if you don’t it easily goes downhill. This is something I see with Finnish couples. Through my wife’s family, I have got a lot of insight. They are great and I love them.

I left Nokia in 2012; it was basically that the last one turns off the lights. It was just before the Microsoft sale, and they gave me a package because I had been there for so long. After Nokia the Finnish economy was a black hole. I was a little surprised at how difficult it was to find a position in circles outside of my own, especially with a foreign background, but thankfully things worked out. Since I couldn’t really find something I liked, and we wanted to go on the next adventure, I took a job offer in Dubai and lived there almost 4 years with my family. Eventually that ran its course and it was time to return, so I told an old colleague to let me know if he heard of anything that would fit my profile. He said he knew some guys and so I contacted them. I had heard that they were just starting up, but they were cool and serious about what they were doing. After I came back I took two weeks off and I had a new job.

I think one of the harder things for me is that in Finland you are not supposed to have ambition, you are supposed to know your place. And you can’t think that you are better than anybody else. It’s not that I think I’m better than anyone else, but I will give things a try. For a long time at Nokia I was the youngest person in the team but I wanted to work, learn and develop professionally. I think it has changed a bit now, but I think there is still a little bit of a glass ceiling if you don’t speak Finnish. Everyone knows that Finland has a lot going for it, but we need to work to keep it. I also think that Finns need to learn to express their happiness. You don’t always know when a Finn is happy. It’s like “Okay man, you can let go. You can say if you need a hug.”

Interview by Peter Seenan recorded in Helsinki, Finland in 2017. If you wish to support our work in projecting the voices and achievements of immigrants in Finland please like our Facebook page and share Luis’s story. 

Weekly tweets from 2018-04-23 to 2018-04-29

Weekly tweets from 2018-04-16 to 2018-04-22

Weekly tweets from 2018-04-09 to 2018-04-15

  • RT @KumarAGarg: Today, I was asked for any documents that explain "how your team got so much done" in Obama White House. I sent them this -… ->
  • RT @starwars: Watch the new trailer for Solo: A Star Wars Story and see it in theaters on May 25. #HanSolo https://t.co/vItGnE5G11 ->
  • RT @WestHamEspanol: Al terminar el partido, Chicharito desmenuzó su gol, y dejó claro el increíble proceso mental que debe pasar un delante… ->
  • RT @EmbaMexFin: ¡Feliz Día del Idioma #Finés! 🇫🇮 ¿Sabías que algunas palabras finesas provienen del #náhuatl? | Hyvää #MikaelAgricola'n päi… ->
  • RT @HacheFilardi: Venga, va: un fav = una serie (o película, o cortometraje) de animación educativa para peques. ->
  • My wife is Lutheran, I'm Roman Catholic, we spent Easter hosting a Muslim friend. Seen these kinds of things before… https://t.co/8GIgGFEtmR ->
  • RT @isosavi: GTA 5 on tehnyt 6mrd dollarin liikevaihdon. Enemmän kuin mikään muu kirja, elokuva tai mikään.
    https://t.co/4jGoJQgYNL ->
  • RT @InvictosSomos: La razón por la que Chivas jugará la final de la Concachampions. https://t.co/k9T7blfTk8 ->
  • RT @THR: At 95 and reeling from his wife’s death and a fight with his daughter, Stan Lee stands at the center of a nasty battle for his car… ->
  • RT @kapylanpallo: Mitä isot edellä sitä pienet perässä… 🤔. Eelis Kurvinen s. 2009 maalaa Talviliigan pelissä vs TPV ⚽️⚽️⚽️

    #… ->

  • RT @theshortcutorg: April 18 from 17:00 we meet @chivacongelado for our second session of the #DigitalMarketing Club. It's your chance to d… ->
  • RT @AthertonKD: Well this is a neat thing https://t.co/RhNkHmxFNe ->
  • RT @martindelp: Es raro que el gran @LeonKrauze se decida a escribir de fútbol pero cuando lo hace tiene la pluma llena de razón. Coincido… ->
  • RT @jburnmurdoch: Cristiano Ronaldo's penalty last night was his 120th(!) Champions League goal.

    I made a thing where you can see how his… ->

  • RT @OBrother_op: Tiens, hier dans mon interview pour la radio, j'ai éprouvé la souplesse du finnois, la capacité à fabriquer des mots à la… ->
  • RT @EmbaMexFin: Tenemos el agrado de invitarles a la conferencia "#Mujeres latinoamericanas rompiendo el techo de cristal en #Finlandia" el… ->
  • Marked as to-read: Los Salinas by Alberto Tavira https://t.co/bJZJWVPzw3 ->
  • RT @Martin_McKnife: 🇵🇹 paella
    🇮🇹 paella
    🇩🇪 paella
    🇺🇸 paella
    🇫🇷 paella
    🇨🇳 paella
    🇲🇽 paella
    🇯🇵 paella
    🇭🇷 paella
    🇪🇪 paella
    🇹🇷 paella
    🇻🇪 paella… ->
  • RT @veronicalderon: El interés de Putin sobre #Siria tiene un nombre: Tartus. La base naval rusa en el Mediterráneo, a 100 kilómetros de Da… ->
  • RT @EscapeToSuomi: Question for Finns: Will you be supporting a team at the World Cup this year? If so, who? Please RT for sample size… ->
  • RT @RistoMurto: Suhteellinen etumatkamme korkeakoulutuksessa ja tutkimuksessa sulaa. Ei pelkästään julkisen sektorin ongelma, vaan ratkaise… ->
  • RT @Plinz: The Lebowski theorem: No superintelligent AI is going to bother with a task that is harder than hacking its reward function ->
  • RT @Fizzygrrl: My generation had princesses to look up to.

    Our daughters have generals. https://t.co/vP6Ktp6uSn ->

  • RT @GeorgeTakei: Years from now, boards of education will be protesting the inclusion of facts like “The president slept with a porn star a… ->
  • RT @MiamiHerald: At Summit in Peru, U.S. is the unpredictable one, while Latin America’s biggest countries are the voices of reason https:/… ->
  • Skiing season is over en Oulunkylä, Helsinki https://t.co/6mzPGi3xRc ->
  • Sunny means ranchero is ready en Oulunkylä, Helsinki https://t.co/goA9DDDdis ->
  • Tired but happy after (almost) 20 km en Oulunkylä, Helsinki https://t.co/qEjWco5tEf ->

Weekly tweets from 2018-04-02 to 2018-04-08