- RT @oula_silver: "Jihadists or neo-Nazis or skinheads can be steered away from violence by simply finding new ways for them to prove their… ->
- RT @seppokoira: Virvon, varvon,
tuoreeks, terveeks,
tulevaks vuodeks.
Vitsa sulle, ruokapalkka mulle. https://t.co/PCSezzmBYh -> - Yes, yes and yes https://t.co/DWi4O3NOrU ->
- RT @DioVanRocker: Columna @Felixatlante12 25.03.18
Zona de confort y plenitud
vía @reformacancha https://t.co/SmkbQwGqnL -> - RT @tanelitikka: Automation Bias on He = Doctor, She = Nurse – is absurd from Finnish standpoint. In Finland majority of specialist medical… ->
- RT @EscapeToSuomi: Finland 5-0 Malta. First time Finland have scored at least five in one game since 2010 (8-0 v San Marino) #huuhkajat ->
- RT @BillCorbett: This. This was the moment we were rerouted to the Shit Timeline. https://t.co/pJjEJMIiqh ->
- RT @Fire_Sister_Bee: "Okay, so we invented viable and fully functional jetpacks, what do we do now?"
- RT @computerfact: concerned parent: if all your friends jumped off a bridge would you follow them?
machine learning algorithm: yes. -> - RT @joaquinmsolis: #Análisis 📝| No existe selección en el mundo que atraviese un proceso tan largo (y próspero) como Alemania. Comparto est… ->
- RT @martindelp: La buena noticia: Alemania perdió con Brasil.
La mala noticia: LOS SUPLENTES ALEMANES solo perdieron 1-0 contra el otro gra… -> - RT @martindelp: Quien haya visto aunque sea unos minutos del Alemania vs Brasil se habrá podido dar cuenta del gigantesco reto que enfrenta… ->
- Tokyo has sakura, Mexico City has jacarandas https://t.co/qz6rdmvvEi ->
- RT @Mormonger: Nobody talks about Jesus' miracle of having 12 close friends in his 30s ->
- RT @martindelp: Casi no tuitée durante el partido así que van algunas conclusiones.
1.- Leo cosas como "ya lo de Osorio es indefendible". ¿… -> - RT @sarahjeong: *scribbling furiously on napkins*
a soylent competitor called "lembas"
a personal assistant AI startup called "wormtongue"… -> - RT @catvalente: Oh, wow, you’re kidding me, the company named Palantir turned out to be an evil way to see into people’s most private lives… ->
- RT @lishevita: @catvalente Double irony, since Palantir Gotham is the tool for government cyber warfare and police agencies, and the thing… ->
- Why football halls are a good thing. #Helsinki #finland #spring https://t.co/HRrP3dW0Sx ->
- RT @diazbriseno: If you are about to travel to Mexico City & want to try something not included in any travel guide, try @diazcayeros wonde… ->
- RT @hmason: It's easy to build data practice ethics into your data science interviewing process. Add a few questions mixed in with your sta… ->
- RT @bilbeny: Hija de 15 ordenó doble unos stickers (cargándolos a mi tarjeta). Acompáñenme a ver esta linda historia… #Parenting https://… ->
- We're looking for a couple of people in Helsinki (service designers, growth masters, technical marketers, etc). I'm… https://t.co/dQs4Kekf7H ->
- RT @MVirtanen: Danten helvettiin on lisätty ylimääräinen osasto niille medioille ja mainostajille, jotka panevat videoiden äänet pyörimään… ->
- Somebody decided to mess with the almighty hummus instead of just taking an already existing (and delicious) desser… https://t.co/nG34ILCvhX ->
- RT @mareoflores: En https://t.co/ixsXzjyUw0 soy muy jacarandoso.
Fotos de las jacarandas de la Condesa tomadas con drone, si las van a usa… ->
- RT @estherschindler: In 1999, I asked David Gerrold to write a "future of computing" prediction for the magazine where I was Technology Edi… ->
- RT @BenedictEvans: It seems to me that the spotlight of general tech attention has almost entirely left machine learning. Partly shift to C… ->
- RT @nerdist: A complete guide to #StarWars: #TheLastJedi cinematic references and inspirations (with GIFs!): https://t.co/AhtgOPNFcH @starw… ->
- RT @faris: Many agencies
Still value
Presence over productivity
Because they don't know how
To manage people
And want them to surrender… -> - RT @2010MisterChip: Usted hizo una gran labor en México en mi opinión y, sin embargo, no llegó al quinto partido. De hecho, solo le ganó a… ->
- RT @elOrdenMundial: Herederos de una lengua común: así se dice “madre” en las distintas lenguas europeas. Vía @JakubMarian https://t.co/vEt… ->
- RT @bfgmartin: “Why (almost) everything reported about the Cambridge Analytica Facebook ‘hacking’ controversy is wrong”. Please read this b… ->
- RT @MarioRiveretti: Madre de mi vida la asistencia de Raúl Jiménez, tremenda rabona para seguir marcando diferencia con el Benfica. Si lo h… ->
- RT @luis_jones_: Alright guys but who would’ve thought that the local ice cream man was going to be accepted to Stanford, I’m so happy, I’m… ->
Weekly tweets from 2018-03-19 to 2018-03-25
- RT @carolecadwalla: BREAKING: New details about Aleksandr Kogan's research. A different personality quiz he was using to pull @facebook dat… ->
- RT @anttiviljami: 1998: Mihin 3g-tekniikkaa oikeastaan tarvitaan
2008: Mihin 4g-tekniikkaa oikeastaan tarvitaan
2018: https://t.co/9C48gas6… -> - RT @vonkinder: Esto es ponerle nombre y apellido a algo que todos sospechábamos. https://t.co/kALxUQ3d8e ->
- A code of ethics for data and information technology people https://t.co/AtRsJ30xkq ->
- RT @JonErlichman: Things that didn't exist when JPMorgan bought Bear Stearns this day in 2008:
Snapch… -> - RT @pictoline: En el #DíaMundialDelSíndromeDeDown, algunas cosas que (quizá) no sabías y otras que es importante recordar ❤️ https://t.co/R… ->
- RT @MikkiHEL: So, a friend recently had heart surgery, and he just got the bill. After the operation itself, he spent one day in intensive… ->
- RT @EmbaMexFin: El futbolista mexicano que triunfa en #Finlandia y sueña con la selección ⚽️🇲🇽🇫🇮 https://t.co/nPJbxkvQ9Q #TalentoMexicano #… ->
- RT @EscapeToSuomi: If anyone has a video of Macedonia 0-0 Finland, it’d be a huge help in getting the kids to sleep. Ta. #Huuhkajat ->
- Costa Rica le gana a Escocia en Glasgow, Colombia a Francia en París, Brasil a Rusia en Moscú. 😮 ->
- RT @yesitshanna: Alright my 4yo, forgetting the right name for it, just called an asteroid an extinction ball and this is so amazing I am n… ->
- RT @LeonKrauze: Todos estamos clavados con ese primer partido (posiblemente infernal) contra esta máquina que es la selección alemana, pero… ->
- RT @cosmegonzalez: Conceptos de Alemania 🇩🇪: Forma de defender (1-4-4-1-1) cuando estaban en campo propio, y (1-4-3-3) cuando estaban en ca… ->
- RT @jtemple: It’s possible we called this one wrong https://t.co/kMLXosfqDn ->
- RT @InvictosSomos: #ConclusionesInvictas. México goleó a Islandia en una noche de destellos… | LECTURA OBLIGATORIA: https://t.co/fijRAhQh0P… ->
- RT @PepedelBosque: El movimiento interior con balón de Trauco (lateral).
El apoyo de Carrillo.
El movimiento al espacio de Farfán.
El pase… -> - RT @martindelp: Está muy bien la descripción. Agregaré algunas cosas. JCO suele usar este sistema contra rivales tácticamente menos hábiles… ->
- RT @martindelp: Nos rasgamos las vestiduras por un triunfo 3-0 ante la Islandia mundialista… En Corea deben estar a punto del suicidio tr… ->
- RT @martindelp: Pierde Suecia ante Chile 2-1. Después de ver a suecos y coreanos hoy me parece que México es superior a ambos. Habrá que ha… ->
- RT @KarlreMarks: One of the mysteries still out there is why the West colonised half of the world for spices and they still don't know how… ->
- RT @KarlreMarks: I would love to meet Zuckerberg one day just so I can say "stay in touch, you already have all my details" ->
- RT @cybette: Me: Mar 20 was the first day of spring!
Finland: you should know by now we operate on a different schedule around here. Check… ->
- Si mal no recuerdo @hugosanchez_9 es odontólogo, @luisemichel ingeniero y creo que @manuelsol también se tituló, as… https://t.co/oyTY4I5FvS ->
- RT @hugosanchez_9: Siempre hay que estar preparado para dar tu mejor esfuerzo. @RealMadrid
#HalaMadrid #Hugoool #UNAM #PorTiUniversidad #Me… ->
Weekly tweets from 2018-03-12 to 2018-03-18
- RT @AxVainio: 95 vuorokautta jalkapallon MM-kisoihin.
Sen kunniaksi voisimme hieman muistella @MTVSportfi'n kaikkien aikojen klikkiotsikko… ->
- RT @cesamo70: Había una vez un presidente que pedía hacer "Bien las Cuentas" de su administración:
-INICIO de Sexenio
Dólar $12.90
Magna $… -> - RT @tha_rami: A 44-year old man with severe mental issues attacked my former high school in the Netherlands today.
Since he did not have a… ->
- Hei Mr @Vapaavuori, I have a question: my son (a trilingual Finnish-Spanish-English) speaker took a test and was re… https://t.co/ML6z0IFmLy ->
- BTW, the programme had 14 places for 26 applicants this year. It was one of the main reason for us to move back fro… https://t.co/0Wdpeg0prz in reply to chivacongelado ->
- RT @EmbaMexFin: Hoy el Embajador @EmbCespedes fue entrevistado para el programa "México Global", una serie documental de @Canal22 sobre #me… ->
- RT @mikecavalier: No eulogy of Stephen hawking is complete without the story of when he threw a party for time travelers https://t.co/2B5pV… ->
- RT @HamillHimself: Luke How Far I've Come:
A) Generic Lemon-Haired Ken Doll Luke
B) Black-Haired Semi-Conscious Adult-Diaper Luke
C) Pumped… -> - RT @SanCadilla: > @Chivas enfrentará a @NewYorkRedBulls.
> @ClubAmerica irá contra @torontofc. - RT @diazbriseno: NAFTA & BEEF TONGUE:
"We send lots of beef tongue to Mexico. It's considered a very high quality product there..They pay… ->
- 😁😁😁 https://t.co/ZslXA3HKDZ ->
- RT @loisbeckett: Covering a walkout this morning at an elementary school in Virginia, and the 11-year-old organizers had a press packet rea… ->
- RT @jorgevergara: Gracias por la poesía, muchachos… @os_alanis @eduardochof19 #ChuyGodínez ¡Viva México! 🇲🇽 ¡Vamos @Chivas! https://t.co/… ->
- RT @TheEconomist: For the future of Ericsson and Nokia, much will depend on the uptake of 5G https://t.co/rNceHSYGEZ ->
- This week @netflix and chill became #Finrexin and chill. #flu 😷 ->
- Mientras tanto, acá en #Finlandia la mayoría de la gente parece bastante escéptica de los resultados del estudio 🤣😂 https://t.co/JkbS1MCoRE ->
- Saw #Heavytrip #Hevireissu at the cinema over the weekend and laughed so, so hard. A couple of jokes may be a bit t… https://t.co/VSGkr01ftq ->
- RT @OP_Ryhma: Se on siinä! #Nordea:n pääkonttori muuttaa Suomeen. Tervetuloa! Kokemuksesta voimme kertoa, että Suomi on mainio kotipaikka f… ->
- RT @BuzzFeedNewsMex: Las amenazas contra este exfiscal te mostrarán por qué México merece un capítulo de House of Cards https://t.co/iqjR86… ->
- RT @NetflixNordic: Finnish people when they were voted the happiest country in the world https://t.co/VwrI34dfVv ->
- RT @AndyRichter: Show this to your uncle https://t.co/GxGUmiYLBQ ->
- RT @DrBlinkShrink: Every superhero who is NOT featured in the #AvengersInfinityWar trailer is in my office asking for a counseling appointm… ->
- RT @josefkenny: i present to you all. my latest masterwork: the ELEANOR RIGBY BATTLE THEME https://t.co/JdxBjC2LmE ->
- RT @el_reportero: Spotted in Mexico City https://t.co/oNR3puHapM ->
- RT @sarahmcgbeauty: A drag queen dressed as Elsa just single-handedly freed a stuck police wagon from a blizzard in the middle of March. If… ->
- RT @teroterotero: Vicious anti-Finnish attitudes used to be the norm in America. Thx, @senjalarsen for the gruesome quote https://t.co/6yig… ->
- RT @AristeguiOnline: 🔴 La compañía británica trabaja en México en convenio con la aplicación https://t.co/VGOeuCNXUf, la cual recolecta dat… ->
- RT @vpkivimaki: “I didn’t understand either the email or the pitch presentation we did. Why would a Russian oil company want to target info… ->
- RT @tkoola: When you can explain what happens in this picture you are ready to graduate in Finnish culture studies https://t.co/VefmgbnN0x ->
- RT @PhoneDaz: Sorry @Samsung, but your #S9 isn't the first with more than one aperture setting. Nokia N86 had three apertures way back in 2… ->
- RT @vpkivimaki: Baby deer couldn’t lift itself up on slippery ice, but is rescued by Finnish Coast Guard. https://t.co/QWTpagZfMD ->
Weekly tweets from 2018-03-05 to 2018-03-11
- RT @REMEZCLA: I'M NOT CRYING, YOU'RE CRYING. #Oscars https://t.co/35VDbjLwi3 ->
- RT @gooz25: Para que lo vean una y otra vez. Natalia Lafourcade y Gael en los #Oscars. 🙌🇲🇽 https://t.co/Fcv783sAE3 ->
- RT @eperea: Madre santísima, no sé quién es @fajardocesar pero me acaba de sacudir todas las emociones que tengo.
Si eres mexicano, debes… ->
- RT @CPerdomoR: La bendición de nacer en un país donde "No se puede"
I'M MEXICAN I HUNTERS https://t.co/ue7UxDZ5X7 via @YouTube -> - RT @veronicalderon: Reflexiones de mi pá después de los #Oscars: "A mí sí me gustó cómo cantó @GaelGarciaB. Porque cantó la canción como la… ->
- RT @veronicalderon: Con todo el debate sobre si Coco o Del Toro son mexicanas o no y la reflexión distópica de lo que sea que entiendan po… ->
- RT @DoriToribio: Chile, Eiza González, Oscar Isaac, Gael García Bernal, Lin Manuel Miranda, Natalia Lafourcade, Lupita, Derbez, Rita Moreno… ->
- RT @LeonKrauze: Tal vez ahora Hollywood finalmente decida apoyar a @RealGDT en el proyecto que sería su obra cumbre: la adaptación de En la… ->
- RT @LeonKrauze: "Algunos encuentran a Jesús. Yo encontré a Frankenstein". Mi cita favorita de @RealGDT https://t.co/nmDZKS1TKv ->
- RT @farahhsadek: I feel like now’s a good time to remember that Guillermo Del Toro & Ryan Gosling skipped the Oscars in 2015 to go to Disne… ->
- RT @pmakela1: #OTD 78 years ago an extremely bloody battle between #Finland and #USSR unfolded in the #Petäjäsaari on lake #Ladoga.
Here is… -> - I never thought I would read the words “data set” and the description of what is basically a machine learning algor… https://t.co/vyLXKpzOv6 ->
- RT @pictoline: El año pasado le preguntaron a Guillermo del Toro si no le preocupaba el fracaso.
Su respuesta es una lección para todos 👏… ->
- RT @RealGDT: https://t.co/Lem0YFsecb ->
- When Will the Planet Be Too Hot for Humans? Much, Much Sooner Than You Imagine. via @intelligencer ->
- RT @SCT_mx: La @AEM_mx publicó una nueva convocatoria para que estudies en la @NASA ¡Regístrate aquí! 👉🏼 https://t.co/4VBWG5iema 🛰️ https:… ->
- RT @Chava_lglesias: ¿Se han dado cuenta que ahora que todos tenemos celular con cámara ya no se aparecen los ovnis? ->
- RT @sallesino: 4 / 12
*itssomething.jpg* https://t.co/ovqiCCMb7o -> - RT @davidgura: Jared Kushner "did not invite the American ambassador — Roberta S. Jacobson, a diplomat with more than 30 years of experienc… ->
- Una excelente historia sobre una arqueóloga pionera en este #DiaInternacionalDeLaMujer https://t.co/08UMIWm1CN ->
- RT @FutbolIntellect: This, on Liga MX and NBA ratings, is amazing. https://t.co/YfvQx8KMjJ ->
- RT @jrisco: https://t.co/j6n6x5KOYe ->
- So, this is the fake league that @jokerithc joined? Lol. https://t.co/A0fpCJfOyu ->
- RT @SlavaMalamud: 1/ Here is some additional background info on the SKA/KHL/Severastal thread…
SKA president Gennady Timchenko is Putin's… -> - RT @Angelini_GG: Hola amigos tuiteros
En ésta ocasión su servidor, amigo de todos los animalitos, los ciclistas y los comunistas, vengo a r… -> - 5 of 5 stars to The Last Jedi by Jason Fry https://t.co/qNlYuEROTG ->
- RT @starwars: Congratulations, @HamillHimself. #JediDay https://t.co/YmUFAHcC2f ->
- RT @jrisco: No se pueden ir a dormir sin leer este IMPECABLE texto de @jorgezepedap …
VAAAAN 👇🏼 https://t.co/ucMXMuL0Fp ->
- RT @chrissiemurray: This is what happens when you put 1,000 data journalists in the same hotel. #NICAR18 https://t.co/Vul8xy5V0w ->
- RT @JohnHyphen: Something mysterious has been happening to some clocks on the European continent. From Portugal to Poland, from Denmark to… ->
- RT @HamillHimself: Many thanks from me, Mark Hamil, Mark Hammil, Mark Hammill, Mark Hamel, Mark Hamell, Mark Hammel, Mark Hammell, Marc Ham… ->
- 😂🤣😂🤣 "Symphonic Postapocalyptic Reindeer-grinding Christ-Abusing Extreme War Pagan Fennoscandian Metal"… https://t.co/wYbeJWaFPI ->
- RT @Angelini_GG: Hola de nuevo amigos tuiteros.
Hoy su servidor, amigo de todos los hombres anfibios, los ciclistas y los comunistas, trae… -> - RT @Brandon_Bird: Rian Johnson has said how his choices for Luke were all in response to the writing prompt set up by Ep 7 (he's voluntaril… ->
- RT @LIGABancomerMX: #NoTeLoPierdas
G⚽⚽⚽L de José Juan Macías
@LobosBuapMX 0-1 @Chivas
#Jornada11 #Clausura2018 #LIGABancomerMX
⚽ #SienteTu… -> - RT @jasoncfry: This is the best such article I've read so far, particularly in its treatment of the prologue. Luke's dream is no happy what… ->
Weekly tweets from 2018-02-26 to 2018-03-04
- RT @eldacantu: Quienes dicen que los migrantes somos competencia desleal en el mercado de trabajo no tienen idea de cuántos papelitos, trám… ->
- RT @BuzzFeedNewsMex: La esposa del director de El Universal es parte del equipo de campaña de José Antonio Meade https://t.co/QS8vdln3Vc ->
- RT @pictoline: Para Richard Muller, físico y profesor en la Universidad de Berkeley, Wikipedia puede ser una gran herramienta (hasta para s… ->
- When you have to give it a go with everything you’ve got (felt like -29C this morning). #pakkanen #BeastFromTheEast… https://t.co/cTNGxbTiGf ->
- No joke https://t.co/mInbdCPPbA in reply to chivacongelado ->
- RT @yletiede: Näillä meidän hyisillä pakkassäillä on toinenkin puoli: Koko arktinen alue 20 astetta normaalia lämpimämpi, Grönlannin pohjoi… ->
- RT @SoVeryFinnish: When other countries go all melodramatic about a little chill.
(via @NordicEdward) https://t.co/Hz6sBcMS9j -> - RT @Hipertextual: No, los andaluces o los latinoamericanos no hablan un mal castellano #FelizDiadeAndalucia https://t.co/LVVBDQhGWs ->
- RT @FIFAcom: .@Chivas ease into @CONCACAF @TheChampions last-eight #ClubWC https://t.co/IhZojYo65r ->
- If you want your kid to get a good job, let them play more https://t.co/80H17eORyV via @qz ->
- Sounds like our generation's future too / America's reluctant septuagenarian workforce https://t.co/P6KpQahozZ ->
- RT @SYoungReports: The U.S. ambassador to Mexico has announced she'll be leaving her post in early May. The Twitter replies to her announce… ->
- RT @AmbDana: And this is the point. There is simply no other choice for an Ambassador asked to preside over the destruction of a critical r… ->
- Pushed From the U.S., They Find Hope in Mexico’s ‘Silicon Valley’ https://t.co/MzSEZpW3eB via @WSJ ->
- Will anyone care? I mean, the @PRI_Nacional pretty much invented election manipulation, and all the other parties (… https://t.co/ezl1XpgjTy ->
- RT @EmbaMexFin: During #Estonia100 commemoration ceremony in #Tallinn, Mexican Ambassador @EmbCespedes had a chance to greet President @Ker… ->
- Aquí apoyando al Rebaño a las 6:45 am en una fría mañana en Helsinki @chivas @chivastvmx @JFGiaccardi @gabosainz https://t.co/dewsPU87Jp ->
- RT @Chivas: 🇵🇱 Así fue la jugada del Rebaño para el GOLAZO de Chuy Godínez. ¡VAMOS CHIVAS! 💪 #DaleRebaño https://t.co/QX5YGuiJSC ->
- Muchas gracias. Disfruten de la birria y las tortas ahogadas. 😁 in reply to chivacongelado ->
- RT @metmuseum: Many, if not most, Precolumbian works in gold were melted down in the 16th and 17th centuries, their precious metal repurpos… ->
- RT @diazbriseno: What’s the most common surname at the US states bordering Mexico?
A: Garcia via @ancestry https://t.co/Tm6pn11EoA ->
- RT @martindelp: Qué gol de Messi por piedad. Oblak reacciona a tiempo, hace bien el recorrido y aún así no llega. Magistral. ->
- RT @DATOS_CHIVAS: Mexicanos en la cancha:
Guadalajara: 11
América: 3 ->
- RT @bghayward: Look how high they jumped! Nothing they could do, nor Oblak. Tremendous technique to get the ball up and down and into the c… ->
- RT @InvictosSomos: ¡GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL de la Real Sociedad! Héctor Moreno (6') se acaba de estrenar con el club de San Sebastián. Metió… ->
- The Mexican derby ended in a tie. https://t.co/odpW0RCXYn ->
Weekly tweets from 2018-02-19 to 2018-02-25
- RT @inspirito: As Estonia marks 100 years of independence, the hope is that our success story can inspire other nations to embrace the oppo… ->
- RT @inspirito: Found this one on Facebook – laugh of the morning. 😂😂
Australia: let’s put nets out to keep sw… -> - RT @olympicchannel: With a surge in the final kilometre, congratulations to @IivoNiskanen who takes #Gold in the Men's #CrossCountrySkiing… ->
- RT @Eurosport_ES: ¡Primera medalla de oro para Finlandia en los Juegos de #PyeongChang2018!
Iivo Niskanen se corona en los 50km esquí de f… ->
- RT @LazyTwitTwat: BRAVO IIVO! #iivoniskanen #olympialaiset2018 https://t.co/ONflW4veN0 ->
- RT @inspirito: Palju õnne sünnipäevaks, armsad sõbrad!
Paljon onnea 100-vuotias Viro!
Happy Birthday 100-year-old Estonia!
#viro100 #eesti1… -> - RT @hsfi: Õnne, Eesti! Lauantain Hesari omistettu satavuotiaalle Virolle – pienelle, älykkäälle maalle ja sen rohkeille ihmisille. Kaikki H… ->
- RT @markkusseppala: Muun muassa tässä muilla olisi virolaisilta opittavaa. Kansallistunne ja isänmaallisuus, joka muualla umpimielisenä ka… ->
- RT @vackralivet: Proud to pronounce that newspaper @hblwebb today changed it's name to Pealinnaleht to honour our neighbour country Estonia… ->
- RT @EmbaMexFin: ¡Hoy 24 de febrero felicitamos a #Estonia por el Centenario de su Independencia! 🇪🇪 Palju õnne, #Eesti100! 🇪🇪 #EV100 @Eesti… ->
- RT @liisakarin: Estonia celebrates its 100th birthday today. That's a country with 1.3 million people, a language very few can speak, a tra… ->
- Today is the centennial of Estonia, which together with (and in a totally different way to) Sweden is Finland’s bro… https://t.co/BpZ1BJfbzg ->
- RT @beto_180: Todos hacemos virales cosas inutiles. Porqué no hacer viral a este campeón! https://t.co/Nofw4RWUUg ->
- RT @VeikoSpolitis: 🇪🇪 centenary celebrations @Eesti100 start with a deeply symbolic hoisting of a tricolour on top of the Hermann Tower at… ->
- RT @pmakela1: Happy 100th independence day #Estonia!
Thank you for all the help brothers!
And always remember that in the time of need,… ->
- RT @EU_Commission: The Republic of Estonia celebrates its 100th anniversary today!
Estonia's European love story started long before they… -> - RT @yleuutiset: Kuolleiden päivän kuvastoissa näkyy muinaisen atsteekkijumalattaren hahmo – kuolema voi myös hymyillä ja vietellä https://t… ->
- RT @yleuutiset: Iivo Niskanen hiihti 50 kilometrin olympiakultaa! Mykistävä isku ratkaisi voiton https://t.co/neCrCE6hcb #yle ->
- RT @yleuutiset: "Kui tulen Euroopast Eestisse, on tunne, nagu oleksin juba kodus!" – Sajad soomlased õnnitlevad saja-aastast E… https://t… ->
- RT @yleuutiset: "Kun Euroopasta tulee Viroon, niin tuntuu kuin olisi jo kotona" – Sadat suomalaiset onnittelevat satavuotiasta… https://t… ->
- RT @sarahchad_: We should change the names of AR-15s to “Marco Rubio” because they are so easy to buy. ->
- RT @zck: In honor of Dropbox filing to go public today, wanted to share a Hacker News comment from its 2007 launch. Probably my favorite Ha… ->
- RT @nathanielcs: the most gun control we’ve had is apple replacing the gun emoji with a water gun ->
- RT @EurosportSuomi: Tähän ei paljon sanoja tarvita. Onnea, @IivoNiskanen! #PyeongChangFi #Olympialaiset https://t.co/mP4OpYwwBH ->
- RT @FasterSkier: Iivo Niskanen skied a brave, tactically brilliant, and physiologically impressive race to take the first Olympic… https:… ->
- RT @RoyCampos: "@claudia_novia Creo que ya medio hambre. 😂😂😂😂😂 https://t.co/LA1z10aJdY ->
- RT @eperea: "…poner la bandera al revés e izarla en un punto representativo, es decir, mástil de un barco o en el asta de un edificio, si… ->
- RT @veronicalderon: El presidente mexicano @EPN cancela (de nuevo) su visita a Washington. Este es el peor estado de las relaciones bilater… ->
- RT @JuliaDavisNews: This keeps getting better. It appears, former IRA (Russian troll factory) manager's husband received an offer of employ… ->
- “Cycling employees are more productive at work due to their better physical form and lower absenteeism” It’s a cons… https://t.co/nOj6reYuVg ->
- RT @Verouutiset: @mattijou @niidelj @Jepu Tiedoksi: Kaikki asiakaspalvelijamme eivät ole varattuja. Neljännes on sinkkuja. #tilastot https:… ->
- RT @mustapipa: "Tutkijoita muuttaa Suomesta ulkomaille yhä enemmän."
"Jotakin on tapahtunut muutaman viime vuoden aikana."
Sipilän tiedet… ->
- Finally broke 20 km cross-country skiing
https://t.co/YWSUc96ExK https://t.co/110sgxNdOs -> - 😂🤣😂 https://t.co/uzFkBExMJu ->
- RT @Susan_Hennessey: Lawyers for the President of the United States do not believe he is capable of answering questions about his involveme… ->
- RT @LIGABancomerMX: G⚽⚽⚽⚽⚽L de Oswaldo Alanís
@PumasMX 1-1 @Chivas #Jornada9 #Clausura2018 #LIGABancomerMX
⚽ #SienteTuLiga ⚽ #CreandoOport… -> - Great day to be out skiing. #Helsinki https://t.co/Aq0603pwDo ->
- Oh que la fregada… pues al menos un puntito, pero @chivas nomás no termina de levantar. ->
- There is something to be said about Finland in winter. The temperatures might be summer in Mars,… https://t.co/OqAiorjlP5 ->
Weekly tweets from 2018-02-12 to 2018-02-18
- Why Amazon, Apple, Facebook, and Google Need to Be Disrupted https://t.co/7MykZq0VIO ->
- RT @Muna_Mire: 2018 is watching children live tweet mass shootings while other kids who've survived school shootings talk them through it ->
- RT @ShaunKing: The United States is not #1 in much.
Not education, not healthcare, not economic equality, none of that.
- The portal to the future, the past, old friends not gone 😉 en Pankkimuseo https://t.co/RuFbShzGdr ->
- RT @morganw_44: I still can’t comprehend this. This is my classroom. I’m in this video. I have no words. https://t.co/3UAS4nCvQH ->
- RT @DonkhodeHelio: — We, yo te dije que la construcción de las relaciones en base al amor romántico ya no daba para más, está condenada al… ->
- RT @car_nove: I was hiding in a closet for 2 hours. It was about guns. You weren't there, you don't know how it felt. Guns give these disgu… ->
- RT @AeroDork: Ever wonder what happens when you yank the pull cord on an aircraft emergency slide?
Wonder no more. https://t.co/872diWGEGQ ->
- RT @raflescabrera: AMO 🙌🏼 https://t.co/jea32LtFzB ->
- RT @EmbaMexFin: Tänään ensi-illassa! 🎬 @DisneyPixar'in koskettava uutuus #Coco vie kuolleiden päivän värikkäisiin tunnelmiin! 🇲🇽#Meksiko #e… ->
- RT @NickSzabo4: Security has a concept called attack surface: the more kinds of exposures, the greater the attack surface. Similarly we can… ->
- RT @EmbaMexFin: Today the Finnish premiere of #Coco, @DisneyPixar's latest #animation inspired by the Mexican #DayOfTheDead! Please note th… ->
- RT @EmbaMexFin: Todellista urheiluhenkeä! Meksikolaishiihtäjä Germán Madrazo sai sankarin vastaanoton maaliin saapuessaan! 👍 "#Maastohiihto… ->
- Sé que muchos cangrejos van a echarle tierra porque llegó último. No saben de lo que están hablando. Teniendo en cu… https://t.co/lDa9mWD5QW ->
- RT @MomentsES: ⚡️ ¿Terminar en último lugar? No importa, @madracus celebró por todo lo alto haber completado su competencia olímpica de #Cr… ->
- RT @ianbremmer: This is heartbreaking. https://t.co/AWRYEEjcsz ->
- RT @RiverettiMX: Aprendió a esquiar hace poco más de un año, calificó a sus primeros Olímpicos de Invierno, terminó último lugar pero con e… ->
- RT @neiltyson: Evidence collected over many years, obtained from many locations, indicates that the power of Prayer is insufficient to stop… ->
- RT @Dada13: En México el engrudo, la cochinita pibil y la birria están antes que el amor. https://t.co/v5LS4VdEkD ->
- RT @MarkManly: The # of asylum claimants in #Mexico was up 66% in 2017. In contrast to recent years, the increase was not due principally t… ->
- Skiing in the frozen sea with the full bunch #espoo #finland en Haukilahti, Etelä-Suomen Lääni,… https://t.co/iZxsvfKhuu ->
- Zapopan: 20C, 9 pm, sábado
Helsinki: -10C, 5 am, domingo
El apoyo es el mismo aunque sea con corn flakes en lugar d… https://t.co/u1DmFRysEb -> - RT @diasporicblues: Thread on African tribes/cultures featured in #BlackPanther. #Wakanda ->
- RT @gabosama: Please don’t tell hipsters & millennials this is better than toast… https://t.co/bJP9WCzpEm ->
- RT @sleemo_: me avoiding star wars fandom discourse https://t.co/5tNfSXm0ED ->
- ¿Para esto se desvela uno? ->
- RT @Chivas: 🇵🇱 ¡Adeeeeentroooo! Con potencia y seguridad, @os_alanis empató el partido. ¡Vamos Rebaño, con todo por el segundo! ⚽️ https://… ->
- RT @harrikumpulaine: "At the very beginning, a lot of parents didn’t appreciate the innovation (2v2 games at U6-U7 age) because they were s… ->
Weekly tweets from 2018-02-05 to 2018-02-11
- RT @Noste: Suomalainen insinööri ei olisi lähettänyt autoaan avaruuteen. Hänen Skodansa edullisimmat kilometrit ovat vasta tulossa.
"Muute… ->
- RT @veronicalderon: Ojalá haya un día que en México se reconozca el enoooooooooooorme clasismo y racismo de este país. ¿No, güerito? #Elecc… ->
- RT @FinancialTimes: Between the end of 2015 and 2017, the MSCI’s index of Latin American stocks rose by more than 50 per cent. Since then,… ->
- RT @kashhill: I made my house smart. It was terrible and I think @trevortimm kind of wanted to divorce me https://t.co/JtQ2aBFtIa ->
- RT @MaxCRoser: One year ago today Hans Rosling died.
To remember him I want to share some links in this thread.Of the many talks he gave,… ->
- RT @BenedictEvans: So many lessons for the car industry in this chart. And a parable of what happened to phones, too. https://t.co/FxSbPh2u… ->
- RT @helfitzgerald: multiple generations who grew up in superhero movies and james bond and no one can recognize a supervillian when he laun… ->
- RT @ianbremmer: Nebraska, we have a problem. https://t.co/sQFuk21p0D ->
- RT @thisisFINLAND: The Finns make the most out of a cold #winter by using the frozen ocean as a park for walking, skiing and more. https://… ->
- RT @OP_Ryhma: Muistathan, että jos lähetät autosi ulkoavaruuteen, niin autovakuutuksesi ei ole siellä voimassa. https://t.co/eAG73DrEJ5 ->
- RT @ameri_naco: El gringo ya es Mexa! https://t.co/Rxeg8lQEXH ->
- RT @AdrianSantuario: entrené un algoritmo de TensorFlow que mide tu tono de piel para el interactivo de Data Science que hice junto con Chi… ->
- RT @adrianayee: El señor que le renta a Nadia cree que Nadia se llama Mirrumi porque su roomie la menciona así con él y no por su nombre. H… ->
- RT @lukew: lines crossing https://t.co/a03TVrOOWm ->
- RT @FourkindNow: The misrepresentation of AI is is reaching peak ridiculousness. It's embarrassing, and it's harmful to the field. https://… ->
- RT @vpkivimaki: Scientists at Sarov nuclear lab arrested for attempting to use a supercomputer to mine Bitcoin. https://t.co/YibZUwFhzX ->
- RT @NBCOlympics: When you trick your kid into cleaning #EverydayOlympics https://t.co/jzMbq0nnaq ->
- RT @mexicoworldcup: Seem to be asking this every week these days … but … Que pex with Chivas? #ligamxeng ->
- RT @PaulMMCooper: I ordered this book from my library, & it finally arrived yesterday.
It might not look like much, but it feels really em… ->
- RT @CarlaMorrisonmx: Fui a los tacos y una chica susurro: mira ahí esta Carla Morrison… su novio dijo: claro que no! Que haría ella aquí?… ->
- RT @GustavoArellano: Hipster etymologists as of recent have obsessed over Australian English's supposedly unique method of creating nicknam… ->
- A group of Ex-#Nokia ns translated a book of the last days of the company’s mobile business. You can find it here: https://t.co/ZJqQ7aM915 ->
- 15 km of cross-country skiing is a fantastic way to end the weekend #helsinki #paloheinä… https://t.co/vYhzjy5ddV ->
- RT @mareoflores: "Lo del eeeh puto no es homófobo, estamos echando desma".
"Decirle prieto a alguien no es racista, así se dice".A veces… ->
- RT @page_eco: Striking pictures of the East-West divide in Europe:
– attitudes towards migrants
– attitudes towards same sex mariage
– air… -> - RT @carlosbravoreg: Más allá del ángulo racial del “prietos”: Ochoa dijo en un mitin del PRI q muchos priistas se están llendo a Morena. O… ->
- RT @ThatEricAlper: You wake up in 1918. What job are you qualified to do? ->
Weekly tweets from 2018-01-29 to 2018-02-04
- RT @vpkivimaki: President Niinistö won every electoral district in Finland. Every single one. https://t.co/7vyuQIGJHE ->
- Strava’s fitness tracker heat map reveals the location of military bases https://t.co/C9RFYWaqxc via @Verge ->
- RT @Ghetsuhm: I have this theory that cycling is as close as a middle-class straight white guy can get to understanding Being Female. Peopl… ->
- RT @EileenTruax: Qué frustrante es leer las reacciones que criminalizan a Marco Antonio para justificar lo que ocurrió. Todo indica que es… ->
- If true, very frigging scary https://t.co/zUkpimizpr ->
- RT @JenniferMerode: Michel Barnier showed this slide to EU leaders last week. For EU shows how UK red lines leave FTA as only option. https… ->
- Reading this I just kept thinking about Mexico City and the Cutzamala system. https://t.co/lIIm72hspm cc @veronicalderon ->
- RT @DriveNow_FI: DriveNow-kaupunkiauto kulkee silloinkin kun muu liikenne seisoo. Rekisteröidy täältä NYT ilmaiseksi ja saat 20 ilmaista mi… ->
- E-commerce with a side dish of dystopia? 🤔 https://t.co/xrYaoDOxgb ->
- RT @Cuauhtemoc_1521: #Sabíasque la palabra tlapalería viene del náhuatl Tlapalli que significa color?Dicha palabra viene del verbo Tlapaloa… ->
- RT @JariTaponen: Helsingissä tuli tietoon viime vuonna 57 ekstremististä rikosta eli sellaista väkivaltaa tai siihen yllyttävää rikosta, jo… ->
- RT @DriveNow_FI: Miten aiot hoitaa liikkumisen ja logistiikan tänä perjantaina? #liikenne #yhteiskäyttö #drivenowfi ->
- RT @anildash: These nativist white supremacists try to introduce requirements for immigrants that they could never pass in a million years.… ->
- Blizzard with 30 cm of snow right now and the only thing in my head is: “Luke, you must go to the Dagobah system…… https://t.co/czgpEuLbpH ->
- This is what I mean #blizzard #helsinki #finland #starwars #usetheforce #snowhow #lumimyrakka https://t.co/rEexderAJE in reply to chivacongelado ->
- Btw, previous video better with sound. It’s Hoth out there. 😂🤣 in reply to chivacongelado ->
- RT @ianbremmer: A cabinet minister didn’t do their job… https://t.co/9OwGaYz0wv ->
- Tormenta de #nieve en #Helsinki #Finlandia https://t.co/309yTzfemw ->
- RT @EmbaMexFin: Now this is what they call #winter! 🌨️ #MyHelsinki https://t.co/BgVrFqwxsI ->
- RT @jorge_guajardo: As Mexican Ambassador to China, I began issuing 10 year visas to Chinese citizens (among first countries to do so). Tod… ->
- The aftermath of the #snowstorm #suomi #finland #helsinki https://t.co/UNpWMn1AUM ->
- RT @arturoangel20: 1) No está en primeras planas pero ayer se realizó la 3ra audiencia en el caso de Javier Duarte y para decirlo pronto: f… ->
- RT @GWillowWilson: It's a mistake to think a dictatorship feels intrinsically different on a day-to-day basis than a democracy does. I've l… ->
- RT @08181: Veréis qué risa el día que a algún medio se le ocurra investigar (o se atreva a contar) lo que hacen algunas grandes empresas es… ->
- RT @anupartanen: The Finnish president's wife gave birth today. Their son was born in the same public, taxpayer-funded hospital where most… ->
- RT @marccrosas: No está nada mal el gol, para ser tan limitado como dicen algunos sentados desde su sofá.. Túnel, pared, 3 fintas en la con… ->
- RT @EileenTruax: Oye @SRE_mx ¿y que tal una campaña similar en México para poner un alto al bullying del que son víctimas nuestros paisanos… ->
Weekly tweets from 2018-01-22 to 2018-01-28
- RT @villepeltola: Vuoden 2018 parhaan hankenimen voittaja on jo valittu! 👏🏻🙂 #kiradigi360 https://t.co/7j65pZKpme ->
- RT @jarkkotontti: Eight ways to divide Finland. #maps #Finland https://t.co/13IEWliHEI ->
- RT @Dimmu141: "Mulla on myös maahanmuuttaja kavereita!" puolustus https://t.co/qt82yVfWPO ->
- #coco #cempasúchilmágico https://t.co/IPSHyGSsxO ->
- The problems of find-replace. https://t.co/WAVExOppO9 ->
- RT @warkentin: Cuando el presidente de un país no puede ir a una región de ese mismo país porque la violencia está desbordada.
Pero claro,… ->
- RT @samin: Huhtasaaren fanilaumat käyttää hashtagia #siksilaura. Tässä kohtaa on ihan validia kysyä et onko tällä köörillä mitään mikä EI o… ->
- RT @davidmacdougall: Laura thinks that immigrants would vote for her. Do we really need to start a thread here listing all the racist, xeno… ->
- RT @davidmacdougall: This is a huge embarrassment for Keskusta & SDP. With all the money & resources & campaign volunteers, they're getting… ->
- RT @VaalitFI: Huomenna on vaalipäivä! Tarkista äänestyspaikkasi postissa tulleesta ilmoituskortista tai soittamalla oikeusministeriön vaali… ->
- RT @badass_w: a 16-year-old girl became the youngest person to complete a 600km trek to the North Pole, the South Pole and Greenland. This… ->
- RT @simongerman600: The stereotypical image of the lazy Mexican could not be more inappropriate. In no other country do people work longer… ->
- RT @MikeStackpole: A Brief History of the Star Wars Expanded Universe https://t.co/ZRNnuiOWEE ->
- RT @IlmarMetsalo: Kun mietin kodeistaan paenneita isovanhempiani, joiden perheenjäseniä teloitettiin, pakkovärvättiin puna-armeijaan kuolem… ->
- RT @HamillHimself: @pxorellana Si. ❤️ 🇲🇽!!! ->
- RT @Rainmaker1973: "A Man Feeding Swans in the Snow" is a photograph taken in Cracow, from the Grunwald Bridge by photographer by Marcin Ry… ->
- RT @Imamofpeace: The Jew is not my enemy. At the Holocaust Museum in Washington DC.
- 5:30 de la mañana en Helsinki, 0 C, pero viendo a las @Chivas por @chivastvmx cc @gabosainz @JFGiaccardi… https://t.co/cY8ElRsnf4 ->
- RT @elonmusk: When the zombie apocalypse happens, you’ll be glad you bought a flamethrower. Works against hordes of the undead or your mone… ->
- RT @biolojical: Mass in grams
10^5… -> - RT @chivastvmx: Así fue el gol de @puliidooo. ¡Dale, Rebaño! 🐐🇦🇹 https://t.co/Eo0R3dxlF4 ->
- RT @rachlikesbands: Rey & Kylo Ren fighting the Praetorian Guards to "Knights of Cydonia" by Muse https://t.co/5FJeyzngvp ->
- RT @lockwooddewitt: How did the mansplainer get injured?
They said he fell down a manhole, but it was a well, actually. ->
- RT @tobiaschneider: Fitness and social media company Strava releases activity heat map. Excellent for locating military bases (h/t to @Nrg8… ->
- RT @pekkakanerva: One of the most successful entrepreneurs of the last century has passed. Just like in Jobs, Musk, Bezos etc, #Kamprad was… ->
- RT @4everNeverTrump: The Holocaust didn't start with concentration camps and gas chambers.
It started with "us vs. them" demagogic rhetori… ->
- RT @noleesheep: 🔥 HILO: Hoy he leído el titular de que los jóvenes que están viendo “FRIENDS” por primera vez la consideran “machista” y “h… ->
- RT @TobsonHelsinki: Finland’s presidential election 2018 – possibly the least exciting election on record. ->
- RT @mareoflores: Persona no gringa que vive en otro país del que no es originaria, para los gringos: "Migrante".
Gringo que vive en otro p… ->
- 4 of 5 stars to Fire and Fury by Michael Wolff https://t.co/CdNhBAJIMz ->
- RT @isosavi: Persut+Väyrynen saivat 2012 vaaleissa 26,9%. Nyt saivat n. 13%. Ei siis mitään vaalivoittoa tullut. Voi lopettaa puheet "uudes… ->
- RT @EganRichardson: Admire the gall of Huhtasaari to claim this one as a win when she lost about a quarter of the Finns party's voters (bas… ->
- RT @nytimes: President Trump used Davos to urge business leaders to invest in the United States. But during the meeting, it was clear that… ->
- RT @VilleNiinisto: Kansainvälisessä vertailussa Suomi torjui presidentinvaaleissa selvästi ääriajattelun.
Maltillinen, suosittu president… ->
- Kiitos Suomi, kun #vaalit olivat ns ”tylsiä”. Parempi olla järkeviä kuin mitä muualla maailmalla tapahtuu. Maahanmu… https://t.co/wTw3kAEqAS ->
- RT @LatteCosmique: Tänään vaalilautakunnassa ääntenlaskennan yhteydessä käyty keskustelu: "Ajattele kuinka moni on tänäänkin tullut äänestä… ->
- RT @yanarozan: Pitäisikö meidän puhua "toisen polven maahanmuuttajien" sijasta ensimmäisen polven suomalaisista? Tämä kuvaisi Suomessa synt… ->
- RT @isosavi: Niinistö suosituin joka alueella. Toiseksi suosituimmassa hajontaa. #presidentinvaalit2018 https://t.co/0x8eQb9jRG ->